Jimmy will be on JRE on Wednesday.

98  2015-04-13 by [deleted]


Rogan - You know what would really mellow this whole situation out? A DMT trip.

Norton - I fail to see how that will fix anything, stupid.

Rogan - You don't know that. There are people who believe DMT takes you to another dimension. You can't prove that it doesn't. We don't KNOW. We can't possibly KNOW. These misconceptions that people have about psychedelics are so silly. Just a bunch of silly bitches with silly bitch ideas. If Opie and Anthony just took some DMT, and then face off against each other in Brazilian Ju-Jitsu, it would help them understand where all of their hang ups in life are coming from. It's really freeing, you should try it too.

Norton - Have you ever had a Thai Lady Boy shit on your chest?

Just figured I'd save everyone a little time.

you lost me with norton calling joe stupid. he'd fucking never. not because joe is bigger, but because joe has a better career going.

that's what jim what would think internally though and he'd find a nice way of saying it. it's exactly what he did when joe was trying to convince him to take ibogaine.

or because we're talking about middle of the road jimmy here.

Norton would claim one DMT trip would make him addicted to all the things he never was addicted in the first place, he's clean man, he's clean!!!

Oh that's right, I forgot Norton drank for a week in '87.

A one hour hangover was his rock bottom. He almost didn't get out of bed before noon.

Tss tss yeah I bet he ate a whole bunch a fuckin' rum cakes uh sumptin tss fawkin' zooted

Or a suicide attempt, one of the two.

He never intended to kill himself. That was cry-for-help shit.

Ok, so his life was out of control, he was miserable and scrambling his brain, he cried for help and got some, and he straightened up his life.

What's the problem?

Most suicide "attempts" are.


i've thought about it like that before, like yea jimmy you drank when you were like 17 and did a ton of stupid shit, but after listening to his stories about when he did drink do you really believe he wasn't an alcoholic? or that he could have kept drinking and led a normal life?

nah he just subbed in a sex addiction and it's been clear sailing ever since!

Meanwhile Bob Kelly quit drinking when he was 14 and he escapes criticism for it.

what do you mean criticism? why should he or jimmy get criticized just because they choose not to drink or do drugs? they just can't handle it... what i meant by my comment is that if you listen to the shit he talks about doing while he was drunk as a kid, its totally obvious that he would never have been able to live a normal adult life if he kept drinking, yea it seems dumb and not real since he was so young but its obvious it was a huge problem

I'm not saying they should get criticized. I thought it was interesting how this sub in general looks down upon Jimmy for quitting drinking when he was 18, while Bob Kelly quit when he was 14 and nobody mentions it.

To be fair, Bobby doesn't really talk about it much.

I'm consistently baffled by how everyone seems to think it's impossible for a teenager to be an alcoholic. It's rare for the pattern to emerge that early, sure, but Jimmy has a pretty atypical personality.

But now he uses food as his crutch. And NEVER escapes criticism from that.

Very true. He'd better fucking smarten up now that he has a kid, unless he wants to die before s/he grows up.


The cleanest boy covered in shit and piss this side of the Mason-Dixon.

lol. Except Norton wouldn't call joe stupid, he's say "Yeahhh, I heard DMT was great and it opend your mind, but I have an addictive personality and if I did DMT I would probably just see all the times I've edged looking at tranny porn all night when I have to get up in 2 hours and do a show.

Bravo, sir!


This post had potential to be funny.

Don't care still love Rogan. And Yimmy's gonna calm down with some second hand vape.

if you love him so much why don't you marry him

Fuckin got him

Time to watch jimmy text for 3 hours while participating in the conversation half assed like he does on the radio.

It'll be interesting to hear Joe's take on the situation, he seems to have distanced himself from both Shows I wonder if he'll speak on that.

Especially considering the fact that he's often credited Anthony's early LFTC days as the inspiration for the Joe Rogan Experience.

He had Anthony on JRE after the split

That's right he did! But that was pre greggshells day... It'll still be interesting to see his take now.

Remember last time he was on O&J, and got pissed because Opie was interviewing Denny when Rogan was on to promote his new special. Crindgey to to the least.

Cool, maybe he'll be able to get a few sentences in while Joe pontificates to himself for 3 hours.

The guest has to take the stick. Joe doesn't talk over people that don't let him.

yea but when you go into someones studio as a guest you don't just put your feet up on the desk and ask for a beer, as the host you gotta know how to keep it lose enough for the guest to jump in.

I like Joe, but I don't think his stand up is funny. But that's just My opinion. I get so fucking sick of the Pot Talk. A little bit goes a long way. YOU SMOKE POT. WE GET IT!!

It's the 'say it louder and it'll be funnier' thing that makes him so unfunny.

I know Exactly what you mean. I was flipping through the Sirius comedy channels In my car the other day, and I came across a guy literally screaming his jokes and I thought Who the fuck is this guy? And sure enough!...

Louis CK really was right about the Boston school of standup: just power through the set by screaming and cursing. Rogan, Dane Cook, Leary, Bawwby (even though I love him), etc. I guess CK and Patrice were exceptions to the rule.

I'd add a few more exceptions to that list i.e. Carlin and Billy Burr. Boston has bred some of the greatest comedians ever. And I fucking hate Boston.

Carlin was from Manhattan but I get your point.

You're right. Why the fuck did I think he was from Boston? My bad.



Goddamnit, you're absolutely right, I forgot about Burr. I guess I was focusing harder on thinking of ones I don't care for.


The worst is when he has Diaz, Shaffir etc on...they sit around jerking each other off about how they have changed comedy & how great they all are. Can you Imagine Di Paolo, Vos, Bawby, even Norton doing this? THey would be bashed mercilessly and rightly so...maybe it's a West coast thing?

A west coast thing? Diaz is from New Jersey. Ari was born in New York, went to school in Maryland and lives in NYC. Joe was born in New Jersey but grew up in SF, Boston and Gainesville.

Burr's lived in LA for the better part of 6 or 7 years. Does that make him a West coast comic?

Kind of interesting.

Jay Mohr's from Verona, NJ, but he's been out west so long, trying to get movies, shows, constantly playing the clubs there. He married a semi celebrity. He's west coast to me. I tend to think its what your career choices are, what your attitude is, where you're mostly playing at the time, etc that determines it, not just birth place.

Can't comment on Diaz or Ari, but just a thought.

Di Paolo, Vos, Bobby, Norton, Colin do the opposite. It turns into a woe-is-me our careers never went far enough, this industry sucks, they just don't get us, woe is me. I like them all but when you hear them together on their podcasts, it inevitably turns into a pathetic pity party. I'm listening to them thinking these are hilarious comedians who have had really good careers but I leave their podcasts thinking they're losers that never amounted to much and who have a bunch of delusional excuses about it.

I watched Rocky mountain high, and didn't laugh once. Not even so much as a chuckle. Likely because it's all shit he said on podcasts, used in past specials, or was just not funny.

Yeah I hate Joe's standup, it's a loud douchey fratboy kind of thing. Complete 180 from his podcast. He thinks he has to get E-TREME when he gets on stage.

Same... interesting dude...terrible stand up. He's not really funny...but he has so many MMA/Affliction fanboys that it doesnt matter.

I remember Joe was on o&a once a few years ago, and he came in sucking on a Pot Lollipop, and describing it, & giving the backstory behind it, & telling you what it does for you, & WE FUCKING UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF A SUCKER! JESUS CHRIST. WHY DONT YOU FUCKING TELL US WHAT COLOR IT IS, & EHAT IT TASTE LIKE, AND HOW MANY LICKS IT TAKES TO GET TO THE STICKY NUGGET CENTER!!

And if the subject veered towards something else, Joe would try to steer it back towards pot again. But Joe never had to try to hard because Opie was a swooning fan boy of Rogan's, and always sat on the edge of his seat asking Rogan to tell more Cool stories about pot. And then if we were Really Lucky, we got to hear some fictional stories of Opie smoking pot in college! And not to be outdone, he would also throw in the occasional cocaine story.

Rogan reminds me of a high school kid who just discovered weed, so it's all he can talk about and he writes his term on how The Declaration Of Independence was written on hemp paper.

No one gives a shit. Just smoke your weed and shut the fuck up.

The Opster did some coke.

Yeah, same here. Much like Jimmy, I prefer his "off-the-cuff" stuff much more than his actual standup.

yea too bad his off the cuff is somewhere between hours of the same stoner talk and boring fight talk

Eh...yeah, he does do that. He's a surprisingly good interviewer though, especially with comics.

stop saying off the cuff. you're the 3rd person to say off the cuff lately. off the cuff. off the cuff.

Poor Jimmy. All he wants to do is promote his special, but every time he does a podcast tour he has to talk about O&A. (Cake-stomp, Ant's firing and now the O&A sissyfight.)

Oh boo. He has to talk about the one thing that's given him a real career.

Maybe if he was better at stand up than he is at radio people would want to talk about it. Sadly, he's terrible at stand up and good to great on the radio.

what else is he supposed to talk about?


Can't wait to watch Jimmy sit there while Rogan blows hard about comedy or bigfoot or whatever for 3 hours in an uninterrupted, uninteresting stream.

lol Joe can go on and on.. once in a while a guest can jump in with a sentence or two.

Hopefully he point blank asks Jim about the recent exchanges between Ant and Gregg.

He won't shy away from that. He asked Shane Smith about the rumors he lied in his past. Granted, Shane may have asked him to ask him, so he could get his side of the story our, without being challenged.

Joe interviewed Jim pretty well in July. Yeah, he has a tendency to go on long rants but he has a strong work ethic and gets hyper sensitive if he feels the guest is being lack luster. Also weed is involved always so that can cause rambling as well.

I just listened to the last Joey Diaz and Duncan Trussell appearances on JRE and they were very much give and take conversations. Joey is always talking about the old neighborhood and it's hilarious. Duncan always comes to the table with new ideas. I guess it comes down to the guest and how high and locked up they are.

diaz can bring any topic into "back in the days" and "kids nowaday" rants, awful

I love Joey, but if you've heard him on one podcast you've pretty much heard him on all of them. He's like Ms Pat, with a penis. Same shit every time.

I don't mind Duncan's stand up, but I fucking hate him on any talk show, he's the exact "mmmmMMMANNN!" guy the boys always complained about, with that awful shrilly voice of his. He's a dumb fucking stoner, shut it.

Yup. At some point he'll always bring the conversation around to "and that's why capitalism is bad maaaan". I can't listen to him any more.

Duncan stinks. Rogan is trying to be the godfather of comedy promote a bunch of mediocre middles so he can fly around with them to do gigs.

I actually quite like Duncan Trussell now, I thought the same things you said about him the first few times I heard him.

He's a friendly, harmless stoner hippy. Not an exploitative wannabe cult leader hippy like Russell Brand.

His voice and his vacuous conspiracy theories annoy the hell out of me. But like I said, I don't mind his stand up. I see him all the time.

I've heard people say they liked him, so I went to a JRE clip with him and skipped to a random point and the first thing I heard was "and a mental prison is the best kind of prison because you're the one with the key" in that AWFUL pedophile voice and that was about enough of him.

Looking through this thread I have only seen negative things said about every person involved. "rogan is boring", "diaz is awful", jimmy is stupid etc

Well, look again.

Love rogan but Diaz is really really awful, his cd is cabbage and every 3 sentence out of his mouth is the back in the day shit

Happy cake day btw

As much as I love Joe and the JRE, I agree. He really needs to let guests talk more.

Joe Rogan's a funny motherfucker to make all that shit work.

Joe likes to dominate Jimmy with pissing. He sits there with his horse sized bladder, while Jimmy squirms in his seat. Joe just likes the power of giving his permission to piss.

Jimmy has no problem with his bladder, it's another "thing" that he uses to paint himself as a tortured soul.

I think the AIDS is spreading to your brain.

Awesome, Jim's one of my favorite guests on JRE.

I'd probably say Graham Hancock is mine but to each their own!

My all time favorites JRE episodes were Bill Hicks and Terence Mckenna.

OH WAIT ;___;

I don't care for your sarcasm!

Nice. I'm usually more into the non-comedian ones, but I'll be listening to this for sure.

Jimmy never says anything funny on podcasts, it kind of sucks. He's much more in "serious talk Jimmy" mode, which Im sure we've all had our fill of.

That's why I love him on Carolla's show, Adam defers to him for funny shit most of the time.

He doesn't say anything funny in his comedy specials either.

Oh, you son of a gun!

I think it's because Carolla's show emulates morning radio, so there just isn't the time to be serious. Especially now, since Carolla shoots the shit for like ten minutes with guests, then goes straight into news.

Ya, I thought I may be the only one. I typically skip the episodes with other comedians. I love the episodes with doctors and other learned folks...

Jimmy will just suck Rogan's cock the entire time, unlike Billy Boy Burr who put him in his place last time he was on. Burr showed Rogan how a true alpha-male acts.

I didn't watch it, what did Burr do?

joe sucked on copper crutches cock for being the best comic, and he stayed for an hour not the 3 hours of ear beating joe had in mind


i wonder if he will deny knowing that Ant and Tits hated each others guts for the last 10 years.

Of course he will. Anything to stay on the middle road between the two. He loves preaching about honesty unless it'll effect his career.


I rarely listen to JRE but this is one I'll have to listen to. Maybe there will be something interesting that they'll bring up related to O&A.

Dude, you're missing out on some quality MMA and weed talk.

"Dude, but think of it this way....can you prove that they DON'T have grocery stores on Mars??"

Is there actually any quality in mma and weed talk? Especially coming from a self conscious closet-homosexual bald midget steroid user?

I like the MMA/Kickboxing/Jiu-Jitsu guests, but that's because I'm a big fan of fight sports. If you aren't, I'd imagine it's boring as librarian talk about the dewey decimal system or something similar.

I also want to take this opportunity to say how bad the MMA subreddit is. Tons, I mean tons, of fighter ballwashing and the worst fucking jokes you've ever seen in your life getting piles of upvotes.

It's not something I'm into, so I've never listened to those episodes of his podcast. In fact, I only listen to the ones that involve people I'm interested in hearing speak. Joe shuts right up when really smart people are talking.

Im assuming thats why joe invited him on. What else is there to talk with jim about?

He has a special coming out next week

Tssss is he comin outta the closet or sumthin?! FAWK YAAA HOMERUN CHIPPERSON!


Oh I can't wait for this. It's going to get uncomfortable... my boner tells me so...

Just get to some meetings Joe...



It'll be interesting to hear Joe's take on the situation, he seems to have distanced himself from both Shows I wonder if he'll speak on that.

I just came

This is fantastic news!

Jimmy, do some stand up in LA for fuck's sake, will you?

He can't sell out a room there. He loses money in places like LA.

Jimmy wouldn't rent out an entire room for himself, he'd jump on a show that's already going. Do like a 15-30 minute spot. He actually emailed me back and said he might be doing some spots but wasn't sure. I hope so, I miss the lil fella.


YES JOE ROGAN zzzzZZzzzZz........ Rogan is an absolute pedantic bore. Is this wat pot does to people? Anyway gonna watch this one to see James Nordon.

Sadly, I used to think the world of JRE, but it just got boring once you heard all the talking points of Rogan's preaching points. Its great if you are a new listener, but it just doesnt have shelf life.

He makes fun of people that are into crossfit saying they never stop talking about crossfit, which is the stereotype from what I always hear about people who do crossfit.

Well fuck me in the ass and call me sally because it looks like it to me he never stops talking about pot. Like a teenager that just discovered pussy and he can't stop talking about it.

I probably would have no problem with him talking about pot if he could make it funny which he obviously can't.

It's not something I'm into, so I've never listened to those episodes of his podcast. In fact, I only listen to the ones that involve people I'm interested in hearing speak. Joe shuts right up when really smart people are talking.

what do you mean criticism? why should he or jimmy get criticized just because they choose not to drink or do drugs? they just can't handle it... what i meant by my comment is that if you listen to the shit he talks about doing while he was drunk as a kid, its totally obvious that he would never have been able to live a normal adult life if he kept drinking, yea it seems dumb and not real since he was so young but its obvious it was a huge problem

But now he uses food as his crutch. And NEVER escapes criticism from that.