This article from July '14 had an interesting angle on Ant's firing

4  2015-04-15 by Vargas_Larson

The approach [SiriusXM] should have taken: Let the comments blow over, publicly reprimand Cumia, but in the end do what it takes to keep him without angering those who might be offended. Chances are in a week or two this scandal would have blown over.

In hindsight, does anyone else think that probably would have worked out alright on SXM's PR end? Of course he'll never apologize, but would they really have needed him to do that in order for the initial "outrage" to blow over? The news cycle doesn't last THAT long and, realistically, he isn't remotely a household name's just say Stern. If they just suspended him and issued a press release on how "the SiriusXM Corporation's values do not reflect blah blah blah," realistically, what's the worst that could have happened to their bottom line?

I know it's all pointless to speculate by now, but this sub seems to be about 45-60% pointless speculation, so fuck it.


SXM could have literally said "FUCK YOU" to anyone offended and nothing would have happened.

The people that got "offended" and made a big stink about the issue never even listen to the show or even use satellite radio.

Advertising wouldn't even be affected. I've never met a social justice warrior that hit's the "activate" button on, or gives a shit about what ingredients are used in a meatball, or even is smart enough to run a business that needs baracuda web security, or wants to drive4marten, or wants to use ItsJustLunch, or LootCrate or any other shit-tier products Sirius pushes.

Yeah, that's what makes me wonder if SXM -- for whatever reason -- was already looking for a way to shitcan Anthony, and the Times Square incident just happened to give them a convenient out. There was a rumor on this sub a while ago SXM was getting sick of the racial diatribes on the show, and Opie even wanted get some kind of "clause" about it written into Ant's contract somehow. That's probably bullshit, but I've got to wonder if there's a kernel of truth in there somewhere.

Personally I believe Opie was in their ear saying, "get rid of him. Think of the money you'll save. I've been doing radio since I was 18. I can do the show alone. C'mon I'll start saying nice things about you guys in management if you give me this one." and it worked. Old shit tits couldn't be happier since Ant got canned.

Two weeks ago I would have written that off as QUANSPIRACY, but now...I dunno.

Opie mentioned this during his sob fest.

I don't exactly think it's true. If Anthony were reprimanded about the content of his speech, Anthony would have said so. He would have spun in it such a way that it appeared like SXM was afraid of intelligent, race discussions - despite the company being "completely uncensored."

Think of it this way- O&A used to slam management for the show being prevented from speaking about Stern. Attempting to prevent topics from being spoken about would have been at the top of their list of things to talk about.

I'll admit, I haven't been able to bring myself to listen to the "Opie Responds" show yet. You do have a good point, though I'm still not entirely sure. Ant is good at making that argument, but after a while SXM could have stopped bothering to be upfront with him about their "concerns" over that, especially if Opie was working some other angle. They were much more on the same page when the heat with Stern was at its peak, compared to latter-day O&A.


Cumia could have easily saved his job. All he had to do was blame booze, apologize and go to rehab. The stupid drunk was willing to throw it all away instead of cleaning himself up


Why don't you take your overly hostile yet bizarrely insightful comments somewhere else? Do you want us to negatively impact your already bottomed-out reddit karma with a barrage of downvotes? Didn't think so.

Speak for yourself. I enjoy his commentary.

the only people who canceled were fans of anthony. no one cared.