The cringiest thing Opie does that I never see anyone mention.

36  2015-04-15 by CuckECheese

Opie: "Caller, you're on."

Caller: "Hi. I---"

Opie: "I jus--- oh that's okay."

Caller: "Oh, I'm sorry."

Opie: "I was trying to talk, that's all."

This used to happen so fucking much and for a period of time it was the only thing about him I actually hated.


Opie: "Caller, you're on." Caller: "Hi. I---" Opie: "Hold on! hold on! hold on! What do you think about your (insert local hockey or football team) this year" Caller: "Uh, I don't really follow them" Opie: "Oh,uh" At this point the caller's rhythm is thrown off and no one remembers what they fuck they were talking about to begin with.

The worst. He's always trying to appear "LOOK HOW MUCH I RELATE TO THE LISTENER." They always raged about how local radio with their references suck, but Opie was cock hard cakehorning sports references when they had nothing to do with the conversation. Opie is Chip.

Ugh. I fucking hate when he does that. Is he trying to prove how down with sports he is? The Super Bowl is the most watched event of the year and over half the population does not watch it so not sure why he is surprised when a called from Cleveland doesn't know who the fuck Johnny Manziel is

This one's been driving me crazy for years.

precisely what an autistic would do, have a forced interaction with someone based on something they learned rather than actually talk to that person.

How about:

[Ant, Jimmy, and Patrice on a roll]

ME: Let's say "Hi." to...


Opie's Mind: "Oh shit, I have nothing to add to this conversation, but no one's heard my voice for 30 seconds so I need to add something."

desperately scans phone lines and instant feedback for a gem.

They all did it, it drove me fucking insane too. Ant and Jim would interrupt them for their 30,000th Jaws or Godfather reference of the show, Opie would babble all over them then act like they'd done something wrong. Social mutants.

Ant and Jim would interrupt them for their 30,000th Jaws or Godfather reference of the show, Opie would babble all over them then act like they'd done something wrong

Then Jim's "of course, the show's all about you. Why would anyone want to let us talk?!?"

so annoying , ant and jim really loathed the callers tho. they would do anything to fuck with them. Opie would take callers so he had something to do when he had nothing to contribute if it wasn't a doodee or cumsie conversation

The only voice in Opie's head that matters is Opie's.

The only voice that matters is Opie's.

Or he'll take a call, then the guys start riffing, and he'll get pissed at the caller cuz the rhythm is fucked up. As if it was the callers fault he fucked up the rhythm when Opie took the call in the first place.

you have to figure that ant and jim's hatred of callers and total dismissal of taking them when they run the show is really a pointed "fuck your incompetence" to opie

I used to love it when Opie would throw a caller on while Ant and Jim and whoever else were still talking. Obviously the listener would wait for them to finish because they aren't all socially retarded, but Opie would just start shouting "Caller GO! GO, GOGOGO!" as if they were missing some kind of obvious cue.

And then if they did start talking Opie would say "Oh don't worry about it, this is your show, talk over us", which was a Jimmy line in the first place anyway.

And by "Love it" I mean I "fucking hated it"

Here's the latest awfulness he's made a habit of. Immediately following a Chippa "fawkk yeah", "moolah" and "zooted/cheebah" with the same word.Ughhh. You literally have 0.04 seconds to enjoy Chip until Tits jumps in and ruins it.

Now there's the difference between Opie-hate and Anthony-hate. You actually pointed out something you don't like about him, something Opie actually does.

Anthony-haters, they just speak nonesense for the sake of bugging people.

Anthony has acne scars so that's why he sucks!

Exactly, lol.

This is very true. But I would argue the Anthony haters on this sub are so incoherent and irrational that they provide the invaluable "set up"

That Ant_sucks guy was dumb enough to believe that Ant never posts in the O&A or TACS subreddit. Really speaks volumes as to how intelligent these Ant bashers are.


ME: Wel- uh, bec-, because, I SAY THAT because I'm trying to intro the caller's main point. They NEED me to steer their call to make it make sense to everyone.

first call of the next day

ME: Why did that guy just hang up? I like to think, that this show is like real life. Would you just walk away from someone when you're talking to them in real life??? [high exasperated voice] What the fuck??? Right?

You what else you dont see mentioned?




agreed. and is there ANYTHING more infuriating than his fuckin fake throaty hiccupy laugh (right up againt the fuckin mic like he swallowed it).omg..i despiiiise this man when he does that 'laugh'. That, and the 'THANK YOU!'' steamrollings are enraging. whatevz

Jimmy from Long Island wants to say Godzilla was a great movie and the acting was great, go ahead Jimmy

Why let the caller say it.

Just another stolen bit. Jimmy used to do that, but in a funny way.

The worst thing about Opie is that he's not dead yet.

i don't want Opie to die, that's mean. I just want him to come home unexpected one day and have to learn the hard way that his wife is in the Swingers lifestyle, after finding a pleather basketball jacket on the couch with a pack of Blueberry Blunts & an empty bottle of Hennessy Laying on the jacket! Then fast forward one year after Lynsi takes everything in the divorce including Opie's visitation rights and now he's resorting to living with Sam & Jess, while renting Sam's old 19 inch tv.

Or when he lays out the caller's entire point or line right before actually taking the call. He does the same thing with interviews too. Talk about the guest for 30 minutes at the top of the show (essentially doing his interview prep on air), then making sure to say "oh yeah we talked about that earlier in the show" when the guest mentions something from their past.


Here's a subtle one I've noticed that's not really related to callers..

Fake example:

Opie: How big do those get ya think?

Someone else: Wikipedia says they get up to around 10 feet long.

Opie: Yeah, they can get up to 8, 10 feet.

It's hard to explain without having a real example, but basically he'll get info that he didn't previously have, then restate it like he knew all along and is informing everyone else in the room. Annoys the shit out of me.

Listen for it, it's pretty common.

"No, you go ahead."

That is why Ant didn't like going to the phones.

Jim and Opie both always did this!

I felt like as much as the callers were not great, the guys pretty much set them up for failure. They never gave the caller an inch and right off the bat the tone was always like, "WHAT, what do you want??"

You see the contrast now that Ant has to kiss ass with his subscribers. The callers usually will not contribute much but it's not as much of a bombing because he doesn't jump down their throat immediately.

Opie's got the Assburgers alright.

followed by Ant giving his fake laugh. Anybody that listened to the show knows Ant did keep his mouth shut.

'That's the bit!' ...Is it? Curious how none of your 'bits' are ever funny.


God Damn You! I've tried to move on from MY hatred of that for a long time. That's for bringing that shit back to the table. I always thought that was just another excuse for him to get the cheese & whine.

I just remembered another one that happened. Opie let a caller on and he made a joke that didn't land, and then he said "...punching out." Ant goes "Perhaps you should have punched out before---" and Opie interrupts and goes "Nah nah, he did alright."

No, he really didn't.

this was especially bad at a period in 2009 or so when the phones were having problems all year long. i guess the callers couldn't hear the hosts.

but, obviously, opie was the one that caused the most problems. he'd pick up a call and keep talking. then begin yelling at the caller. then go on a couple minute hissy fit that he was a "ghost" that was being ignored. he actually took it personally, the fucking prick.

he was too dumb to figure out for months what a listener could hear within minutes. of course, the same could be said of the other hosts or the behind the scenes guys. that was a rough time listening, they just couldn't get it.

Face! Faaaaaaacccce! Sammayy,,Faaaaaaaccccceeee!,,,Faaccccccccccce!

they all do that faggot

Derail the funny going on in the studio to take calls. Promptly derail caller by asking about local sports team. Repeat. Radio gold!



you don't listen!

I'm sorry we couldn't hear you could you say that again?

Ant and Jim would interrupt them for their 30,000th Jaws or Godfather reference of the show, Opie would babble all over them then act like they'd done something wrong

Then Jim's "of course, the show's all about you. Why would anyone want to let us talk?!?"

so annoying , ant and jim really loathed the callers tho. they would do anything to fuck with them. Opie would take callers so he had something to do when he had nothing to contribute if it wasn't a doodee or cumsie conversation