Yimmy calls people who bash Opie, cowards

33  2015-04-16 by photonblaster9000


Chinless old man watched his friend get fired over mean tweets and he can't wrap his head around why some people use the internet anonymously.

This is as bad as his "people mad at the NSA spying are hypocrites cause TMZ exists" rants.

That is the worst to me & he always brings it up like its the most brilliant thought he ever thought of.

Most people do not give a shit about celebrity gossip. He does because he's in radio & that's what he reads for the show. I'm sure being in the entertainment industry means most people around him are consumed by it. And sure, there are people who like celebrity blogs across this county. But i don't think it's anywhere as popular as he thinks it is.

And I don't understand why it's illegal to post a civilians phone call but not to post Mel Gibsons. But if it was made a law that you can't post private celebrity calls & pictures I don't know anyone who would give a fuck. I don't know anyone who would stand up for the right to hear private calls from celebrities.

Commonality of language, shitheads.



Singularity (but probably not in our lifetimes).

I kinda agree with him on that, assuming that what he meant was that our society had devalued the virtue of privacy by basing so much of our entertainment around invading other people's, and that loss of value is what makes the NSA's spying easy for so many people to swallow. Like if you turn on TMZ to hear about Katy Perry's leaked text messages every night, that probably dilutes how strongly people feel about their own privacy.

That being said I'm pretty sure he was just saying he's glad people got their comeuppance and he's an idiot that doesn't know the difference between a paparazzi and the US government.

I think it's disingenuous of him for the main reason that many celebrities have agents/managers/handlers who leak certain information, so it's impossible to tell which is safe and which isn't. This is a industry where some sex tapes are purposefully leaked, too. I've always thought the Kardashians have been helping orchestrate all the shit with Kanye West cause he was famous prior to them but you never saw him in the tabloids like this.

And I think most people would agree that most of what happens is citizens vs citizens. It's bosses, ex boyfriends, handlers, paparazzi, whatever. The NSA thing is the government, and the government is supposed to be the entity you seek help from when citizens are fucking with you. So if the government is fucking with you, who do you turn to?

Jim is a fucking idiot for taking this position, but it's worse than just ignorance. He is trying to take this stance because he has the mind of a comedian who is trying to look for an original point of view. That's their bread and butter and it's great that they do that. But in this instance, he hasn't thought it through. He thinks that the NSA is the same as TMZ because he's trying to turn the mirror on society and call us hypocrites, which is his bit. The new Jim Norton bit is "hypocrites," that's the common denominator for most of the shit he says. But like his "I'm a huge pervert" bit he milked for decades, there's no depth to it.

It's the 50 year old tranny-addict manlet's clumsy version of "let he who is without sin cast the first stone," but nobody with even half a fucking brain is buying it.

of all the comments I feel this is the best summation

you would think a guy, whos favorite hobbies are extreme porn and watching gore videos, would realize how important anonymity can be

not to mention the fact he is ignoring all the cases of peoples lives being ruined for what they have said online, that he is well aware of

at one point, he heard a story about just such a case that was flagrantly awful enough that he said he takes back everything he ever said about people being anonymous.

then not too long after that, he went right back to his old ways haha.

To be fair I think he is calling out the people who use a fake name and say shitty things that they'd never say in real life. I use a pseudonym on twitter because I don't want my tweets to kill my career in the future someday. But I'm not acting like a troll or saying anything I wouldn't say in person. If I were telling girls to get raped and shit then that's the person Jim is calling a coward.

It's kind of hard to say the things in person, or at least call in to say them to Opie or Jimmy, when they won't take your phone call, or they block you on twitter

That's very true. But the radio show is about entertainment and it is a show, not just an open forum for fans to say whatever they want.

Opie and Jimmy seem very accessible via social media though. Much more so than other celebrities. Anthony communicates directly with fans here on reddit. But what do people expect any of those guys to respond with when half of the messages are like, "fuck you, you are a sell out and I'm never buying sirius again!" or "hey Opie, you just ride ants coat tails. You are a fucking liar and should just quit. I'm glad Bam fucked your wife!"

No one is going to respond to a bunch of rabid assholes saying shit like that. And if their are valid and realistic comments interspersed with all the shit then that sucks for us who have reasonable comments. Because everything gets labeled as shit and ignored.

edit: a word

Yeah pretty much. People want to be anonymous so they can say nigger and not get in trouble

Why didn't he call the people attacking the jocktober Facebook pages cowards?

Because that would not make him a hypocrite, which he is.

It would be especially hypocritical if Jim ever used a fake name so he could bash Opie deniably.

But he neva fukkin duz.

He wasn't getting paid a good deal of money to be on those shows.

There's kind of a difference posting a joke on someone's Facebook page and making qualitative statements about a guy's co-worker and how he should go about handling it in real life.

Absolutely not. It's both cases of saying a host of a radio show sucks. jim just works with 1 and not the other

There's a difference between posting a picture of horsecock, and telling specific members of radio shows "Your co-host is a cunt and you're a coward for not leaving him" and meaning it.

During those Facebook attacks on jocktober people absolutely posted what pieces of shit & hacks the hosts were in addition to horse cocks. They personally insulted the hosts. Don't act like during jocktober attacks there was a moral code people went by. Anything they could find was on the table

The difference is also the joctober Facebook destruction pretty much last 1 day per show. Then it's back to normal for the shows as O&A has moved on. Currently, Opie is experiencing joctober everyday since July. He's kind of in a Ground Hound Day scenario.

Again, there's a difference between posting shit to be a troll and playing daytime soaps with people's lives online.

so Opie's tits are fair game right?

Guy who talks shit about everybody else, but always has a security team following his ugly midget ass around, calling other people cowards.

So the guy he pays to book his flights and bring him blueberries is a security team?

Uhh yeah ... he is... that's part of his job ...

The way I understood it was that Kenny was an assistant/road manager that happened to be an ex-cop that could also handle a situation if something went down.

Kenny's first responsibility is security. He just does all that other stuff as well.

When Jim first started bringing Kenny on tour, he specifically mentioned that he had gotten death threats and it was partially security for that.

I see, my mistake. It still appears Kenny serves a function other than fighting all the bad guys coming after Jimmy.


I really hate that fucking argument from him. You're a comedian, nobody is going to bat an eye if you say something outrageous, if anything it'll possibly make you famous.

Most of us have jobs and family that don't share in the same humor that we enjoy. I have kids, I don't want them seeing this shit. I don't want to get fired for having an opinion or even worse, trying to make a joke that gets taken out of context. He's even admitted that that's shitty, yet he still runs back to that defense anytime someone says something about him that he doesn't like.

On the internet, anything you say under your real name sticks with you forever. That dumb post you made when you were 22 can haunt you when you're 45. When Jimmy makes a tranny joke, it increases his paycheck. If any of us were to make that same joke, we'd potentially face getting fired from our jobs and permanent social ostracization. Jim should give up his profession and become an office worker whose career might come to an end over the first racist/sexist/homophobic joke he makes, let's see how "brave" he is then.

When I was 15 I got into an argument with a group of people on a Detroit Red Wings Facebook group. I was using my real name and school and everything. All I said was the I thought they should be playing Chris Osgood instead of Dominik Hasek in the playoffs. One guy got pissed off and started a group with the title "(My full name) from (My real school) is a retard". If schools or employers Googled my name with my school, that was the first thing that came up for years. There was no context on the page that this was just an argument over hockey, it was just five grown men calling me a retard.

That was the last time I expressed any opinion using my real name. I didn't say "Niggers should go back to Africa", I just made a comment about hockey (that turned out to be correct), it pissed off the wrong idiots and they went about making a page that made me look stupid to any potential employer who Googles job applicants.

Maybe that's why Jim can't be 100% honest. Because he will lose his job if he does. Jim doesn't want to get fired either.


the boss don't like honesty

I think you might be onto something ;)


Anthony used his real name on Twitter, a lot of good that did, huh Jimbo? Now you are stuck sitting across from arguably the least interesting or talented pair of tits in radio.....all for an extra 10% raise. Have fun.

Exactly. Where was the Wormy cocksucker fighting desperately to get his friend's job back and telling tits they can't go on without him??? Jim's a little piece of shit. I hope he drinks a beer and tries to commit suicide for the 5th time.

can we please rate the most interesting pair of tits in radio?

here's the best pair of tits in radio (2nd pic)


Using your real name on the internet is retarded even if you're genuinely being respectful 100% of the time. If someone doesn't like your opinion they're going to fuck with your life. Or should we just trust that everyone on the net is a good dude that would NEVER do something like that?

Like Jim hasn't had countless laughs at Opie's expense behind his back.

Dude you didn't see how norton went after Brian Williams on twitter? that shit was fucking brave!

In the past he also @ mentioned nancy grace and called her a pig. This guy has balls of steel.


Yeah those people who do ama's are retards for using their real names

How are they cowards Jimmy? They would say it to his face but he will not take negative phone calls. A coward blocks people on twitter instead of listening to the criticism, and possibly making changes.

Just like your hero Anthony

I've heard Anthony acknowledge stuff he's done though. Like not looking into the camera on TACS. Saying it bothers people and he's going to try and do it less. Opie's response would be, "Oh, I just looked away from the camera. There you go, have fun with that twitter."

Yeah. Opie fuels the fans hatred of him. I don't get why he can't see that. They built a whole fan base dedicated to trolling their competition. His whole radio persona is just to be mean. He stomps people's cakes, smashes their guitars, takes pride in being called "the destroyer". But if anything negative comes back his way he crys on air like a little baby and whines about "the haters". He's fucking king hater. Fuck him. Troll harder. Make him cry more. If opie and anthony from 10 years ago were watching this unfold they'd say the same thing.

My name is my real name, his opinion of my Opie bashing is now redundant.

You went all in with the full name. I stuck to initials/last.

Made it my name as a result of hearing Jimmy bitching about it last year some time, what exactly would he say if we all had our real names on here, I wonder

I am going to Facebook stalk you. Just kidding I am lazy and don't care.

I don't have Facebook anyway, man

Actually don't care, you could be XxXSuperSaiyanSonic91XxX, and you would still be a random name on the Internet in the sea of millions of names.

Jimmy is like that fabled black belt who wants to get into bar fights. No, you're gonna sit there and watch your coattail experience years of ignored criticism. And you can't hang up the phones :)

that's my christian name, Super Saiyan Sonic Jr., they named me after my great great grandpappy

It's pretty much exactly that reason why me having my username as my real name makes no difference at all hahaha

I went with my name, only modified to match that of Scotty 2 Hotty

Do you ironically look like Rikishi?

I look more like Brian Christopher, aka Grandmaster Sexay

This motherfucker makes loving him harder and harder each day. It would be better if he went Chip Chipperson 24/7. Better for the fans, and for himself.

His characters have more integrity.

Tits controls Paycheck like a puppet. Of course he's gonna defend that piece of shit worm off air. He's the boss.

It's sad.

It's pathetic how Sam, Erock and to an extent, paycheck, covered up Greggshells radio tyranny. Although to be fair to paycheck, he didn't let tits get away with a few things on that show.

This from a guy who wrote a book called 'I hate your guts!'? Is it brave when he trashes people?

I guess Joe was right about calling us retards, since Jimmy was talking about people posting anonymously, u fokin cocksuka.

I'll gladly "debate" The Psycho anytime. I'm right here. Where are you senator?

Maybe the guy that runs from ALL criticism and only engages in mediums in which he can control the dialogue is the coward. Maybe?

What about those of us who have laid into him on FB until we were blocked? Not all social media is anonymous.


Ok, fair enough.

I listened to the Louie show yesterday with the astronaut. Ant would have been great to have in. The most glaring problem is that Shelly McBigOnes wouldn't shut up. Like, if he just stopped talking so much the show would have improved dramatically. But for some reason he just can't help himself.

I've been trying to tell Opie this personally but the call screeners won't let me through.

From a guy who continually bashes the FUCK out of anything he doesn't like. Every person that Jim declares HE'S had enough of...can expect a fucking ass raping of relentless bashing for weeks, if not years.


Paycheck calling people cowards. LOL

Good honest assessment there, Worm. He should have ended that with "How does that feel fucker?!?!?!".


From the guy who shouts down phone criticism

"Baby boy!" rants...

Lost a tremendous amount of respect for Jim when I heard this. There is nothing cowardly about expressing opinions in a subreddit directly related to the RADIO SHOW you produce. The negativity that Jim has directed at others is way greater than any directed at him in this sub. At least it was...

Why attack your fans? If people are shitting on Opie, it's because that's the language of the show. Those are the people that supported you for years. You shit on EVERYONE but someone that doesn't like what you're doing is a "coward" and a "retard", in your own words?

Too bad, you have a voice and so do we. You can ignore us, but we can also ignore you.

Rogan loves to consider himself an intelligent person, and he is, for a fight announcer and comedian. But please, Joe, don't you dare presume to know the motivations of those that post here and elsewhere. It is EXTREMELY reductive and insulting and, truthfully, you have no more business doing that than I have making broad speculations about you or Jim.

These are your fans, for better or worse and you essentially called them worthless losers. What does that make you, sir?

I think he will get an asswhooping in his AMA.

You can't be calling the people in a media site cowards and then go to that site to promote your stuff and expect good things to happen.

Well, the fact remains that a lot of us have called in to call Opie out and we don't make it on the air because of Shelly. Some have made it on the air by pretending they want to talk about something else like Jerry. If we're being screened out because of Opie, who's the coward in that scenario?

I hate his whole stance on the "cowards" nonsense. People have screen names, blame AOL from back in the day. I doubt anyone is actually afraid to hate Opie and not be anonymous

He has a thing against cowards like he does hypocrites and its all pointing at something wrong inside himself.

One reason people don't use their real names on the Internet is because we're able to create a username. Not necessarily because we're actively trying to hide our identities. His argument is illogical for several reasons.

The whole reason these fucking screen names in most places is because there are 50,000 Mike Codys and Dyanna Finchs, so you end up with MCody1976, and it gets to the point where it's why bother, I'm "FuckBitch67" cause there are already 66 other FuckBitches.

He deserves friends like florentine.

How is my real name related to any of this? I am a fucking nobody, who cares? Surely even undereducated trash such as Jim has to see the flaw in this "argument".

Shitting on pretty much the only people who ever gave a fuck about him is surely the right way to advance his career. Brilliant Jim, keep it up.

I'm so tired of Jimmy's anonymous bullshit. That's his answer for everything

Even if redditors and message board posters did use their names, then what?

He hasn't thought this through ... lol

Can someone who isn't blocked by Jim post this to his twitter. Maybe he'll acknowledge his ways in 100+ comments form.

Anonymity is the freedom to speak without the leftist demand for "consequences."

Can't be honest with his girlfriends, bashes people for dishonesty

Jimmy always says that some of our criticisms are harsh, but that we also have very helpful and accurate criticisms as well. But he never actually says which things we said that were helpful. I think he's just giving us all lip service so we don't drill him as hard as we drill Opie.

Let's send some love to Jimmy's Twitter. Let him know some people love this sweet little boy.

Its safe to say at this point Jimmy's acting and standup careers can be considered failures. Plus no one watched his shitty vice show. It isn't weird to defend the one guy that's basically his boss who's the only one giving him a steady paycheck

Even if you don't like his comedy act, it's far from a failure. Putting out hour long specials every year and being a legitimate headliner comedian is not a failure.

Yeah, all those sold out shows that pay him more than the radio show annually...what a failed comedy career.

Haven't read the comments yet but I'm sure everyone in here will be okay with him saying that. Should get all positive responses.

Rogan does this weird thing where he takes one side, then, a minute later, he jumps on to the other side with both feet.

He kind of condescendingly half-chided Jimmy for giving the bottom-of-the-barrel retards too much attention, and then a minute later went on a diatribe against the bottom-of-the-barrel retards that bother him.

Ironically, the conversation kind of made them look a little more retarded. Sir Winks-a-Lot didn't do himself any favors, either.

Jim self-destructively attacks his fans, more news at 11.

Attacking anonymity is pretty ridiculous. Its a necessary thing to have, its protection. Granted does everyone need it, do people "abuse" it - its not untrue. But it can affect you if you're doing anything remotely professional, and you say anything someone can find inappropriate. And its no one's place to determine who needs it. You either have it for all, or government shit goes down and no one has it. Or you're in a shitty country who's never had it. Its a silly thing to bother with if you're Jimmy and its avoiding the real issues, pertaining the radio show, its downward trend, how Opie portrays himself to fans and former fans, etc.

Self-righteous Jimmy is such a fucking bore. Way to call the only people that would watch your special "cowards".

Lost some respect for Rogan too, I think he's become kinda full of himself over the past few years. He fancy's himself a genius but all he does is repeat the same shit he's read online over and over. I thought replacing red-ban with some unknown producer that keeps his mouth shut was a shitty move. So what if red-ban made you loose your precious train of thought from time to time. Sorry Rogan but your just another dummy like the rest of us. Just because you take mushrooms and sit in a flotation tank doesn't make you this enlightened sentient being.

This !!

He keeps repeating him self over and over again through out the years but he just adds different fancy words every year.

He also does not allow people much smarter than him to finish talking. He tries to impress his guest by going into rants thinking that he cracked the whole thing open.

The way he also treats/treated Red-Ban, with such a dismissive demeanor.

I used to listen to his podcasts on a nightly basis. I loved it but I did not see any progress at all. Instead I saw him turning into a very snobish person.

Do not get fooled, he has some serious superiority complex going on.

That last sentence is perfect.

the only reason he dont like anonymous is because he cant call another person poopy hat wearing zero when hes losing an argument

He says we should stop talking about how much we hate him. He says we should kill him instead. I agree.

The simple fact that Norton knows and understands "Greggshells" enough to explain it to the lil Opester himself, shows that he knows who the true twat is.

I like the way Jimmy incessantly mentioned ex-girlfriends as a way to try to convince any ladies that were listening that he's not as creepy as he might appear.

I think an eyepatch would be more effective in that department.

Jim and Joe have lost my respect. I'm not going to accept being called a retard or coward for not being public about myself.

He has a fair point, none of us have a personal relationship with the man even though some might feel like it. It's easy to tell him what to do when it really has no effect on your life, but a big on his.

Yeah, they've never bashed anyone on the show they don't have a relationship with. Or give celebrities advice on what to do.

I'm sure they're aware that their opinion means nothing, just like ours.


Jokes on him, this name isnt anonymous.

but yeah, i agreed from the start that we should have just let jimbo be. i will however still bash the fuck out of the opster.

Jimmy can be funny as hell on the radio, but he's not that intelligent or consistent with his own horseshit, and he's unwatchable on stage.

The guy who blocked me on twitter because I made a joke about refusing to bathe until Bobo is let on the show again.

And he thinks I'm a coward.

It's just a shame how soft the show has become. It used to be about being brutally honest about everyone and everything, now they can't even be honest with themselves. At least Ant was honest about his feelings on Opie and Opie was honest on his feelings on ant. Your telling me you have nothing but nice things to say about both after all these years? I can tell Jim is holding back a lot of shit out of niceness, how can he blame people for being curious of what those things are?

Jimmy its just time for you to fall into a puddle of aids at this point

I agree to a degree with Jim on there are a lot of people who hide in anonymity even though if they used their real name it still wouldn't effect them in the slightest in the real world. But I still think putting up with those people is still worth it b/c we are able to gauge truth and honesty from people who need that anonymity. You have to put up with some people so you can have real honest constructive criticism despite it being anonymous.

He sounds like a dinosaur. Sure, people are going to be generally more straight forward and insulting on the internet, but the idea of the cowarding neckbeard is a leftover 90s relic at this point. And personally, I think Opie is a coward. Years and years of mocking other radio hosts, to the point where some would delete facebook accounts, and yet now the little boy can't handle the heat when it's turned back on him.

Since opie got truthful last week I've basically laid off the hate, how the fuck would you work with someone that's texting the other guy in the room and calling you a cunt?

I call in and use my real name once in a while. I always say negative shit about Opie, and I usually only get through on the pre and post shows. So I guess that makes me brave, thanks Jim.

He takes the moral high ground this way, its true that if I really believed in what I said and was willing to fight for it I would stand behind it with my full name. But we live in the real world and no I'm not going to tie my name to my dumb internet comments about a radio show I post for amusement. The crowd is not wrong as it murmurs to itself that Opie stinks.

Will the chinless wonder call everybody cowards at his AMA for using usernames on here?

And then he agrees that some shit gets tiresome, agrees he has some crutches. Jesus fuck sakes Christ, did any of us ever like the show? Fucking pander away dicksnot. NICE TRY WIT DUH HAET. Fuck I should unsub.

You should have unsubbed a decade ago

Diarrhea cha cha cha



he also said the fans were hilarious, he can't seem to separate the baseless speculation because it's not a truly honest radio show from just taking the piss and having a laugh. i'm more interested in what jim laughs at on twitter or if he reads here, that would be a massive feather in any random slobs cap.

He only said they were hilarious after Joe pointed out Jim was getting pissed off from a minority of people online, then Jim blamed his coffee -_-. Their measured, balanced responses annoy me, just be honest with what you feel, if anything it will be more compelling to listen too.

I use my real name so my opinion officially counts in Jimmy's eyes. So, Jim...please ask Opie to describe what he did to try and save Ant's job. Step by step with all the details. Have him paint that picture for us! If he is telling the truth then this shouldn't be a problem. If you are too scared to ask, I am willing to come in-studio or call in to ask for you. Under my real name, of course! Please let me know...

You people are terrible. Jim should find new fans. YUK.



And he's right. We're not public personas that anonymous folks can crucify at will, and most of us won't be able to take that without getting incredibly butthurt. Look at us change our tune once the actual person we trash online is right in front of our faces.

Look at all the new cry babies this week.

Both him and Rogan were entirely reasonable, and (even though I don't totally agree with Jimmy on the anonymity thing) totally right. People want Jimmy to say what they want to believe - that Ant's totally in the right, Opie's totally in the wrong. It's almost certainly not a full explanation, and pretty clearly not how he feels. Insisting he's a "worm" or "controlled by Opie" just because he won't blindly defend Messiah Cumia like the dozen or so ballwashers here is silly.

Not what I believe.

My thoughts are that Ant is way more interesting to listen to...obviously smarter...and funny.

Opie is boring as fuck, can't relate to what's going on around him, and not really all that talented.

There's no way Jimmy hasn't caught the exact same lies that people in the sub have.

First Opie said Ant wanted to leave and they are cool. Ant wanted to do his own thing. Then him and Ant weren't very friendly outside of work. Then Opie always hated Ant, then Ant reached out to him but Opie "wouldn't know what to say." Then some shit about splitting the show.

Months of lies with fragments of the truth leaking out, all of which put out there without provocation from Ant. Then the moment Ant steps up to clarify his actual position, Opie melts down. If Jim wants to act like this isn't what people are referring to, he's either a liar or an asshole. If he wants to act like people just want to trash Opie, well he's part right but what people really want is to address the endless stream of lies and deflections and why a human being - who always promoted himself as edgy and honest - would do this.

Take Anthony out of the equation. What about the fact that the Torpid Sloth is a piece of shit scumbag who's turn his back on everything the O&A brand stood for, and has now become the second coming of Hampton's Howie.

Well, you're giving such great example sit's really hard to object to any of it.

"Evaluating the minds of retards"

Head of nail.. meet hammer.

He was right about you dumb faggots not knowing what you want and giving him shit about loyalty to Ant. Bunch of just talentless, bipolar whiners.

someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed!

Which side of your girlfriends bed is that?

Hahaha I can't believe you faggots are actually taking this to heart.

Uhh yeah ... he is... that's part of his job ...

Commonality of language, shitheads.

When I was 15 I got into an argument with a group of people on a Detroit Red Wings Facebook group. I was using my real name and school and everything. All I said was the I thought they should be playing Chris Osgood instead of Dominik Hasek in the playoffs. One guy got pissed off and started a group with the title "(My full name) from (My real school) is a retard". If schools or employers Googled my name with my school, that was the first thing that came up for years. There was no context on the page that this was just an argument over hockey, it was just five grown men calling me a retard.

That was the last time I expressed any opinion using my real name. I didn't say "Niggers should go back to Africa", I just made a comment about hockey (that turned out to be correct), it pissed off the wrong idiots and they went about making a page that made me look stupid to any potential employer who Googles job applicants.