Jimmy is doing a reddit AMA on Thursday

69  2015-04-15 by Ant_Sucks

8 days to go.

Practice asking fantastic questions here.


Jim, thanks for doing this - so what do you think of the situation with Opie and Ant? Did you always know they hated each other? Is it awkward now?

I love both those guys and their issues are their issues I'm not getting in the middle of it. I'm happy with the show we're doing now and I love Ant's.

There, I saved everyone the trouble

This'll be his (third?) AMA he's done, for some fucking reason, and he'll provide no more insight or perspective than the average fan in this sub could provide. Ask him anything, so long as its not substantive or interesting whatsoever.

But hey, make sure you catch his new Epix special so you can laugh at all the crazy current events that happened a year and a half ago.

sex with trannies is for life, bro

As much as I like Jimmy, basically everything we could ask him has been covered already. I remember when I found his show's on youtube I was really excited, but after 4 hours of content, he just kept covering the same material over and over again. It's not really his fault, since it was a Q and A show, but most of the questions are extremely similar, which forces him to give the same advice about trannys, people's sexual orientation, and substance abuse over and over again.

"Hey man, nothin' wrong with getting kinky."

"Go to AA or some other similar group."

"Yeah, if you fantasize about a guy railing you while you eat out your girlfriend, you might be bisexual."

Edit: It's pretty similar to this subreddit.

"Fuck that liar Opie and his tits."

"Dude Greggshells man, how did this fucker survive in radio."

"Ant said Opie didn't fight for him, and he wasn't there and neither was I, so Opie wanted to kick him out maaaaan, so he could make more money, because he totally needs the money after 20 years of successful radio."

Your face will twitch with laughter!

Let me look into my crystal ball too:

Happy birthday Jimmy! Are you planning to team up with Ant when your contract is over.

I've done Ant's show a few times will do another one soon.

How are you able to see the future?

Also, do you want to stay with Opie long-term, and why not?

Implying he won't just ignore any real questions

"Like I said when Opie responded to Anthony, I don't want to get involved. If I say something, then Opie or Anthony will misinterpret it as me taking sides."

Whoever labeled him "worm" is a genius.

Jim, has the drought in California affected your ability to absorb nutrients in the soil through your slimy skin/cuticle?

Are you implying Jim is Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy?

Because I agree.

He's saying he's a worm. jesus.

What does our good lord and savior have to do with this?

I am a god fearing and righteous person.


Edit, almost the same thing, Groot was kinda passive and go with the flow.

Hey fellas, don't down vote our friend here. He's joking. I thought it was a good one pal. your good people. HAIL JESUS.

(unless you were serious in which case may jesus curse you with boils.)

Is he promoting another mediocre special?

"you hear about this donald sterling thing? apparently he is a racist. I'm not a racist ... I fuck trannies."

repeat in various different forms for 50 minutes

You're better at impressions than Anthony.

"He does imitations I swear you'd think it was the real people."


Nailed it.

and not answering anything of substance?

Should be a giant waste of time. AMAs are usually awful. 'Who was your favorite comedian growing up??', 'How can I get started?'

I disagree, I found out about cliti.com (NSFW) from his last AMA. I'd say it was a success.

The mods still have control of the forum, right? How about deleting all the softball questions and only leaving the interesting stuff up for Jimmy to answer? What's he going to do then, not answer anything?

And make the title paycheck here for an AMA

You can find those softballs buried amid 100's of references to the comedian's material and past work.

Do you feel you played a part in Steve C's death.

Jimmy fucked with Steve but he was actually friends with Steve. They use to go to dinner and movies together and even went to a Broadway show together, but I think Opie played a huge part in contributing to Steves death. I'll take the liberty of explaining why I blame Opie.

I know I've said it before but the very last time Opie mentioned Steve on air before he died was when he was he was whining about Foundry Music still having all the old school O&A audio & videos on it, after Steve left the company and was no longer part of the show, even though Opie pretended to be super passed that Steve got let go and did his trademark threatening to quit since they fired Steve.

Then Opie got really pissed and threatened Steve with a Lawsuit if he didn't take them down. Then that motherfucker just had to be the one to host the All Weekend Tribute To Steve C, and sniff while he talked and make believing that he was upset and crying. As soon as I heard him fake crying over Ant, my mind immediately went back to the same exact fake cry talking he did on the tribute!

Isn't it funny that Opie was pissed and threatened a Lawsuit if Steve didn't remove O&A material immediately because he was no longer with the company, but yet he acted like he was doing Ant a favor, and didn't understand why Ant got mad because Opie played some of Anthony's best content every Friday so Opie could sit his lazy ass at home, yet pull in higher than usual numbers on Friday by using Ant without compensation?

I put blame on Opie, Ant and Jim. Watching old clips it is fucking sickening how much Steve was ganged up on. People say that everyone gets their turn but Steve was on the receiving end far more than anyone else and you could feel that they weren't just playing with him and then the two slimiest producers in radio; sam and Danny were always tormenting him.

A solid 200 upvotes expected.

How were your 2014 taxes effected by your recent massive income raise?

the IRS gives a deduction if you pay in blood money

It will be a complete bore and letdown.

Let's all make a pact to only ask him about working with people who are now more famous than him, and nothing else. Like "Wow, what was it like working with Amy Schumer? That must have been really exciting for you!"

Oooooohhh you may have something there. Bill Burr's new show on Netflix, Louis being praised for everything, Amy starring in a movie.

I think everybody's first name should be Ted, and they're owners of this really specialized Imporium of something.

What are you guys expecting him to say? He's obviously not going to trash Opie like everyone seems to want... like it or not, he still has to work with the guy until his contract is up.

And, assuming SXM is still fucking stupid enough to keep offering them money, Norton will renew his contract like the good little spineless faggot that he is. Because, he may be spineless, but he knows he has no career without the backing of a company stupid enough to think that their show actually brings in revenue.

Back to living in his Cribs apartment in Jersey without the money.

I really wanna know why he thinks he's above everybody and loves to call everybody hypocrite

That's valid.

He isn't going to give anything pertaining to opie and ant. If he didn't say anything the other week he sure as shit won't now.

Everyone just Chip him. Let him be on the receiving end (no pun intended) of the monster he's created.

I've got a monstah for you! It's because it's my huge peckah! Tsss tsss

Jesus. Why would he bother with these fucks?

Cause we're funny as fuck

Some are.

fawwk yeaaa

Because they're his audience. Norton needs his fans to ask him to do Chip impressions and ask about Opie because, without them, he literally has no career.

Because we're the shit, nigga. Next question.

I'm sure it'll be just as boring as his other AMA appearances.

I want to know why he doesn't like Big Jay Oakerson. (It's probably because of the fucking mittens.)

And if that is the case...it's hard to blame him.


Oh, yeah, that will go great. We all know he won't say anything of substance.

I desperately want Jimmy to go nuts on the O&J show and spend an hour berating Opie and calling him out on his bullshit. My cock would explode.

Obviously he won't respond to, "How big are Opie's tits" or "Do you hate Opie" or whatever.

BUT, if it's upvoted enough, he might respond to a question about what went down when he played the "HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON" clip live on the show and why it was cut out of the replay.

I'm not trying to be difficult, but could someone please fill me in on Jimmy playing a Hold On Hold On Hold On Clip? This is the first I've heard of it!

There was a Hater compilation video of Opie interrupting people with "Hold On Hold On". Jimmy accidentally played it on air during the show but never explained who sent it to him or if he did it on purpose.


Thanks for the answer. How did he "accidentally" play it? Was it on his phone? I don't know shit about radio, but I assume you would have to load that into the system. Thank for the link too, I appreciate it!

The presumption was that someone sent it to him and it autoplayed on his phone- but he has never publicly addressed what happened.

Can you imagine the crybaby shit interrogation Opje had to put Jimmy through after the show, think about it. I guarantee you that Opje asked Jimmy if he was going to send that to Ant or if A t sent it to him, and he's going to ask Jimmy if he's been sending it to people. Either way, Does anyone else think that Opie interrogated the fuck out of Jimmy over this?

Yeah the audio just came from his phone, it wasn't like a radio soundclip he pressed play on. People speculated that someone tweeted it to him or he was browsing this reddit and clicked a link without knowing his volume was on/what it would be. But no one really knows how/why he "accidentally" did it.

This is the only question I want to see answered.

I think we should all agree on a single question related to the ongoing lady drama with Tits and Ant and literally copy/paste the shit out of the AMA. or Tell him to go fuck himself because he is a slimy, hypocritical, sell out who is completely out of touch with his fans. God damnit - I'm so sick of these 3 after this past year. Entitled gossiping queens.

hookers and trannies: WE GET IT!!!!

what's it like living in Jocktober everyday?

louis, jefferies, burr, hart, schumer --- norton, florentine, vos: comment?

Jim, big fan.

When the Tits and Worm show comes to its inevitable end in October - understanding that Shelly only signs for one year at a time - Will you be the third wheel for the Ron and Anthony Show?

If so, will you start fresh and drop your world renowned characters from the O&A days or use them as a crutch like you did to help out Shellys lackluster radio-personality? Thanks!

In his previous AMAs has he ever answered if he had actual dick2ass/orifice intercourse with a tranny?

Most I've heard him (jokingly)admit too was a blowjob, but now with the recent pay increase and the stress of having to work one-on-one with Shelly he must be smothering himself in thai ladyboys on a nightly basis.

"Shelly"? That's fucking great! It took me a minute.

First time you heard that?

He's admitted to it before

Jimmy, do you ever feel like going on the show in a comically bad mustache and not speaking for hours on end?

As a Pedo-Comic, aren't you godammm sick and f'cking tired of these.. these... these HYPOCRITESsssss...

Also, can you go on about the existence of God, New Testatment reliablity, Politics and Science like a 17 year old from r/atheism and when done declare how we don't like it because you destroyed using facts and simple logic?

Hey. Whered ya go?

I'm here waiting for Jimmy to smash it with facts. He might even settled stupid debates about abortion, philosophy, communism vs capitalism, gay marriage etc.

I asked you a question and I never got an answer. I answered all your questions. Why the one way street?

I'm not Jim Norton. (thank god)

but if I ever do an AMA you can ask stupid timewasting questions about me yes.

You offered an opinion and I asked you to explain. It's customary on /r/debatereligion. You seem much more interested in being insulting than actually debating.

Hmm okay I will decide if you're worthwhile. Give me a few days.. but...

Usually we don't carry on unrelated conversations in other subreddits. Very rude.

This is for Jim Norton to smash us with the f'ckin facts about so-calledddd 'religiousssss' people.

If you ever feel like actually engaging in a debate, you know where to find the conversation you abandoned.

You aren't good at debating. But if I ever want to spend hours trying to help a teen r/atheist unravel his misconceptions I will let you try again.

If I am bad at debating, then making your point would be easy. In fact, it would be easier to just make your point than carry on this conversation. You arent making sense.

I bet a lot of things don't makes sense to you. Right? Many times you are in 'debates' and think to yourself "This guy ..phtt.. he isn't making any sense!?"

This happens to you a lot.

Whenever you feel up to it, you just let me know.

Come ask Jim Norton about morality in a godless Universe during his Thursday AMA!

He's at your level so it would be a great 'debate' between you two.

Any advice on becoming the #1 most toxic sub next year?

Go fuck yourself.

We just need to turn up the volume and break the dial.

Frankly, I think we should post positive messages in SRS to bring their toxicity average down.

Furthermore, go fuck yourself.

Niggers, niggers spics and Jews. Kikes, even.

Jim, was it worth it leaving your partner to die alone in the desert, so you could ride on with a man everyone "knows" you can't stand, to keep slanging worthless failing corporate faggot radio, you gutless fucking worm?

Jimmy has always been known to be a master of jumping ship right before it sinks. I guess that ship has sailed! See what I did there?😂

No but I see you're a Class A Faggot. Why didn't you go with the "rats are leaving the sinking ship" metaphor?


I take it Opie's scheduling his Reddit AMA after Jimmy?

Now, what we will get here is a little game of show and tell. Jimmy won't wanna show us nothin' bout Opie and Ant, but he will be tellin us everything.

There are 17 different things Jimmy can do when he lies to give himself away. Opie's got 20, Jim's got 17. But if you know them like you know your own face, they beat Reddit AMAs all to hell.

yah maybe he shuld show us his weener or sumptin then tell us about it


Rather speak with Chip.

Jim, big fan - blink rapidly and uncontrollably if you hate being involved in a slightly more edgy Cosmo radio every day.

How do you figure it will be the same shit regurgitated? I don't know if you've noticed, but there has been a few dramatic incidents go down with the O&A Show since the last AMA. Like The demise of the show And O&A's friendship. Not to mention Ant has branched off with his own show which he's used to fight with Opie, putting Jimmy directly in the middle. So there's a few examples of talking points that you can refer to.

I heard he blink 300 thousand times in this one ... the info has leaked ...

Did you, Confucius?

But he won't stop by here and say hi? I'm tormenting the special. Fuck that.


I think EVERYONE needs to ask a question about how it must suck working with a guy so slow and embarassing.

Are you worried Anthony's alcoholism will affect you & when?

"I've tried to help Anthony get to a meeting for years, he just doesn't seem to want to. That's fine. All I know is they helped me with my alcoholism and I wish my friend would open himself to that too."

Because Jimmy once had a beer when he was 15 AND HOW.



Hey Jim, love you, love the direction the shows heading. Is divorce counseling covered by SiriusXM or does AFTRA cover it?


Shit, you should read my other posts.....



Hey Jim, I never sucked a cock before, but can I practice on you?

Clue about my identity, you work with me 4 days a week and I have delicious milk bearing tits.

OK wasn't sure where your question was going there for a moment...

Tss, my muddah loves hack yumorists.


What a fucking bore. Has anyone ever made three AMAs? What's the point? Just the same drivel will be regurgitated.

What does Opie do?

I hope he types his blinks in.

what time does this shit start?

Next Thursday

I found this clip on YouTube the other day. I was searching for the infamous youtube clip from Jocktober where the boys trashed Loper & Smitty (remember Lopeweisers). Instead, I found a recent video of Jimmy on the Loper & Randi Show in Columbus Ohio. Jimmy discussed the O&A feud, and how he's put in the mide of it. It's pretty interesting and kind of funny. I remember Jimmy saying that he actually had a blast doing Lopers Show. It's only 17 minutes if you want to check it out. http://youtu.be/OLfrGcCOZo8

Hey Jimmy, huge fan.

Was Anthony's xanax use something he hid, or did he pop those suckers in front of everyone?

Hey Jim, mind entertaining a baseless rumor we're trying to get going?

It does say ask me anything...

Is Cumia's health the reason why you declined to join TACS?

"NO! Ant's health doesn't allow it!"

yah i even checked him with a thermuddameter in his uncle zone myself... hes sick as a cat if u ask me ssssss

This is the Enquirer section of the comments.

Jimmy has always been known to be a master of jumping ship right before it sinks. I guess that ship has sailed! See what I did there?😂

Did you, Confucius?

Niggers, niggers spics and Jews. Kikes, even.

I'm here waiting for Jimmy to smash it with facts. He might even settled stupid debates about abortion, philosophy, communism vs capitalism, gay marriage etc.

Jimmy fucked with Steve but he was actually friends with Steve. They use to go to dinner and movies together and even went to a Broadway show together, but I think Opie played a huge part in contributing to Steves death. I'll take the liberty of explaining why I blame Opie.

I know I've said it before but the very last time Opie mentioned Steve on air before he died was when he was he was whining about Foundry Music still having all the old school O&A audio & videos on it, after Steve left the company and was no longer part of the show, even though Opie pretended to be super passed that Steve got let go and did his trademark threatening to quit since they fired Steve.

Then Opie got really pissed and threatened Steve with a Lawsuit if he didn't take them down. Then that motherfucker just had to be the one to host the All Weekend Tribute To Steve C, and sniff while he talked and make believing that he was upset and crying. As soon as I heard him fake crying over Ant, my mind immediately went back to the same exact fake cry talking he did on the tribute!

Isn't it funny that Opie was pissed and threatened a Lawsuit if Steve didn't remove O&A material immediately because he was no longer with the company, but yet he acted like he was doing Ant a favor, and didn't understand why Ant got mad because Opie played some of Anthony's best content every Friday so Opie could sit his lazy ass at home, yet pull in higher than usual numbers on Friday by using Ant without compensation?

Can you imagine the crybaby shit interrogation Opje had to put Jimmy through after the show, think about it. I guarantee you that Opje asked Jimmy if he was going to send that to Ant or if A t sent it to him, and he's going to ask Jimmy if he's been sending it to people. Either way, Does anyone else think that Opie interrogated the fuck out of Jimmy over this?