Anyone see Amy "butterhead" Schumer's new TV show promo thing.

0  2015-04-14 by snoopkhat


Three quarter of a million hits in one day.She's going places.


Isn't she supposed to be a comedian?

This is definitely the type of thing that will exponentially increase the respect that female comics get in the industry.

Unfortunately it will. All the established comics will be telling us how funny this is. Ronnie B says she has the best comedy show on TV. Yuck.

Given the sad state of comedy on TV, he might be right.

Comedy on TV has really gone downhill since Whitney was cancelled. tss tss

Remember when her show was funny? Me neither.

Her show is probably as funny as anything O&A have done in the last ten years. You guys don't need to shit on everything that isn't Anthony Cumia.

Is this supposed to be targeting the preschooler demographic?


wow just about as funny as boy pussy.

People need to stop telling her she's attractive, it's just getting embarrassing at this point.

More importantly they need to stop white knighting when someone speaks up and says she's not attractive.

She's not

She only looked nice on that episode of Louie with full lighting and makeup.

An adult hippo is a huge, aggressive animal, and no animal ever attacks one or tries to eat one. Even the largest crocodiles are afraid of a hippopotamus.

He really is a scavenger isn't he. Our scrappy lil' Jim.

Amy Schumer is proof of how successful you can become by listening to the advice of your handlers.

What the fuck is this

See its funny cause lemonade is supposed to mean pee pee and fudge is meant to be poopie so when you think about it its actually really funny ya see...

So is the lemonade pee?

I never liked her show anyway and this is no exception either. Didn't crack one chuckle.

I liked the part with the butts.

I know y'all are joking on this but... the ad that played on this video told me that there is a Pitch Perfect 2! I had NO idea! So stoked.

This is TERRIBLE. 3rd grade fart jokes and shitty dancing set to a shitty rap video. Fuck this. I actually find Schumer amusing (in her material) but this is just unsettling.

I know. I mean this is a 30 year old woman making poo jokes that the average 12 year old would find immature. I do like Amy Schumer, even though her show can be hit or miss.

Is that a Peaches song? I kind of liked Fuck The Pain Away.

those fucking cheeks.

She looks like a mutated cabbage patch kid.

Sounds like the opster wrote the lyrics.

We just need that movie of her to bomb and her career will be going downhill from there.

Das a thick bitch.

Her new movie has 100% on rotten tomatoes? How is that possible, anyone here seen it?

Edit: only 6 votes from advanced screenings, im still looking forward to see Colin in an almost major role, right gang?

It's a parody of Anaconda and modern rap you meanies.