Fence-sitting Faggot Opie

5  2015-04-17 by [deleted]

What a pussy bitch. From the whole "Decade of Dominance" debacle, where he genuinely thought he was doing Ant a favor by insisting that the company that fired him continue to play his old clips, to today's "Let Him Up" tweet when he's out of the studio. Opie "supports" Ant, as long as it doesn't require him to take a principled stand or expose himself to any professional risk.


How was it not good for Anthony to still have his clips playing?

You don't think there was any benefit from people hearing the old clips, thinking "What happened to this really funny guy? I should google him", and ending up on the TACS page?

How many new people are listening to that podcast. Are there many people that listen that don't know who Anthony is and would need to google him. It's 99% old listeners.

And the motive for putting him on the podcast is because when they were just playing OJ segments the podcast went from being one of the most popular in the comedy category to irrelevant.

You know it was played on the channel, right? That's why Anthony bitched about SXM playing it, and not about the staff putting it on the podcast.

it's the hypocrisy that pissed him off.

The Tunisian alcoholic, and meter maid Keith the Pig, don't understand marketing, and would never make that connection. Give it 6 months before they are sucking cock for nickels.

More nicknames please

Ok nigger


And if opie didn't tweet and kept his mouth shut we'd be sitting here with a post that said "Opie couldn't help at all? Where's the support?"

You should become executive producer of TACS with your brilliant marketing knowledge. If you mow lawns you are currently more qualified than Keith

TACS is marketed to the typical Regular Joe with his container of coffee and fat pig wife

I'd say he's more schizophrenic than fence-sitting. Besides the mild support you cited, he also called Ant "human garbage, " admitted he didn't try that hard to get him back, and blamed Anthony for not coming back to Sirius.

Have you considered suicide?

Opie can't do a damn thing right to you people, huh?

Fuck off Lynsi