Desperately seeking clips from "Private Parts" to add to Power Point presentation ASAP.

0  2015-04-15 by fudgesicle2014

I need a couple of clips from "Private Parts" for use in a Power Point presentation ASAP. Believe it or not, I could only find one on youtube.
I still need the following scenes: CAN ANYONE HELP ME OUT? THANK YOU. * Execs watching Howard on Letterman then informing that he's number 1 in ratings. * Scene where PigVomit informs Howard at his apartment that he's no. 1, Howard says fuck you and slams door.


Hypothetically, if someone sent you the full video, would you know how to cut it into parts by yourself? You can do it with VLC player or some random free video editor.

Well, I have access to a program called Audition. I think I could edit it with that (I've only worked with audio in it so far). Or, try your suggestions.

I think audition is for audio editing only.

You could do as craig said and just download a Private Parts torrent then cut out the parts you need. Windows and Mac come with an editor.

Or you could try downloading clips off youtube. That'll save you some time if you can find the clips you need.

Yeah, I just discovered Microsoft Movie Maker, it's great, and I was able to get the clips I need. What sucks is that of all the Private Parts clips on Youtube, none were the ones I needed (ratings scenes). But, all is well. Thanks!