Sam gave us Jocktober, the Scorch material. He was great.

38  2015-04-14 by Lilcumia

Don't know why Sam gets the hate he does.


Neither do I man. Sam has done nothing but contribute to the show and his sarcasm is pretty funny.

The use of past tense in the titles of posts about Sam begs the question: Was Sam fired or has he died?


Died of hypothermia, he was having dinner with his parents and his Dad put the ice in the tea too late so the iced tea was so cold it froze his throat closed when he ingested it.

and his Dad put the ice in the tea too late so the iced tea was so cold his...

You just won the record for the most sub-5 letter words in a row


Hate to be that guy, but that's not what the phrase "begging the question" means. Google it.

Just a polite, friendly reminder so you don't embarrass yourself at your next fancy dinner party.

Okay, just googled it. Apparently, Sam Roberts was named Boys Track and Field Athlete of the Week by the Tulsa World.

O&A used to mercilessly make fun of him when he was an intern. Unsurprisingly the trucker element of the fanbase is yet to leave the mid 2000's, and they're just 'one of the guys'.

Same with O&A dubbing the after show, "The shit show". The trainables in the fanbase immediately thought they should hate it. Even though for the first couple of weeks Ron B was a drop-in co-host.

Some would go so far as to say, the fanbase didn't get, "the bit".

As opposed to one of the troglodytes, like Sam?

He riffs with Jim really well.

He definitely kept Jocktober running year after year, but he didn't create it. O&A had been trashing mediocre radio for years, just never gave it a name.

In 2008, a caller called in mentioning some shitty radio show that had mentioned O&A. The caller suggested changing E-Rocktober to Jocktober. That was it.

Sam definitely deserves credit for keeping things running when the 3 in studio were disengaged and miserable.

But Sam being super-sarcastic and coating every sentence in 18 layers of irony gets old really quick. Also he's not funny.

He's unlikeable but he's above tits in every way.

Kevin Pollak put it pretty well - Sam's ego exploded after his internship, and he feels he's owed a show. Not earned, owed. As it is, he can barely carry an hour on Fridays without the help of his friends. Special Delivery was carried by Dave, and Sammy Sweetheart threw a temper tantrum when he didn't get some extra money. His voice sucks, and his mommy has to fight his fights.

i think i'll keep a picture of kevin pollak over my fireplace in reverence of his contributions to humanity.

that was a very special day.

Pollock is one of those that will never like the "millennials".

I don't think Pollak dislikes millennials. I think he dislikes a trait that happens to be common in millennials. Pedantically differently.

And I agree. A vast generation has somehow been lumped into one category and brought down by its worst examples. Much like racial stereotypes. "Millennial" has become the new "liberal" buzzword in click bait articles as well.

honestly, I love Sam as much as I hate him. Although he does deserve a punch in the face just because some people just need a punch in the face

I relate to these feelings of Sam the most.

There are two reasons to hate Sam.

  1. Too much focus on behind-the-scenes faggotry. A lot of you people love that shit, but a lot of the time it is just filler faggotry.

  2. The fact that Sam never really gets picked on in a hurtful way.
    They bust balls with him lightheartedly (shroomdick, momma's boy, child food habits, wife that will cuckold him for Brazilian boss) but he is always on the winning side of all hurtful arguments.

He was born to be a WWE writer and/or broadcaster.

Here's why I'm not a fan:

  1. To older folks (like me), he comes off as a whiny little entitled stereotypical Millennial who thinks he's the smartest guy in the room without realizing that the room is filled with idiots.

  2. I'd imagine to younger folks he's too much of a "try-hard". He's the wannabe "homeboy" who is filling Drake's pockets with his iTunes credits. It's almost as if he's talked himself into being someone that someone else told him me might be because it seemed more fun than just being himself.

I don't hate the guy - he is a better "ship steerer" than Opie ever was and did a great job on the Jocktober stuff. But he's the very definition of being successful because you're somewhat better than all the idiots you're surrounded with. Which, by the way, it how I made my career as well.

your first point is old man braying and absolutely dismissable but you're second one is completely right.

I can live with that

I'm the same age as Sam and absolutely agree. It is not a generation gap issue, it is the fact he isn't funny, interesting or likeable. It doesn't matter how lame the guy sitting next to him is.

  1. I loved the behind the scenes faggotry, and I am indeed a faggot. So that is correct.

  2. This is also true, the only guy who ever really went at Sam was Pollak, and Sam handled that terribly.

I still like Sam, but I can understand why others don't.

The fact that Sam never really gets picked on in a hurtful way.

I think it was quite hurtful when they played certain clips to his mother in front of him.

He does get picked on but i feel he takes it better then erik. Dont get me wrong still think hes a shithead

Because he's not interesting and has juvenile tastes. So what if he stirs you think I want to hear some 31 year old guy talk about wrestling?

Erock had his wife wrap his birthday presents in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles paper, and everyone still loves that fat fuck for some reason.

Your bashing him for his taste of food? Get over yourself dude

Fat O&A fan sees the word "tastes" and assumes the guy is talking about food.

Sam literally gets shit for the food he eats. It's 100% safe to assume juvenile tastes could be referring to this.

I don't disagree that it was safe to assume I was talking about food but I was actually talking about his love of wrestling. It's pathetic that a grown man watches and is entertained by it.

I hate his style, his delivery, the way he manages a show by himself. He abuses long pauses and says extra words because if he had to fill time with content, and not with extra words and pauses, he'd fail miserably. I never listen to his show (my opinion is based on that time I tried giving the before and after show a chance), but even he knows he can't do a show on his what does he do? He fills the studio up with his cronies and other guests, and anyone can succeed doing a show like that (re: Opie Hughes).

But you also state your hate for his love of wrestling in the same thought, hence why I assumed it was his choice of food.

To be fair, the man pretty much subsides entirely on chicken tenders and hot dogs, and almost vomited after eating some steak.

Other than being a douche, Sam doesn't deserve hate. He seems like he doesn't lie, which is why him getting his balls busted back in the day was hilarious. He would volunteer embarrassing info about himself and take the ensuing abuse.

Other than being a douche, Sam doesn't deserve hate.

I don't even...

You don't have that friend that you know is a douche but you still like him?

Sam sucks and he's ten times the broadcaster Opie will ever be.

Sam's alright. He's not the best, but sometimes he's not annoying.

Agreed. Love Sam.

He was great on Legion of Skanks' latest episode.

Did we listen to the same episode? He barely spoke.

Yeah, it was great

I always loved Sam on Jocktober it's his Opie ballwashing and acting like Opie isn't Jocktober material unless the boss agrees the 10 year old stuff is okay now.

How often does this guy tell his boss to fuck off to his face. Got a real tough guy here.

Fuck that negroid.

He should definitely become a researcher for the show and shut his boring mouth.

He's quick and funny and actually runs bits unlike Shelly the millionaire

Normal Sam is great. Confident Sam, the one who pipes in without being asked and legitimately attacks others because he thinks he's better than them, is awful. Unfortunately we've been getting much more of the latter these days so I'm not surprised that people are getting sick of him.

Sam rules. I am right there with him when he exposes the Opester as the irrelevant, out of touch, old man that he is. Sam actually takes Sobo to task often about lying, exaggerating, and attempting to be hip. His Friday show is better than a typical Tits-heavy show. And as many have pointed out, he actually gets Jimmy's jokes and plays off his characters. Unlike the sudoku master who lets jokes fly by like the Statue of Liberty on 9/11(she could of done something). I hate wrestling, but otherwise Sam is a decent dude.

I don't get why people think Sam is so great. Yes, He fucks with Opie knowing Op is to stupid to know it. He exposes Opie for being a fraud & a hypocrite. But, Sam is the very first in line to kiss Opie's ass! Take Opie's fake cry rant the other day. Everyone sat there silently while Opie told one bullshit lie after the other. Then he addressed Anthony's true claim that most people there think Opie's a terrible boss. When Opie said if anyone thinks I'm a terrible boss, I'm sorry you feel that way but to bad basically.

Who was the only one who had to speak up and kiss Opie's ass so shamelessly without a drop of irony by saying "Opie, I speak for the entire crew when I say that we are so relieved that you are our boss. Yes you are a tough boss, but you always go to bat for us and we appreciate that". Who said that And was completely serious about it? It was Sam! Once again proving that no matter how much he's recently tried to pretend that he's tired of Opie's shit, or how much of a smartass he is to Opie, Sam still knows who his Daddy is. And Sam will lick Daddy Opie's boots for him anytime he needs it. The part that made me almost made me puke was after Sam gave that very touching ass kissing speech to Opie, Opie using his fake cry voice said Thank You Sam, Sniff!

So Sam needs to figure out who's side he's on, because he's not doing anyone a favor by sitting on the fence and playing it up to both sides. That just proves that he's still Opie's bitch just like he's always been.

100% on point.


I don't hate Sam like some people do, but back when Ant was on the show he was sometimes just an unnecessary distraction which could be annoying. Now that Ant's gone he's actually good for the show because he at least somewhat understands how to play off Jim.

Seems like a likeable guy besides his voice and appearance. - he had a good sense of humor on LoS about the Opie/Ant situation and made some good points in some of the other dialogue.

Sam is perfect in his role on the show: av club allstar whipping boy that brings in the younger (than the hosts) perpective and slang. I've enjoyed seeing him rise in his career, cant say I'd listen to him on his own though certainly would before erock.

I always liked Sam. He ran Jocktober for all those years and always played a very good rube whenever they were talking about wrestling. The rest of the time he was a bit hit or miss but he seemed to be trying at a time when Opie, Ant, and Jim were just showing up.

I've always been a Sam fan on here. It's brought me hundreds of downvotes.

Yes he comes up with funny stuff but he's also a smarmy douche. He feels like the guy that piles on and drives a joke in to the ground yet would get pissy when it was done to him.

poor Sam got shot because cops thought he was black??? say it isn't so, I hate police brutality :(


I've never understood the hate for Sam. I think he stinks on his own, so I just never listened. But as far as him being part of the show & interacting with the boys, I thought he was great. He reminds me of every obnoxious, shit-stirring friend I had in school, maybe that's why he's a guilty pleasure for me. Im a sucker for a good smart ass.

Disgustingly arrogant, and sneaky. And it's all added to the show. His contributions are countless at this point. Love Sam.

Oh well. He'll be gone once the Stangles get in.

Wormtongue will eventually find a way to sell out Opie when it benefits him. Which sounds awesome but I'd still rather hear the sound of breaking glass when ERock goes for the 'final solution' and throws baby-boy Sam through the window in some built-up rage.


Even if you hate Sam you've got to admit that's an improvement.

Sam doesn't deserve all the bashing he gets.

He works his ass off with little pay multi-tasking several shows, introduced you to Scorch PFG-TV, Jocktober and more.

Watch his Tommy Wiseau video interview on youtube and see how much of a good broadcaster he is when Opie isn't bogging his talent down.

People are just jealous of him because they can't exude as much talent and look like an albino negro Sideshow Bob at the same time

Sam plays with jim's characters and loves chip. Sam gave us David the intern (DAVID MY DAVID!). Sam gave us many many other great bits at the expense of the old interns. He apparantly cut his nergoid-fro hairdo so there's another plus.

For cons, Sam plays along too well for my tastes and refuses to do anything but kiss greggshells' ass. His constant cackling is a misophonists nightmare. Other than that, he's a good part of the show and anything that takes away time from Gregg (HAHAHAH AHAHA HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAH AH AHA HAHAHAHAH OVERLAUGHING CUNT) Hughes is a fucking win for us all.

Once Sam gets his break and realizes he CAN make it without Greggshells he'll stop kissing so much ass because he won't need Opie anymore.

Because he fucking sucks. It's really not a hard concept to follow.

hope someone throws that half breed in front an oncoming train.

Your bashing him for his taste of food? Get over yourself dude

Erock had his wife wrap his birthday presents in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles paper, and everyone still loves that fat fuck for some reason.

How often does this guy tell his boss to fuck off to his face. Got a real tough guy here.