Something I've noticed while listening to both shows...

46  2015-04-13 by johnnymcjonny

The Anthony Cumia show is not as much of a hangout as I expected. The O&J Show still is. Even though its nowhere near as good, it can occasionally get on a roll. Its dorky silly fun and people say stupid shit. Whatever.

The "just shooting the shit" vibe of O&A is what was awesome. That does not really exist on TACS. I don't know, there's just this weird vibe in the air, probably because Ant is basically funding the entire operation by himself.


its hard to "shoot the shit" with yourself


It was pretty disappointing to find out that a camera lover such as Larry King would not make the drive to Ant's studio. It's no surprise other big names won't bother (excluding Colin and other friends who have made at least one trip out of support). I love Ant, but his show is weak. I don't know who is watching a 3 hour video show that time of day, and I've only listened to the podcasts (which should be the best clips of the entire week), and find myself skipping at least half. People talk about Mike Brown and Gavin McGinness as great guests, but I find them terribly boring and not funny at all. Ant is still great, but I don't understand why would anyone pay as much as a Netflix subscription for his show.

It's 2 hours a day and you don't need to tune in live. You can watch or listen any time you want to.

Why did your comment get downvoted. That's pure fact

Says you

I'm a huge fan of Ant and I seriously think when Gavin's on he steals the show. Brutally honest guys with sophisticated senses of humor are not easy to come by these days. I felt the same way about Colin and Louie on O&A. Mike Brown is just ok.

Gavin is funny, Mike Brown is not


I don't enjoy Mike Brown nor Gavin, but Gavin earned a lifetime pass with his "torpid sloth" comment. That being said, the sub is well worth $7/month IMHO. I listen on my drive home and it gives me a lot more laughs than O&J. Serious Ant can be a bit draining, but Silly Ant is a hoot (i.e. Asian Ant, Jesse Ventura Ant, etc.).

I love Ant and subscribed for a few months but eventually tapped out. There's just something missing.

He took a shot at O&J for being too guest-heavy, but that's exactly what his show is missing. He has the opportunity to do the show from the YKWD-studio, he should just do that once in a while before he gets his own place.

It's a lot different, because O&J have so many guests on partly to try to hide Chowder Tits' complete lack of talent.

I think the thought is; you've got Jimmy. You've got Sam. You've got a crew behind you. Why the fuck do you need 4-5 guests a show? Anthony wouldn't if he was in that position.

The problem with guests on TACS is every one is an event, so there's too much importance on each one. Guests don't just "drop in" or "stop by" the compound; it's a commitment with a couple hours' commute (minimum) attached to it.

I understand guests were scheduled on O&A, too, and they didn't really just "drop in", but it was way more casual.

Also, TACS being a shorter show adds to the pressure on guests to perform/be funny.

is it doesn't w

Is he able to do the show from Bobby's place?

Ant is having a hard time balancing show host, brand builder, and pedophile alchy

Keith the Cuck is supposed to help with the first two aspects but is too busy looking for opiates to get his fix. Pedosiah should give Cuck some of his Xanax and Cuck should give Pedo some of his opiates, do them together and suffer from respiratory depression together and die.

Lmao are you the same guy making these claims over the weekend? Do you have absolutely any evidence about this? It also seems like you know a lot about that world, people who don't know about it do not talk like this. I know this cuz I am in that world

What that Keith puts opiates into himself through iv? Yes he posted a picture of it on Twitter and basically eluded to the fact he was doing so cause his pills weren't working.

** picture

Does he live in a medical clinic, or are those hospital beds and dividing curtains his decor

he doesn't seem to be eluding anything other than back pain there

Haha damn that is a lot of meds. I gotta admit you are probably into something. First of all fair weather drug users don't know all the different types (dillauded, perks, Valium etc) they just take what the doc gives them. They would also be puking their brains out from half a perk. And jesus, he's IVing shit? I've been fucking with PKS for years and have never even considered a needle or IV

And what is your theory on Ant using xanys? Besides the fact that they are awesome and if Keith is a walking pharmacy, it would be too easy for him to get them and too hard not to indulge

just because someone uses opiates for back pain doesnt mean they have an opiate problem. also most opiate abusers dont post pictures of them mainlining the shit on twitter.

Opiates are no fun anyways. I like me some speed. Im on a lil Methylphenidate detox right now

The problem with "the hang" is no show prep and it painful quite often

I think you also have to take into account the location of TACS. A bunch of people worth hearing on the radio just aren't going to hang out there regularly, but hopefully that'll change when he gets the NYC studio.

Good call, the ability to just swing by the studio made the conversations a lot more relaxed and spontaneous. So while on O&J somebody can just poke their head in, the guests have to commit a lot more to doing TACS.

How about you poke your head into a guillotine

I pay for both shows but really only listen to OandJ. Anthony's show is just too awkward and he puts on his nervous cutesy voice constantly. He will also throw in a short, forced impression from time to time to remind you how funny he was on ONA. Problem is it doesn't work on his show. Even the shows with Jimmy weren't very good. Anthony needs a radio guy to move the show along so he can comment and be funny. This isn't that show. On the other hand OandJ runs the same as ONA did and it is at least listenable. I will continue to support Anthony for a little longer but he's been doing it a long time now and I don't see it getting any better.

Yeah I'm kind of in the same boat. I'm still giving it time and subscribing, but its just a little repetitive. One of the best things about O&A was seeing Ant react with random celebrities and relate with them. Ron White was on O&J today. Not a huge fan but it'd be cool to see what the fuck they'd talk about. That stupid drunken fight story, for instance, Ant had a great way of escalating those types of stories to being just hysterical.

Ant had one of the best stories about a bar fight in California between his Dad, dad's friends and a bunch of guys. I loved when Ant would tell his stories on the old show, some of the best.

Jim and Ant were far funnier on O&A Nopie shows than they are on TACS. There's definitely something about Ant's format that's mucking up the works, but it's not the lack of Opie.


What's mucking up the works is Ant's acknowledgement of the audience. He's speaking directly to them, looking directly at them

THIS. I feel like he's talking directly to me. I don't want to be involved.

God dammit, you nailed it.

LOVED the Nopie shows. Ant needs a cohost.

I sometimes still feel that TACS is still trying to transition out of just being an upgraded version of Live from the Compound to something more interesting and unique that could appeal to more people. It's got a long way to go but I hope it improves a lot once Ant's able to get that studio in NYC, especially with someone in there as a co host.

Ant is in a tough spot because he is toggling between an entertainment show and a conservative talker with curses. Ideology aside, i am not sure the political angle(which rarely is funny) does anymore than appease those who already agree with him. The days he is silly with Colin, Jimmy, hell even his siblings are the most entertaining, but hard to achieve daily. I'm hanging til the new studio and hoping the change will be a positive one.

The problem with the political stuff is that he is either ranting alone or with someone who pretty much agrees with him. Inviting Gavin McInnes on race wars is interesting because everyone on the show is more liberal and it challanges everyone in the room. Having him in TACS just makes it an echo chamber.

Totally agree but based on much of his audience, some people enjoy the echo chamber talk (no idea how). This is what makes it tough, does he placate to his fox friends or look to expand with something new, different and entertaining.

I think Ant feels burdened to fill a whole show alone, even when he has a guest in. As much as I love the old guy, seems like it's hard for anyone to get more than a few words in before he's rambling again. That probably hurts the "hang" vibe and creates more of a host/guest feel to the show.

He or Keith set up a structure that is 2 hours. 1 hour of watching week old liveleak videos then the guest for 1 hour with a hard stop at 6. That ruins any "hang".

you can't blame him for feeling that. he's gotten very used to being a duet and having a certain style for so long. going solo must be a very rough transition in ways that can't be anticipated.

all the more reason to get that co-host in there, and one that feels equal to ant in terms of speaking with him. never a problem for opie to rush in.

Agreed, can't even imagine. He does need a co-host, even if just part time. Gotta be tough to find some one you want to spend that much time with and that can keep up though. Of course Jimmy and Ronnie B are who we all want. Guess we keep waiting.

I'd be ok with 30-40 minutes of Ant in front of a green screen, but you're right, the entire show being on camera the way it is doesn't seem like a hang and when he has guests in, it seems way more formal than just a "hang".

Opie and Jim still have a hang type show, but the two have zero chemistry together. It's like one of the morning zoos that they've bashed over the years with some random guy and a hole.

ZERO chemistry. When Opie asked Jim why he stayed and Jim said because he likes performing said it all. Then Opie had to say, through his tears, that he likes doing radio with Jim to get Jim to say the same.

We're hangin with our good friend July Gold. JUDAY!

and as always Judy Gold just KILLIN IT! Killlllin IT!

It's a wild show.

What about Sammy.....SAMMMAAAAYYYY!

Probably some truth in this. Ant is funniest of the cuff... he's brutally quick but he has noone to bounce off on TACS. But hey new studio, more guests, all that jazz. Rat should do us all a favour and get fat... the way Ant could turn anything into a fat joke was magic.

Opie sucks.

Ant's problem is alternating between putting on a formal show, and then going all AV club and baring the bones and organs of the show. I don't know why he thinks people want to see how grassroots the whole operation is. Isn't that why you build a studio in the first place, to avoid the same tackiness as if it was filmed on a webcam? He's constantly exposing the wires of the operation, talking directly to the audience, self-referencing the show, etc. We can do without the literal scraping the show together vibe. People are tuning in to see a production.


This is a great point. As awful as Opie is, if you consider him like that short, dikey girl with globe forehead from 'Inception' as he or she is there to create the backdrop or setting and not so much of the content, he is skilled at doing so. That's what I miss most about the O and A show. Them discovering a topic, mining it and getting a slow, hilarious reveal. That vibe originates from Opie. Unfortunately these days he is so unaware of his self that he jumps in and shits all over any comedy and it has become unlistenable. Where Ant can still rely on his comedic chops, but it is never as good as it was.

Yes I can see that

It's going to be hard getting consistent guests due to their only being 12k subscribers

Jesus you're pathetic.

it wasn't bad. It's something we would totally say if it was possible to get real numbers on titties show.

Leave Jesus out of this, he died for your sins.

Don't fuck wit de Jesus.

I heard he didn't. Got married and had kids.

Based on your number, would still >850k a year, plenty for him to tread water and build the show.

I agree. Has nothing to do with funding tho.


[deleted] like scallops, and other people don't? You have a personal what I'm picking up on....? That's radical, dude.


excellent work my friend

"Its dorky silly fun and people say stupid shit. Whatever."

Did you really write that? What are you, an 18 year old high school cheerleader?

Says you

Totally agree but based on much of his audience, some people enjoy the echo chamber talk (no idea how). This is what makes it tough, does he placate to his fox friends or look to expand with something new, different and entertaining.