4/17/15 Joe Rogan Show

16  2015-04-17 by bdizzle45

Starring Joe Rogan, Ari Shaffir, Sam Roberts, and Anthony Cumia.


Sam doesn't "star" on anything. Especially not next to those names.

Afro hair in a tupperware.

featuring sam would have definitely been more appropriate

Sam is a professional broadcaster.

Dennis Falcone is a professional broadcaster.


Denny is a professional pisslord and self-cocksucker.

The joe rogan show has been pre-recorded and its actually a joke being played on Ant.

Is it really necessary to have fucking Sam in studio when Joe Rogan and Ari Shaffir are there hosting?

no, but sam will weasel his way into whatever show he can.

Not to say the typical shit about him but his voice really is just god awful to listen to. He says some funny shit so I don't think he is THAT awful in that dept but I can't take the sound of his voice for more than a few minutes then I have to switch it off. Just not something nice to listen to.

and raslin is for queers.

I seem to miss all that funny shit he says

I usually hear him piggyback other people's comments or explain a situation/story (that happens to be funny) as it is being told. People often mistake this as genuine humor

He has gotten less funny over the years. He was good with Bobo and his stuff when he was on location with Chip or e rock at some event. good stories and awkward interviews always came out of that funny.

He went the way of Norton. These idiots all want to be a mediocre Johnny Carson when in reality they could crush it as an Ed Mcmahon type. They want to be super serious hosts. Sam was funny as that guy, on his show he sucks ball sack and it is not funny or interesting in the least. Programming for 18 year old girls.

It's kinda better with him there. Other wise it's just another episode of JRE as opposed to a very special episode of O&J.

One thing I will say about Opie...he must feel very confident in his job. Putting on Bennington and now Rogan in his place on Friday is ballsy.

He has nothing to do with it.

If you think that Opie doesnt have control over who gets shows on his channel...well...I dont know what to tell you.

I'm telling you right now, he doesn't. He's not a programming executive; he's not paid to do anything other than host his show.

I know you people believe everything Opie says, but I can promise you that all his blather about his bringing this person or that person to the channel is no more than posturing for the benefit of rubes in the audience. He does not have the contractual authority to make these decisions. He might be consulted as to whether or not he approves or disapproves of a programming choice, and I'm sure he proposes ideas for programming, but his word is not final.

So, when he said he wanted Bonnie and Vos to do their show on his station... it was really the executives who wanted Rich Vos?

No, it was really executives who said 'Yes' to it.

They could just as easily have said 'No', and there's nothing Opie could have done about it.

I dont think that channel moves the needle enough for any executive to care much about the programming. Jesus christ, Sam Roberts has a show.

Of course he does, are you fucking kidding me? Who at SXM would have contacted Rogan about doing that Friday? I know it hurts you, but Rogan likes Opie. The outright denial on this sub is astounding

He's just the "talent". He might have a strong say on it. But he does not make the ultimate decision. That's not the way the media industry works.

Good show today.Rogan ,Sam and the jew are sweet.

and the jew i fuckin laughed in my class

Did Anthony ever call in after being denied upstairs?


You crazy Joe Rogan.

Godlike lineup.

the callers are awful,why the fuck is no one bringing up Ant?



sam should be wearin a jughead hat.

Here I am reading Opie's twitter and thinking O&A could happen. SMH.


Out, nigger.


Wait, Rogan is hosting the show? Oh god, lets hear more about government conspiracies, the process of being a comedian and how being a vegan is stupid.

how being a vegan is stupid

It is.

No it isn't.

How so?

"because bacon tastes good"

Tastes subjective braaa

it was a pulp fiction reference, bro

Fawk You, Cawk suckahh!!!