Oh Opie. You didn't invent "the hole"

13  2015-04-14 by Libshitz



He thinks he invented "white knight" and "no homo" too.

EDIT: Oh and in 2013 he claimed that Ant was the one who noticed that Family Guy does a lot of cutaway gags.

And I just remembered that he thought O&A were responsible for 2 Girls 1 Cup going viral.

and Angry Video Game Nerd was "one of our guys" yech

He made Razor scooters popular, too.

Don't forget about "douche chill". They were all watching a video on Youtube and the channel's name was DoucheChillTheatre so tits said "wait! that's our thing!"

I mean is his great at giving them out

Yeah I remember when he said that about "no homo" and he got served when someone called in and talked about it came from an intern and they actually played the clip where it was first said

He also claimed they invented the crickets sound when somethibg bombed or was boring.

One of the dumbest things he ever said

They also discovered Chocolate Rain guy.

I don't think you understand how happy it makes me that there is a place to call him out like that.

Opie always tried SO HARD to steal memes and bits that originate elsewhere in pop culture, especially the internet, back when they were on terrestrial and satellite. i can't remember as many examples afterwards, but there were so fucking many from that period.

i believe he tried to claim the CSI miami thing too, or at least credit for giving it the biggest push.

i'm overjoyed and would be ecstatic to see a full list of his narcissism.

It really is a perfect example of how myopic he is. I actually don't think he's being deliberately deceptive either, he truly thinks that because HE saw it first through the show, everyone did. Fucking guy thought O&A were responsible for South Park "blowing up" because they interviewed Matt and Trey twice on WAAF.

you're right, i forgot that one. always says they were "old friends" that got to see their early work before they got big.

you do his show once and opie thinks you're a friend of the show, what a buffoon.


Which is why we can't use white knight to describe him.


Holy fucking shit is he an untalented version of howard

Howard now is an untalented version of early 90's Howard so this is quite the paradox.

I meant the 90s Howard :p


You are the "hole", Gregory. You've always been the "hole".

A schwoogie... A schwoogie cook.

Hoo-hoo Tell em Jimmy.

Boo-hoo, tell 'em, Jim.

Because he cried

He's not Santa.

why do I even try.

And he gets mad when people accuse him of being a Howard Stern wannabe? God that's cute. Go on Opie, tell us about how your brother coined the term 'balloon knot'. Delusional retard.

Hoo hoo, I invented being delusional and taking credit for stuff Robin!

He just perfected it

This is why it's so great when people point out Opie's hole-ish behavior. I guarantee it bothers him less being called a cuckold than it does being called a hole.

he also thinks he invented playing cricket noises when someone bombs

Opie's just following in his hero's footsteps.

Did he Really say he coined the phrase No Homo?

It's comical that Opie would think that. He's so down with the blacks that they all started saying no homo after he did.

I think Ant was complicit in that delusion as well. Sam had to break it to them that it came from black people through an intern.

Wait, Opie plays the "I invented that" bit?

Wow. ok. Hoo fucking hoo.

The opester invented radio and anything entertaining on it was his idea ... APRIL FAWLS !!!

I literally yelled at the radio when that annoying English comedian asked "who invented calling women holes" and Opie replied, real quick, "I did!!" Blergh

He also thinks he invented transhumance.

Someone needs to make a compilation of all the things Opie claims he has invented.


Boo-hoo, tell 'em, Jim.

He's not Santa.

why do I even try.

I mean is his great at giving them out