Opie: "I know for a fact Sirius does not care about Anthony anymore, that it's up to him at this point" Anthony: "I'll call Opie's bluff." Sirius: "Fuck off Cumia"

61  2015-04-17 by Come_Honor_Cheeks

Only two possible conclusions to draw from this entertaining fiasco:

A. Either Opie is 100% incorrect, misinformed, or totally misread the situation in thinking Sirius was cool with Anthony, and really tried today to get him in, failed, and therefore has zero sway at the company, or

B. Opie is a complete fucking liar, and either knew Sirius would never let him on, or pretended to be trying while calling behind the scenes to make sure he could not get on.

Moron or complicit liar, which is the case?

Either way, nice move by the guinea, putting his cards on the table and forcing the issue


He is a liar. He made that up so he could make himself look like the victim(boohoo, sniff) and Anthony the irrational one. He's an asshole.

I agree. No way he lets Anthony go on his channel and make him look like a complete asshole. He knew if he was perceived to have prevented him from coming up, the fans would universally smash him, so he pretended to be cool about it while making sure it didn't happen behind the scenes.

I don't think Ant would bury Op on his own channel. As bizarre or ridiculous it may sound, Ant knows when it's time be professional and knows how and when to bite his lip about Op if TACS's first 3-6 months were any indication.

Ant's given the impression that he wants his job back , the guys not going to go on the show and fire first.

we all know how insecure he is about there being a great show on while he's out. There is no fucking way he wanted Ant to go up there and make everyone laugh!

He wants to put the blame on Sirius now.


  1. He meant (and anyone with knowledge of the corporate realm would read his comments this way) that this isn't a day-to-day headache for them anymore, they're no longer pissed off about it, and they'd be open to a reconciliation. Reconciliation doesn't mean showing up one day and walking into the building, it means getting Ant's lawyers together with SXM ones, probably having Ant speak with higher-ups at SXM, and a resolution being made. So, while Anthony certainly didn't do anything out of line at all, Opie also isn't a liar.

You're clearly a genius, so I'll let you figure out which one's most likely.

So all guests now need to have sit downs before they are allowed back in studio? Sandy Kane sued Sirius and O/A and was let back in. There are felons in and out of that building on a daily basis.

We are not talking about a recurring guest spot, we are talking about a single appearance on the platform. The fact that you think management needs to set some sort of framework to have him in for 20 minutes is entirely childish

You really can't draw a distinction between a one-off guest and a guy who worked there for years prior to a relatively high-profile firing?

You're misreading my post, by the way. I didn't say there needed to be a "framework" for Ant to come on the show; I was pointing out that your statement that Opie is a "moron or complicit liar" based on what he said about Anthony is just silly.

If you really think that Opie did not have the ability to get him on as a guest, then you must think he is weakling, not to mention a true simpleton, as he stated very clearly that sirius management does not care about it any longer.

You want it both ways. Either he was denied by management despite Opies "effort" (laughable to think that a guy pulling down 3million a year, with his own channel, cant override red tape, but okay)- or he was bullshitting, and denied him access to the studio, because Sirius truly does not care.

One or the other. Please stop being so naive in thinking that Opie does not have the ability to get any guest (yes, even Cumia) into the building.

You're genuinely stupid. Again, no one said Opie couldn't get Anthony on the show - but there's probably security notices against him showing up without it being set up (like have been documented with other parties - Artie, Levy, etc.). If it were set up prior, and not impromptu? Sure, he could've gotten on, and that doesn't make Opie a liar.

Headed to lunch - I'll let you keep inventing straw men to fit your preconceived notions of moron Opie and Messiah Cumia. Have fun (hopefully your job with NASA will give you the time to keep coming up with these brilliant points).

pfgposter is the first person I have ever seen on this reddit with some amount of intelligence, well done sir.

I didn't give you gold but I did click on the gold and look at it for awhile.

Thanks handsome.

You got it sweetness

Looks like we have an insider expert on our hands

Probably another dugoutdoug account/s

You are one dumb faggot

Or maybe Opie has some pull, but not enough with the right people to get this done. Why does everybody think everything is either black or white, with no possible middle grey area?

this is just one of Opiesbreasts many accounts. loser has been making the exact same argument in other threads. He's got like 4 other accounts that he upvotes his flawed arguments with.

Redditor since:2015-04-09 (8 days)

Probably, yes. Look how much trouble Bob Levy has getting into the building, or (for a while at least) even calling in. And he's not a even proudly armed, disgruntled former employee with notable anger issues.

notable anger issues


Ant's angry. People have talked about it for years...Bennington did this week. I'm not saying anything controversial here.

Howard Stern banned Bob Levy. Opie banned Anthony Cumia

Opie did not ban Anthony, you jackass, and you know it.

Opie absolutely didn't ban Ant, but he probably had input or could pull a string or two to do what it takes to keep him out of the studio at least.

No way the Sirius lawyers would risk it. Ant is armed to the teeth with a potential Axe to grind.
Not saying he would shoot up the place but I guarantee that was a factor.

I bet that Sirius would love to have Anthony back...at a 90% pay cut.

I bet Ant would do that. 10% of what he used to make at Sirius probably beats what he's making off TACS.

I think Opie's a fucking retard no matter how you put it.

Confident moron without a doubt, SXM doesn't give a fuck about Opie and he has no clout you guys give him way too much credit

I'm interpreting this episode here as Ant's fans being a little misguided in turning against Oqie so hard. Opie is not some master manipulator behind the scenes. He's not even remotely competent. The staff doesn't respect his radio chops, and management probably doesn't really give a care about what he thinks is best for the show either.

The order to fire Ant and keeping whatever money they can milk out of the show flowing comes from up on high, from powerful showbiz people who were probably less than thrilled about the times square incident but moreso influenced by the daily rants Ant was using the show as a platform for. They were waiting for him to slip up so they could sanitize the show and bring it back into the fold with the rest of their programming, not unlike any of the other nondescript shows on Raw Dog or whatever. Oqie probably never had a real say in fighting for Ant's job, he's lucky they didn't shitcan the entire show.

Bottom line, continue to fuck with SiriusXM enough and who knows what will happen. The odds are extremely against you but it should have been the target of your anger and frustration all along. Opie's just a guy. A sad, big-titted blubbering mess of a guy who just wants some friends.

if they wanted to save money and shitcan the show why would they give opie and norton a raise, then hire those shitgel brothers to write for the show

they had some extra money to throw around, I'm sure they kept some of it for themselves.

SiriusXM probably didnt care one way or the other. They probably left it up to Opie, as its his studio, and Opie said no. Then he posts all this stuff to twitter to save face. He'll go on Monday saying "I dont know why they wouldnt let Ant up. I did everything I could". A familiar narrative.

Opie? A Liar? I refuse to believe!

Like I said in another thread.

It's a publicly traded company worth billions of dollars with an HR department, several levels of executives, and a list with Anthonys name on it given to every security guard in the building. It has nothing to do with clout. It's a corporate environment. Things move slow and normally more than one person has to sign off on it which means there's hoops to jump through. One high level executive might say yes, and security might say 'no not happening until I talk to my boss. See this list? He's on it and I'm not risking my job for you...'. Then HR might stick their nose in and say 'so, and so heard Anthony is in the building and they don't feel comfortable... It's not happening...' My guess is SXM and building security both can dictate separately whose coming in the building and whose not. I've said many times before Opie deserves a considerable amount of hate, however jumping on him for this is unreasonable. It's not your local burger joint with one boss. It's a corporate environment that's inside a giant corporate building in the heart of NYC. It's a little different.


I don't think it takes a Psychologist to see that Opie Is, and always Has been threatened by Anthony's talent! Opie can sit there all he wants and keep repeating that He knows everyone thinks that he didn't contribute anything to the show, but he doesn't care because He knows the truth, but he's so annoyed about how transparent he is, but he literally doesn't even know how to Be honest anymore, not even with Himself.

Has anyone else noticed that every time Opie repeats that tired ass line about everyone thinks he didn't contribute but he knows the truth bullshit, he always sounds like he's doesn't even believe it and he's trying to convince himself? I think that's why he recently added the line "I've contributed all the really difficult behind the scenes shit That nobody even understands." Ummm, Is that kind of like when you go behind the scenes to tell the behind the scenes staff to bring you the stuff they put together for you to play on the air? Or when you go behind the scenes to tell at an intern because your diet cherry caffeine free sugarless Fresca and plain oatmeal wasn't the right temperature?

He's got to keep things vague, lest Anthony call him out on it and he has to make with the water works again.

I guess the "I'm great behind the scenes!" card is the last one he can play, but it's sad that he did. It takes a special kind of retarded crazy person to try to continue to build on this crumbling already crumbled edifice of bullshit.

There's got to be some middle ground between coming out and saying "I suck!", and fighting the "haters" with "management loves the show!".

Puddin' Tits really needs to find that middle ground. He's got to admit to a few more shortcomings, relax, and cut back on the lies.

Or at least start telling them less hostilely.

You guys are a bunch of petty idiots. How about this, the people that Opie speaks to on a regualr basis probably don't have an issue with Ant anymore. The people making the call today might have their marching orders. Do you dummies avtually think Opie called or sat in a metting with Sirius where they discussed Anthony's situation? Get a life already.

The only thing Opie had anything to do with firing Ant or any other possible thing having to do with Ant since the firing was when he told Greenstein "So is Ant really fired, for good? Whatever, life goes on. Oh yeah since he's gone and despite of me doing my very absolute best to keep Ant, can I have a raise? Had an eye on this penthouse."

I say B knowing Opie's lovely track record.

He's definitely lying. Even when Ant was first let off, Opie was already saying, "...or you know, maybe the show will go into an all new direction." He wanted Ant out of the picture, and Ant's firing was a convenient coincidence. Probably sick of always being in a guys shadow, much less a guy whose background is installing air conditioning, while Opie Hughes majored in communications.


Opie is just dumb. He's not some evil genius. Even when he does lie, it's not usually sinister, but more just he's to dumb to be honest.

I think rogan had to have asked Opie at least the night before. There's no way that Anthony would show up there that early in the morning with just an hour notice if it wasn't discussed earlier. Anthony usually goes to sleep at five in the morning. I think Sirius isn't willing to budge on letting him on their airwaves no matter what Opie thinks. Even though I'm not biggest Opie fan, you can't blame him for this.

Apparenlty, it's pretty hard to get into Sirius unless they know you are coming. One time Ronny B forgot his badge or something and wasn't let in to his own show until after some time consuming security checks.


When Opie says "It's up to him at this point" does he mean Ant should get on both knees and beg for his job back? The fact he couldn't even get into the building proves SXM wants nothing to do with him at all anything in the foreseeable future. And Opie doesn't have the fucking slightest clue why people hate him the way we do. I don't know how his family puts up with his bullshit, nevermind, the handouts he give is how.

I'll always go with the answer of Opie's Lying regardless what the question is. I'm obviously talking out of my ass, but I don't think it's that much of a stretch to see Opie say that they don't even care about Ant anymore and it's old news. But then Ant try to Come back even as a guest, and Opie run to his New Daddy and say "Don't let him in Boss! Remember what he did before?". I think it's good that Opie has a new Daddy. He's really missed his original Daddy since he died!

Opie is good company man. lol

Do you understand basic shit in life? You talk about "Sirius" as if the security guard at the front door is the same thing as some corporate executive on the top floor. You talk about some surprise visit on a Friday by Ant as being the same thing as an interview scheduled ahead of time - a couple days in advance - that management already knows about.

The statement itself makes no sense. If Sirius does NOT care about Cumia, how is it up to Cumia to change that? Can't make someone love you. If they DID care about Cumia THEN it would be within his control.

OPs title sucks. He meant they don't care about what Anthony did to get fired. That's it's water under the bridge.

ME: Occam's Razor


Neither.. Ant is looking for publicity and he pulled this stunt.

He knew he wasn't getting in that building unannounced. Even if he did it still would've caused a buzz.

Anthony is in a very very desperate situation. Those power bills don't pay themselves you know!

You're all being played

i didn't think rogan did anything from the sirius studio? was he recording a podcast or what?

A disgruntled employee with a concealed carry, coming to a show he was fired from. What could go wrong? I'm not saying it's rational, but someone did their homework, most likely.

Once again, this sub gives Opie way too much credit as an evil genius and not enough credit as a moron.

Anybody know who the comic was that bashed Ant, that Opie and Jimmy supposedly cancelled from appearing their show?

I don't think opie had it in his minuscule brain to picture something like this happening or him expecting ant to be let in, maybe he meant it's up to ant to extend an olive branch and give a lil hey how ya going instead of turning up at the door trying to get onto a live show.

If Rogan just popped him up as a guest on Opies channel w/o Opie being notified first, kudos to Rogan for having gigantic balls....

I would think that Rogan swung it past Opie, who pretended to be cool with it, simultaneously making the calls necessary to stop it

That is totally realistic and made sense, why the fuck did this have 3 downvotes?

I agree about Op not clever or bright enough to play in any part concocting a scheme like this. I'm guessing Op and Ant went to Ronnie B to book the angle.

You're right guys, when Opie said that Anthony could make it work with Sirius again he meant that Ant would be able to storm the building unannounced...

The saddest thing about this /r/ is that any of the boys actually read it.

What I'd be more concerned about is that Joe Rogan / Ari / Joey Diaz are a million times better than O&A or O&J. Hell 100 million times better.

I'd say give Howards channels to Rogan.

its different kind of beast i'd say, when i listen to ona i know i am listening to buncha fellas talking about nothing, sometime rogan is too educational for me, i dont wanna learn shit nigga

Thanks handsome.