Wow. Ant must be mad right now. Him being rejected at the door is pretty embarrassing.

0  2015-04-17 by Lilcumia

Considering last year he was a legend in the halls making 7 figures. Its all very well feigning happiness here about how his show has got a lot of subscribers but things like this really sheds light on the situation.


He's probably more upset about having to get up that early

Yeah I'm sure he'll be wiping tears off the paddle shifters in his Jag as he drives back to his mansion.

we will see how long that mansion and jag exists after TACS is bled dry from expanding into the city

Muahahaha! Your grand scheme is coming to fruition! Yesss. It will be all Opie Raqio, all the time. Good on ya, brother man.

That's really no more ridiculous than the Ant speculating in the original post. I'm sure he left the building as quietly as he entered, knowing he was banned from the building.

this is much more embarrassing for tits, he is the one who keeps saying that sirus isnt that mad anymore. goddamn Liarface

Opie has clout, tho.

NYC buildings (especially McGraw-Hill) have tight security. If Rogan didn't get Ant's name put in the system, then he wouldn't be allowed up anyway.

He has bigger problems than this. Because of his faggotry he is dying of AIDS. Poor Moor.


wait what happened?


How does not being able to go on the air with the company he was fired from 'shed any light' on the situation regarding his subscriber numbers? These are two completely separate issues.

Trying to rationalize the hate is as futile as the hate itself.

surprised he hasn't tweeted anything yet.

"At least there's no video of him blowing up in the lobby and being like " Do you know who I am? IM A BIG STAAAR!"

so did joe rogan just follow the thinking that opie's an asshole and purposefully fucking him over instead of anthony being barred from entering the building?

ant said yesterday him and opie had a truce. it sucks but this "situation" hes in clearly goes beyond him or opie.

this could be the weekend where is he found at the bottom of the pool after a huge heart attack