Gotta love Ronnie B.

32  2015-04-16 by Edgar_Mellencamp

Calling Ant out to his face for the continuous race nonsense. Now if only he'll go on Oqie's show and be honest about how terrible it is, he may just be the hero we all need.


Ronnie B. should just be a mercenary that walks from show-to-show to knock them down a peg.

Isn't that CQ's job already?

Like Caine from Kung Fu he will wonder the Earth.

How long do you guys give him before you turn on him?

I wouldn't turn on Ronnie B!

However long it takes for him to turn into a complete radio hack.

Oh, right, I forgot, we just hate on everybody for no reason at all.

Ronnie B. fucking rules. Jesus Christ this was the best TACS I've seen so far.

I want nothing more in entertainment than a Ronnie & Ant show.

It would rule hard.

If he does good radio, never


brb subscribing to a paid service to hear one clip that I'm interested in

I don't have TACS... so wha happen? How did Ant handle it?

Ron explained how ridiculous/pointless it is and Ant kind of acknowledged it.

Ron's a badass. Even Keith the Cop seemed terrified the entire time

Ronnie makes a good point. We all know there is a problem, but screaming about it every day is pointless. It won't change anything.

Well he won't, because its not terrible.

Fuck off, nigger.