TACS guests VS Tits guests.

1  2015-04-16 by snoopkhat

It's a bit sad that TACS fans have to get so excited about an appearance by Ron,a guy we can listen to 5 days a week for nothin.

Meanwhile tits is getting CK, a "spaceman", Gervais ,Shakespeare etc he's even getting Arnold Stallone.

What's even sadder than all that is Tits can't even hold a conversation with any of them!

Tits Fat


Well if you were a big time celebrity would you want to go to a creepy old mans basement surrounded by sex slaves and grown men who really have fat tits. Big A for example

I'd rather listen to Ron than Louie or Gervais at this point. On any show.

rationalizing only makes it seem worse.

we're excited to have anthony and ron reunited

Reunited? You make it sound like they've been a radio duo for 20 years.

I make it sound like they haven't been on each others show in 9 months

No you make it sound like they were a regular duo

Tits gets shit guests 9 out of 10 times, and that's with the media powerhouse of SXM and Roland behind him. Ant is booking guests by way of retired NYPD...and his guests are still more interesting most of the time. How many times do we have to hear Opie's greatest lie "we said no to xxxxxx"? He would take a wet blanket for a guest and still be the most boring thing in the room.


I spent a ton of time in my car today, and I just put O&J on to have a constant background distraction.

I listened to It all - from start to finish. Did my errands, made stops for work, etc.

A few minutes after the show ended, I realized that I didn't laugh once.

The show was just there. It had no entertainment value, didn't appeal to me on any particular level, and was otherwise unremarkable. It was literally the equivalent of putting on the TV just to keep you company - without really watching whatever's on.

This for a show that featured Vos, CK, Jimmy and a freaking astronaut.

The truly sad thing is that Anthony now looks like Deniro in Casino doing his own version of the Ace Rothstein show

Nicky Santoro: Oh I don't know whether you know this or not, but you only have your fuckin casino because I made that possible. I'm what counts out here, not your fuckin country clubs or your fuckin TV shows! And what the fuck are you doing on TV anyhow? You know I get calls from back home every fuckin day, they think you went bat shit!

Ace Rothstein: I'm only on TV because I got to be able to hang around the casino. You understand that, you know that, come on.

Nicky Santoro: Your fuckin ass! You coulda had the food and beverage job without going on television. You wanted to go on TV.

Ace Rothstein: Yeah I did want to go on TV. That way I have a forum, I can fight back. I'm known. People see me. They know they can't fuck around with me like they could if I was an unknown, that's right, yeah!

Nicky Santoro: You're making a big fuckin spectacle of yourself!

Besides the regular comics who ever listened to O & A for the guests?

Unless the guest was Steve the whistler or the one man star wars guy I was not interested. Who cares what Nick Cage has to say!

Holy shit, you "haters" have a shit sense of humor. How are you able to not feel embarrassed for yourselves?

Yeah good point.

Doesn't Anthony wish he could have great interviews like George Wendt and Kristen Bell.

How many of those guests go in blind because their bookers replied "Yes All"?

You pay to listen to Ron too. Unless you don't, in which case you wouldn't pay for Ant's show either.

What does that even mean?

You need a sirius sub to hear Ron. You need a TACS sub to hear Anthony. Unless you pirate, in which case free or paid is irrelevant.

You still think you need a SXM sub to hear Ron? Ever hear of YouTube? I've never had a SXM sub but had a TACS sub for a while.

You still think you need a TACs sub to hear Ant?

Your post had tons of down votes yesterday, now none. You must have a lot of free time on your hands to make that many accounts.

No alts. Get over yourself. You said Ron was free, but Ant was not. Both are not free, unless you pirate. Once I made that point clear you continued to not understand so people downvoted you. I'm barely typing this response to you, I wouldn't bother making an alt account.

So going to a YouTube video is pirating? You said "You pay to listen to Ron too. Unless you don't, in which case you wouldn't pay for Ant's show either", which isn't true, and I proved it by never paying for SXM and paying for Ant's show. Are you not getting this? You make broad assumptions about the fan base with nothing to back it up.

You must have missed that past tense of the word "has" that I used. That word is "had".