Joe Rogan tries to get Ant in studio.Tits takes credit.

0  2015-04-17 by snoopkhat

And all the rodent like Opie fans go wild.


I hate Opie as much as the next guy, but how is this taking credit for it? He just said "let him up." More importantly, why the fuck make the 5th or 6th post about this same topic?

I dislike Gregg, but this. He wasn't taking credit for it, if anything he's finally being a man by publicly endorsing the guy - which is the biggest show of support he's had since Ant's firing.

yeah for real. Opie's doing the right thing. Jesus.

do you actually believe that? if you're naive enough then yeah you probably do.

He said ROGAN is trying to get ant in studio, then he said to let him up. Where did he take credit you dumbass?

ME: Joe Rogan didn't want to let Ant up but I beat him up and we tripped on DMT.

I think it was Ari's pet project. He was the one running around doing things.

"Of khhhhourse I fhhawken knew...Period."

Of course he knew ... he's all seeing Oqie!

Yeah but how can you give him shit when its obvious that its hard as fuck to get Anthony back in the studio? Rogan is trying like a motherfucker and it doesnt work. It sucks but its clear they just won't deal with it.

At least Opie is acknowledging it on twitter he's posting about it more than rogan or Anthony have themselves at this point. Maybe they wanted to keep it a secret at first but it's well known now.

I'm pretty sure Rogan probably ran it by Opie first considering everything that's been going on between them. Opie asked Rogan to take over the show on Friday but they didn't talk? Yeah, okay.

Fuck that. If that unfunny, delusional hack can make amends and get Ant back on the show, all is forgiven. I'm tired of being manipulated into a hater anyway.