This might be retarded but it kinda makes sense

0  2015-04-15 by bizzlbone

Alright so I originally posted this on youtube but nobody replied so I made an account here to see what you guys thought of this:

pretty much since patrice died o&a had been on a steady decline and in the period right before ant's firing the show was starting to venture into "so bad it's unlistenable" territory. all the shit ant said that got him fired was said, and even worse, on the air countless times without problem.

think about it. this is WWE level entertainment. both huge radio personalities fighting from different platform. its cross promotion for fucks sake. both sides can only be heard by either subscribing to anthony's show or sirius. so they are both getting your money if you wanna see how this whole situation unfolds. fucking genius if you ask me.

honestly it isnt even that far fetched, its a fucking radio show they could easily pull off some shit like this, we're not that in the loop.

I was really high when I wrote this so keep that in mind if that looks like Vos level writing


So, what you're saying is Opie and Anthony did 9/11?

Unless you wanna believe the official government story, that's the only logical answer my friend

Figured I'd get the Ventura treatment

Sorry, it was too easy to pass up.

That's retarded and doesn't make sense

I hope yore baby pops out with with downsyndrome or sumpthin fokin cocksuka tsssss

Are you typing on a thermite keyboard?

I'm high too.. Clearly your weed is better than mine

And what do you think about the water supply?

Ant makes way less now, and they had individual contracts and don't share money.

How do you know how much he makes though honestly? Unless you're his accountant that's all speculation. You might assume he makes less cause it's a smaller platform, which might be the case but if they would have kept going in the direction they were before Ant was fired people might have stopped listening and they wouldn't have been asked to re-sign eventually. With this, the feud can keep them going for a bit and then if they ever reunite even more people would tune in than before because of the interest sparked by the conflict. It's some wrestling type shit I'm tellin you man

What!? That don't make no sense!

How do you know how much he makes though honestly? Unless you're his accountant that's all speculation. You might assume he makes less cause it's a smaller platform, which might be the case but if they would have kept going in the direction they were before Ant was fired people might have stopped listening and they wouldn't have been asked to re-sign eventually. With this, the feud can keep them going for a bit and then if they ever reunite even more people would tune in than before because of the interest sparked by the conflict. It's some wrestling type shit I'm tellin you man