I went to the compound a few weeks ago.

2  2015-04-13 by TedChrist

Wanna share a "hmm that's weird" moment I had meeting ant. I went to the compound a few weeks ago. It was fucking awesome. Friend of mine knew Luis from LOS from doing comedy so when the skanks were doing the live show at ants house, he had an in and brought me. (I was the fat ogre looking one on TACS that day. Rat thought we were the LOS showing up early so the camera cut to us three zilches, laughs were had)

Ant was cool as fuck. As soon as his show was done he came over and drank and bullshitted with everyone and he couldn't have been nicer and more welcoming into his home. Keith the Cop was kind of a turd but I also don't think he was too keen on having randoms showing up at the boss's house.

So while talking to Anthony I said how erock was the man and he's the ultimate good sport, etc. Ant said "yeah I love erock. I really miss him. And jimmy too." Then there was this long silence. Like I kinda expected him to say something about the opester. Then he said "OPiE cAn SuCK mY FaWKIn PeCKa. THaT FaWKin PiEcA GaHBaGE. fAWK YEaH"

Actually the story ends with ant not saying shit about opie and it got kinda awkward. I'm new to this subreddit and chip rolling is fucking hilarious. But that sorta confirmed for me a few weeks ago that those two old men weren't gonna be meeting for a beer any time soon.


What's that dude? Your phone crapped out.

I said Wanna share a "hmm that's weird" moment I had meeting ant. I went to the compound a few weeks ago. It was fucking awesome. Friend of mine knew Luis from LOS from doing comedy so when the skanks were doing the live show at ants house, he had an in and brought me. (I was the fat ogre looking one on TACS that day. Rat thought we were the LOS showing up early so the camera cut to us three zilches, laughs were had)

Ant was cool as fuck. As soon as his show was done he came over and drank and bullshitted with everyone and he couldn't have been nicer and more welcoming into his home. Keith the Cop was kind of a turd but I also don't think he was too keen on having randoms showing up at the boss's house.

So while talking to Anthony I said how erock was the man and he's the ultimate good sport, etc. Ant said "yeah I love erock. I really miss him. And jimmy too." Then there was this long silence. Like I kinda expected him to say something about the opester. Then he said "OPiE cAn SuCK mY FaWKIn PeCKa. THaT FaWKin PiEcA GaHBaGE. fAWK YEaH"

Actually the story ends with ant not saying shit about opie and it got kinda awkward. I'm new to this subreddit and chip rolling is fucking hilarious. But that sorta confirmed for me a few weeks ago that those two old men weren't gonna be meeting for a beer any time soon.

Are you on a cell phone? I swear, it dropped out.

Ah, fuck it cut out again. One more time for the listeners.

My dog farted and it smells bad.



I was the fat ogre looking one on TACS that day

You're not giving us much to work with here. That could be any day.

Op is linzbella

I just wanted to let you know that your subject was so hate-able that there's no way anybody will read that book you posted.

"Wanna share a "hmm that's weird" moment I had meeting ant."

Do ya?

You're another one of the mutants he collects at his Neverland Ranch so he can look the least disgusting to the ugly groupie girls. Bully for you.

Now that you mention it there were quite a few mutants at the house. But if you read my tale, the invite was not from Anthony you anus.

Anthony is nice to everyone he lets in his cesspool until they're honest with him, or a female who gets too attached. You haven't told us anything new.


"How important was the camera?"

Shit story. You just wanted to let everyone know you were in Ant's house. Which can't be confirmed, by the way.