This was a sad desperate move by Ant

0  2015-04-17 by Ant_Sucks

He drove for an hour and he couldn't get into a building that lets in Bobo.

They fired his ass for "violent tweets" and he thinks they're going to let him back in


He said on Thursday he was going to be in the city to have a meeting about the NYC studio. Rogan probably reached out, and Ant had nothing to lose from trying to get in.

Yeah its such a hassle being in New York City. There's nothing to do there, poor ant.

I love a good thread where the OP is completely void of self awareness.

what are you doing with your day besides posting here about Anthony? I mean, if we are pointing out things that's are sad.

Funnily enough reddit prevents me from spending too much time here. The block on my account won't let me post as often as you did in the past hour

I know your going to get shit on OP but I agree with you.

You don't just show up to a place you were fired at and expect to be let it. I am thinking Ant and Joe knew that Ant wouldn't be let up but were hoping it created a little buzz around Ant and his show.

All of Ant & Co's actions in the past few weeks seem a little desperate. The whole "Greggshells" episode, the "Ron and Ant show" graphic while Ron and Fez were having there final show, all the stupid Keith the Cop bull shit, and now this....

BTW I supported Ant, I cancelled my sub when he fired and I am sure not an Opie fan. The truth is they are both fucking terrible apart but for about 10 years did amazing radio.

12 day old account(suuure..)

-100 karma

fuck off troll

Jesus Christ he has an apartment in the city. He probably was already up from last night anyway and walked about 2 blocks to get there. Yeah, really sad.

This whole thing is clearly a bit. How do you guys honestly not understand how radio works? I haven't even listened to it yet, I wait till they post it on you tube. But I already know it was a bit.

I hate "everything is a bit" guy.