So Ari Shaffir & friends do a bit in which they go to a theater and heckle a movie?

28  2015-04-17 by Mr_Brightside23

Pretty hypocritical coming from a group of comedians that will bitch every time someone coughs when they're on stage. Comedians all say hecklers ruin the show for the people who came out and paid for a good time. So why the fuck would you then think it's ok to voice your stupid thoughts during a movie?

"At the start they we're pissed, but by the end, the audience was applauding!". Were they? This is exactly a hecklers mentality, thinking they are more entertaining then the show everyones trying to enjoy.

Howard was right, you are a douche.


I once went to the movie "Blimp: The Hindenburg Story". Right when the ship was blowing up I yelled out "That's gotta hurt!" The place went nuts.

I was the laser pointer guy. Sorry for stealing your thunder.

Fuckin home run.

Sounds like Erock finally finished his screenplay.

Did you know that during Passion of the Christ Opie literally stood up and yelled "AHLRIIGHT WE GET IT"

true story

It sounds like some made up Rupert Pupkin bullshit - 'and they were all laughing and applauding, they knew I was hilarious.'

These are the kind of stories unfunny people tell to try and convince others that they are funny. It's the same as the guy who tries to tell you about all the fights he's won.

I've won like 5

They were all dudes I caught hitting on my girlfriend. You wouldn't know her though, she goes to a different subreddit.

I liked it better when it was called Mystery Science Theater 3000

I liked it better when it was called "What's Up, Tiger Lilly?".

Sounds like a story Opie would tell

To be fair, he set it up on his podcast and had fans show up. Obviously can't speak for how the crowd reacted, but the incident itself took place.


Forget cracking people up in the movies theater. Try roasting a lawyer in court mid session, slaying the jury getting high fives on the way out.

I heard him talk about it & plan it on his podcast. I don't know what he said on the show.

It was "American Sniper" like 2 months after it opened during the day. And he admitted it was an asshole thing to do but it was fun.

I guess because you aren't insulting a performer to their face & a movie is a movie no matter what happens in a theater it's different. & a movie is much cheaper. It's different. And it is an asshole thing to do but how many asshole things do most of us laugh at?

Shut it

Luckily he chose a piece of shit film to do it in.

not to sound like dopie, but that was, actually the bit. He chose American sniper because it was dog shit and so many people ate it up.

ME: OK thanks. Check out my daily funny mofos.

This is classic Jew behavior.

Only the Jew would be so offended by something and then have great fun out of doing their own version of it and failing to see the connection.

This is because the Jew is essentially a self-centered, vile whore of a human.

You had me up until "human".

Jesus Joe

6 million more.

Didn't hear them talking about this...but I would be extremely pissed if they did this during a movie I wanted to see. What assholes

I know this sub likes this guy because he was mean to a fat woman which we all know takes tremendous comedy chops to pull off but i'm still waiting for ONE funny clip from this guy.

The Amazing Racist was funny, and uh ...


"And then, right when a bad line came up Ari just goes..."

"Oscar worthy....but kinda quietly, you know..."

"Yeah, but towards the end, everyone was laughing and clapping!"

Fucking assholes. I'd tell them to be quiet after like 5-10 minutes. Not in a threatening way, just like "dude, just chill ok? you're funny, but not $12 + snacks worthy funny."

would ya?

yeah, i would. that's why i made sure to say "not in a threatening way" cause the last thing i'd call myself is a tough guy.

Well alright then. Nice talking to you, bud.

fantastic handle btw. enjoy your friday!

He would because they are white.

probably. and as a fellow heeb, i know how to handle that shit.

Ari is not a funny person. Not sure why anyone buys into him. Look at his bits on YouTube. Shit, watch his standup. Ewww.

His stand-up is exactly how he looks.

Ari is not only an unfunny hack, hes also a liar.

Damienne Merlina is that you?

There is a difference between heckling a live act and making them stop to deal with you and yelling at a movie screen. That being said yea - annoying if you are enjoying the movie but probably pretty funny too. It didn't sound like it was something they did a lot.

Wait, let me see if i have this right, you are saying that a comedian is not a consistent in thought? Absurd sir. Next thing you're gonna try to tell is that a bachelor is a unmarried and single gentlemen. I'll have none of it.

Sniper was a pretty dopey movie for dumb cunts though.

Sounds like a story Opie would tell

A heckler changes the course of a comedian's act. Somebody making sarcastic comments during a movie doesn't change the movie, they just change the audience's experience.

These are comedians who shoot the shit of the cuff at some shitty movie not a blackout drunk redneck at a stand show.

Dumbest comparison ever.

It was only once for the movie "American Sniper". They were having fun at the movies expense much like many people do when they go see horrible B movies. It was spawned from a conversation on the his podcast how extremely bad of a movie it is and they could not believe people actually thought it was good and the only reason it was making money and an Oscar contender was the bullshit politics. So he made a specific date and encouraged all listeners to come and do the same. He said he got 20-30 people who where clearly there from the podcast and maybe 5-10 who weren't. They don't do this all the time.