ELI5 why this sub hates Opie so much?

0  2015-04-17 by smittyDX

I actually want to know.

This sub definitely has an unreasonable hatred towards Opie, and personally I like Anthony more as well, but don't hate Opie at all.

Regarding the recent drama, I was on Anthony's side after watching the Greggshells video, then I watched Opie's response. It gave me the impression that Opie just wanted to be able to talk to Anthony and that Anthony was in the wrong, and that he shouldn't have brought it up publicly.

Though I haven't quite decided for myself who is in the wrong, so I want to know everyone else's opinions on that.

After listening to both sides, I fealt like both Opie and Anthony wanted to talk it out and do the show together again. But that's just what I gathered.



Damn! Dass a good summation!

What he said

Someone should write a sidebar FAQ on this.

Have you not heard the show?

Because Opie is an insecure baby who brings very little to the table. It's also infuriating how he almost never gets jokes, interrupts good stories and just generally acts like an idiot.


for me its after the re-signing it occur to me that rebel opie was all an act, hes a company man all along and all the management bitching and podcast talk etc. were all lies. and after the firing opie has been lying about the situation again and again changing his story all the time, such as how hard he fought for anthony and how anthony wanted to leave etc.

and after opie and norton start doing the show on their own opies shortcoming has been magnified, his constantly need for attention and interrupting the flow of the show etc.

heres a good example how much opie was a drag to the show


Because they identify with Anthony. He's their comedy hero, so they want to be like him. Everything Anthony does has always been to blame other people for his own faults. Look at how sensitive they got when Jimmy made fun of them.

They spend all year attacking Opie in the worst way, his wife, his family etc, but when Jimmy calls us out they need a hug. They can dish it out, but they can't take it. I don't think they even hate Opie that much. They've been listening for 9 months. They just can't take it if their hero is at fault for anything, so they blame Opie for everything.

My Opie hatred comes from two things:

1) For years he dished it out on a regular basis (Opie The Destroyer), but he never could take any form of criticism or joking, or even laugh at himself in any way...on a show where everyone was bashing each other and laughing at themselves on a daily basis. If someone tried to make a joke about something as simple as his shirt, he'd instantly get grumpy and the funny in the room would grind to a halt. This was masked well when Ant, Jim and Patrice/Vos/Bawby were busy killing each other. He really was a douche to the staff, too. The last straw was his self-serving little snifflefest last Tuesday...eeyuck.

2) He's a terrible liar. I'm sure everyone on staff stretched the truth a bit to make a story funny or interesting, but at least it was believable. Opie's stories would always be designed to make him look like a tough badass, and were so full of lies and contradictions, pretty much all of them belonged in /r/thathappened.

All of this was pretty easy to ignore, because the show was great when Opie would just shut up and "steer the ship", but the way he handled this whole drama was classic Opie, right down to the astroturfing by all the new accounts here. What a DOUCHE.

hes a pecka

It was a fucking shock jock radio show. What kind of audience did they expect after 20 years of this shit? Maybe Opie should have been a straight broadcaster and then nobody would be talking about him. Jimmy should have developed an act that would have gotten him an ABC sitcom on Friday night instead of edging on Friday nights and then nobody would be calling him a worm.

Perhaps I'm missing something?...

This sub is about 3% of all o&a fans. This sub is made up of 90% anthony sycophants. It is no indication of how people feel about opie.


What a pathetic hypocrite you are lol. Youre saying that if you were banned from this sub, you wouldnt make another account? What a delusional idiot.


Exactly bitch, you WOULD make another account if you were banned. Now go get your fuckin shine box, hypocrite.




I do use plenty of internet sir, but opie must be defended.


Benjamin!! How have you been. What's this, the 47th account you've made?

Who is benjamin? i thought he was banned

He is some jerk off that has been repeatedly getting banned for months, but keeps making new accounts over and over. He is easily spotted because he is a retard that has the same go to lines, about 5 of them, that he keeps using even with the new accounts.

But you knew that already, because you are him.

Why so upset?

Christ, you are pathetic.

You will never censor me, so stop whining about it.

