My completionist odyssey from 10-4-2004 looks to be at an end.

8  2015-04-13 by ryanasimov

I've archived the show for more than a decade and listen to a little each day. I'm way behind (11-16-11) but I've kept up with current events; in my timeline Patrice died less than a month ago.

I wanted to get through all the way to July 2014 but I just can't work up the enthusiasm to get to the end. Listening to Opie's prima donna tantrum shit is bad enough on it's own, but juxtaposed with how I know things turned out makes it unbearable.

I've listened to clips from Ron and Fez over the years and I like them. Is it worth it to get into their show? Do you think they are likely to abruptly break up?


Nah, those two crazy kids will do radio forever.

I stopped listening to old shows for the same reason. It just isn't fun anymore.

I quit for months too. I'm back in, realizing bitch tits wasn't as bad before about 2011-2012. Haven't pinpointed exactly when he became such a hole. I'm guessing once he became a father everything changed. As much as I hate to say it listening to the old stuff lately he's even made me laugh a couple of times. So yea the older stuff is not too bad. I understand your not wanting to listen, but maybe try going back to the shows before lynsi had her kids.

When I first got into the show I started with 2004 and I got about halfway through 2005. I dunno, I just have a morbid feeling towards old shows now, considering all this recent shit that has been happening between Op and Ant.

Opie is a moron. His name is attached to evergreen content courtesy of Ant and Jim. When a new topic of public debate comes up years from now someone will dig up and share a clip of O&A on the issue and it will be praised as visionary. I think Jim and Ant know this but since Opie never contributed insight I wouldn't be surprised if he blows up the entire O&A youtube archive on his way out. With that said I say keep archiving and sharing, just because Opie is valueless doesn't mean the content with his name on it is.

The O&A show is a bit like LOST to me now. The ending is so bad that even when you go back to earlier episodes, you can never enjoy it in the same way. There's this underlying grimness to it.

You know the O&A archives have been badly tainted by the events of the last 9 months when even Opie and Anthony conversing leaves a sour taste. At that point, it's pretty much over.

look at it this way, it's like the 6th sense. you can go back and pick everything apart.



i've done the OA archive odyssey and the RF odyssey, as it were. both are worth it to the end.

then you'll find yourself asking "now what?"

back to npr and science podcasts i guess.

Absolutely check out Ron and Fez. For the past couple of years I was way more into that show than O and A.

Given Fez retired a week and a half ago... Yes, it seems they will split up. It's a good show though, Ronny B is superior to Opie, Ant and Jimmy. And fez is a crazy person.

Jesus. I thought I had fallen to far into lifelessness for managing to spend a month of my time the last 2 years listening to them.

Every single satellite show though, my god.

When I first got into the show I started with 2004 and I got about halfway through 2005. I dunno, I just have a morbid feeling towards old shows now, considering all this recent shit that has been happening between Op and Ant.

look at it this way, it's like the 6th sense. you can go back and pick everything apart.