Thoughts on Tough Crowd w/ Colin Quinn

0  2015-04-15 by NiggaInABuick

  • I heard Colin say in an interview that he wrote all of the monologues himself. As much as I love Colin, that's an insane idea for a daily show. His monologues bomb all the time on Tough Crowd... I don't understand why Norton/DiPaolo/Giraldo etc. weren't co-writing them.

  • There were too many guests on at a time. It'd be better if they had 3 guests + Colin and all sat at a table like Bill Maher's show... this would give Colin a chance to bust balls and be a more of a part of the flow.

  • They had way too many mediocre comedians guest spotting on the show. Why not narrow it down to 5-10 comedians at best?

  • The "act 3s" bomb all the time, but the DiPaolo and Patrice "on the street" segments are some of the funniest shit ever. Norton, DiPaolo, Patrice, etc. doing "on the street" bits should've been a part of every episode.

  • Judy Gold needed to be banned from the show. While basically every girl in the history of Tough Crowd bombed on the show, some of them could at least take a joke... those are the ones that should be on.


I think he kind of wanted to make a show that showed the bombs, and the ability of everyone to come back from that. Patrice said that was the best time of his life at one point on O&A.

Also great: seeing "outsiders" and whether they could keep up and be funny. For instance, Stephen Colbert did well (and in a non-Cellar/ballbusting comedian way, just comedic), and then Dennis Leary fucking sucked

Leary not only sucked, Giraldo napalmed him and basically invalidated Leary's entire standup career. Putting on the real hacks led to some of the best moments, people getting "deconstructed" and "their skits pulled up" as Norton and Patrice put it.

"Dat Phan, could you unplug your goofy ass from the Vietnamese matrix for 5 damn minutes?"

Yeah, it sucks because Giraldo was so much smarter than Leary but, well, one did better in the end.

It's weird, O&A in its prime was basically a continuation of Tough Crowd on the radio but with celebrities, etc added. And what made it great was seeing who could keep up.

It was a very raw show, just a bunch of talented comedians shooting the shit and talking smack. A lot of really good spontaneous moments came from that show. But at the cost of that came a lot of bombs and awkward moments.

TV is a very polished medium esp at that time, still is to some extent. The show seemed ahead of its time. Now people love to see genuine things more than ever. If they had a similar level of talent on now they could probably put it on the internet and it would be successful.

I actually didn't mind the "mediocre" comics that they had on (With the exception of the women that couldn't take a joke). It's always good to try out new comedians now and again, if they bomb you get a good moment and send them off, if they don't you might have a new person to bring on.

Overall you could tell they were doing a lot of stuff off the cuff or sloppily put together. Patrice "on the street" was probably on of their best "produced" segments as Patrice was great in almost anything.

Thanks for your feedback on a show that got canceled 11 years ago!

would you like to hear my thoughts on the finale of Hill Street Blues?

I think most O&A fans loved tough crowd but it was by no means a perfect show. Colin had a lot of mush mouth moments and the third acts were definitely hit or miss. The highs definitely outweighed the lows for me, Patrice and Vos shitting on Dat Phan was one of the funniest things I have had the good fortune of being privy too,

The biggest problem for me was the rehashing of topics. Ok colin we get it racial profiling is a good thing..

The only reason they had chick comics on was that Comedy Central stipulated that they must.

Yeah. To be fair to the chick comics on the show, I don't know, I think I'd be on guard constantly scared that Patrice or Dipaolo was about to decimate you immediately.

By the way, your username could be the only example of a joke ive seen that literally works BETTER as a "yadda yadda yadda" story (him mumbling the gist of it) AND could be funny again when Patrice noticed they edited buick but not nigga.

ETA: starts about 3min into this video

To have a monologue was ridiculous on a 30 minute show. Monolouges always suck on every show- it's self indulgent tripe. I love Colin and Tough Crowd would love it back in any form

Judy Gold can take a joke like a motherfucker, she has a cock like the rest of them.