The current state of this subreddit: People who can dish it out, but can't take it

0  2015-04-16 by Ant_Sucks

This thread is for any of you who need a hug in these difficult times


Well done! You've set yourself up for victory no matter what the response. If nobody shows up, it is because they can't handle the truth and run away from any criticism. If they do show up, you just sanctimoniously claim victory by claiming that any post proves your point.

Good troll bait. Although I consider you a faggot on perhaps the most pathetic mission in the history of Reddit, I have to admire your dedication.

He has punctured a hole in the hull, we can but stand around it and make sarcastic asides as it gradually drowns us in frigid saltwater.


What a diligent loser you are. I'm almost impressed.

Point proven.

So this Sub and Opie are one in the same.

Ironic, I suppose

You make a good point

Yeah i called out fresnojefferson for being and asshole and he got all pissy eyed and gave me his life story.

But we can wish for opie to die....he probably has bitch tits....he'll probably give me his work out regiment now



lolwut...You so gay OP!

It's the best. These people are hilarious, in a sad, autistic, emo teen, butt hurt cunt kinda way.

Fans of The Tunisian Fag in the Basement Show are a sensitive bunch of cunts, worse than Tits.

It was something, wasn't it, to see how easily this menagerie got all butthurt after Jim Norton point-blank rejected their criticism of the show on Rogan's podcast.

It was not what they wanted to hear.


Yeah, Jim really hit me where it hurts with that one!

What if none of us like Jimmy any more? Then it kind of doesn't matter does it?

It actually doesn't matter either way. I personally took some pleasure in hearing what Nor-tun said yesterday because of all the screwball, unwarranted, baseless assumptions people here have been making about his mindset since Anthony was fired.

This is by far the worst thing about this sub. Everyone just assuming they know that people on the show are thinking, projecting their views on Opie or whatever onto people like Jim and Patrice. Hating Opie is fine and all but don't pretend you know with certainty what people that arne't you think. They aren't you for a reason.

who cares it's just reddit

It actually doesn't matter either way. I personally took some pleasure in hearing what Nor-tun said yesterday because of all the screwball, unwarranted, baseless assumptions people here have been making about his mindset since Anthony was fired.