TACS Subreddit is Censoring Negative TACS Posts

0  2015-04-15 by [deleted]

Don't ask me just go over and look. They've been playing games all night with a negative post.

Look for the thread asking "Is this Sub being Censored"

Heil Cumia!!! Heil Cumia!!!



Hey idiot nobody is censoring you, you paranoid troll. Here's the log: http://i.imgur.com/QdWDMZ4.png?1

All the removals here are basic maintenance except for two times. NerdConvention was banned for posting torrent links, and I removed Aaronmc's post because he linked to an illegal program. That's it. We've literally only removed illegal shit and as you can clearly seen nobody was censored in your dumb thread. Now go get your fucking shinebox.

NerdConvention was banned

Nerdconvention and OP are the same guy perhaps


Thanks for clearing things up. I'll delete my thread about it now.



It's there. You obviously have your reddit settings configured to hide downvoted posts. It's not on our end moron.



What was NerdConvention banned for? Who's jimmies did he rustle?

NerdConvention was banned for posting torrent links,

Which is clearly against the sub's rules.

I'll play devils advocate, Isnt that what caused their last sub to fall?



Hopefully now we can move to an even SHITTIER sub name.

No, stopping the autistic leakage from this sub isn't what caused it to fall.

Fair enough.

Are you REALLY this bored? Who cares if some shitty troll post got deleted? Imagine if people could have a real discussion in one of these threads without 25 handles coming in with the exact same shit from every other post. It might actually be a GOOD sub


I read the post. Within a few lines I could tell it was a settings issue and I am legitimately dumb


It won't show up on the front page if it gets downvoted. Are you this retarded in your every day life or just when it comes to reddit? Look right there on /new http://i.imgur.com/sKwldil.png?1




You are a legit crazy person.


I've been nothing but transparent here. If it's not showing up for you then it's a problem on your end. I don't know what else to say to you.



Let tacs burn. Cumia can play the fiddle as the city goes to ruins.

Anthony is Nero now? Haha. Things are getting weird

Anthony is Nero now?

Negro. At least, partially... Moors


I tell myself I could be, should be makin' out

Because you can't act like a cunt and spam shit posts about keith.

You sir, are an anthony cumia white-knight, apologist, ass licker.


"Give me my dignity! I just came here to see Honk If You're Horny in peace!"





Because the free speech on here really helps out the Opie and Anthony shows.

You must have a booboo. Try not to touch it so much



I can imagine as big as I wanna?


What would be a 'legitimate response' to you're complaint?


They need to make a public statement on your behalf?



If it's a legit complaint, then good luck I guess. Start a new sub or something. Too deep for my blood


Because nobody touched it you fucking idiot. http://i.imgur.com/sKwldil.png?1 It's still right there on /new



You censor negative posts yourself too. Notice how anything that doesn't fit the agenda or popular opinion in Reddit gets buried in downvotes in order to avoid anyone else from reading that opinion. Notice how popular opinions get voted so that only those posts are most commonly noticed. Reddit is a meme-fest.

You can change that in the settings.

Just sort by "controversial" and include posts with up to a hundred downvotes, and it changes the whole tone of Reddit

It's the nature of this site. Enjoy it for the circle jerk it truly is and don't take it too seriously. it'll probably work fine




At least this crazy person is funny