brother joe the badass!

31  2015-04-11 by smokinswindler


Whoa he wears a Sons of Anarchy hoodie, watch out folks

Seriously, I know a few guys that beat up guys for wearing those "colors" and trying to pass off as bikers.

Wouldn't be a tough fight, his prostate is already killing him.

He really is a walking stereotype.

FAWWWK YEAAA he luks like teh fukkin DEVIL dvvv dvv

He is almost 60. Let that sink in for a minute.

If you haven't figured it out by now, the Cumia Bro's live by one rule:

  • Age is but only a number.

Maybe two:

  • A man's only as old as the woman he feels.

I wish you posted my response where I said I was scared he would sic the Sons of Anarchy on me.


I just came to post that comment cracked me up . the no eyes joke was funny too


looks like he's taking a nap


This same meltdown ( not sure if it is in this exact post of his) has him saying "AntH". If anyone wonders where that comes from, it is whitetrashbro/BrotherJoe telling us that if we really knew Anthony we would call him Anthony or AntH, not Ant.

I guess Opie never really knew ANT either.

How did AntH end up so smart in this gene pool? Could Joe be stupider?



Bro Joe says that into the mirror every morning when he wakes up with his SOA beanie on.

The perfect thing to tweet to him as a response then.

great username

FAWK YEAH! He probably has a fawkin badass skull tattoo, Joe fawkin rulez!!! dvvv dvv

Joe is a hack's hack

He was actually off the hook for a while. Now his big mouth just put himself back on it.

No he's not, because none of us have any reason to give a shit about what he says.

This son of a bitch is ice cold.

This isn't real. I refuse to believe this. He was hacked. This is a fake account. He had a gun to his head. I'll believe anything except that he actually posted this

Why are you that invested in Joe Cumia? Just saying that name should make you dry heave.

The cringe is strong with this fucking nobody coattail riding motherfucker.


dvvvvv good one

UGH what a fucking douche. I love SOA but if you wear this in public you're a fucking loser.

Joe Cumia is the Johnny Drama of radio

Ha ha

Not close. I don't need approval. They never have/will affect(ed) me in the least

As you write a War and Peace size post raging complimented by a complete lack of punctuation or grammar (paragraphs Joe, what are they?) and tweet after tweet about the very thing you "don't" care about.

He's just hiding his cried out red eyes behind the shades. Brother Joe the ass.

Florentine levels of homophobia and overcompensating.

Plus there's got to be a place on the spectrum for being so incredibly unaware of how douchey he makes himself come off. A normal person would be paralyzed with embarrassment at the thought.

It's hilarious seeing crybaby faggots think that Florentine is homophobic or that anyone gives a shit about overreacting to jokes still.

He's a sick fawwwwkin' puppy!

I thought this was the best example of The Divorced Dad look, until I read he is 60. Which makes this the best example of The Estranged Grandfather.

looks like a retarded Billy Joel


Kristi Forbes gotta make sure she's on the scene suckin' balls the moment anyone even tangentially show related has anything to say about anything. I bet she's got a vertical strip of farmer's tan down the center of her face where various show cocks rest while she does her daily due dilligence.

Badass like....needs a colostomy?

tss tss fuckin homerun

That gayrod had that pic taken with LIGHTING! ew...and he's got makeup on too!!

Wore his favourite TV show hoodie tho. THAT'S not douchy AT ALL.

everytime this slug talks or types anything there should be a 'fawk yeah' or 'tss'

it's like he's the brainchild of chip chipperson


Jesus, for someone that doesn't like internet trolls, this bald faggot sure is a big whiney internet troll


he does a Podcast for Wackbag,he don't care about Reddit!

We'll shit I've now been blocked by Ant, Vos, DeRosa, Bob Levy, and no talent Joe. It's a venerable who's who of who are yous?

Dammmnnnnn what a fucking bad ass talk about dressing the part to look the part, glad I'm not one of his enemies.

He lots like a generic extra in GTA.

I really hope he isn't serious...

Brother Joe sucks.

I wouldn't like to met him in a dark Applebee's

Mr Clean, Mr Clean.

How insecure is this dude? What is he compensating for? How much time has he put into this tough guy "look?"

Club Soda Kenny was a detective boss, decades on the job, and has BTDT but yet he doesn't feel the need to dress like a badass, why?

Does he dress and act like a complete bufoon on purpose?

I bet his podcast is just as cool (i.e., a massive scorch level deficieny in self awareness and tacky douche chilling retardation).


Bro Joe is a man of a certain age but he understands technology better than most people in his generation and has adapted accordingly as computers and tech gets more advanced. My father can't even connect his phone to wifi, and they're about the same age. I'm pretty sure Joe could show me a thing or two about what he's learned over the years.

That being said, he still lacks the self awareness necessary to navigate the internet in 2015, as he comes from a different generation. He thinks a 60 year old in all black is somehow intimidating and that his peacocking and posturing is more akin to a wise guy then the way everyone else sees him; the father from the backtracked internet police video with Jesse Slaughter. This is ultra embarrassing. He's an old man who looks like he would get gassed after one or two punches.

He acts like when he gets totally killed on the Internet he doesn't care because it's made okay and evened out by the fact that no one has come up to him on the streets and talked any shit to his face. The fact of the matter is that no one knows who the fuck he is in the first place. Hes a legend in his own mind. I bet this goofball has thought about meeting people from reddit IRL and caving their skulls in.

The difference between Joe and Anthony is the Times Square fight. If Joe was getting beat up by that chick and the "not your show" group of guys approached him talking shit while he was fighting, a tired and out of shape Bro Joe is pulling his gun and firing. He's on trial right now and on Newsdays front cover for a week. Anthony is the smart one.

As far as podcast hosts go, he's a good guitar player.

Can't lie tho - he's gotten a couple of decent guests. The guy from Jethro Tull and the dude from Sopranos falls right around my old man interest area.

dvvv dvvv faWK yeah this cawksucka means business dvvv dvvv

If he turned this into satire, and is self-aware enough to know how fucking ridiculous that picture is ... then touché Joe, you have my laugh.

But I get the feeling he is 100% serious.

Please forgive the beginner internet users who are almost senior citizen. Their antiquated minds cannot comprehend this whole new frontier called the "internet'

Ahhh the 60 year old in a U2 cover band who still plays the tough-guy card.

What a surprise who's tweet is at the top...

Whoa hold up did u see his bitchin goatee and beanie i bet that pic was taken during the summer so hes totally breakin societal norms maaaaaaan

He is Chip.


2015-04-11 06:53:54 UTC

It only took the toxic minority on Reddit about a month to make me decided to never look or post there again. Shame I tried.


2015-04-11 16:02:10 UTC

@Keiththecop You're only discovering what I call "the 3%" NOW Keith? Brainless & neutered when not typing. Not a single testicle amongst 'em


2015-04-11 16:49:03 UTC

@JosephCumia @Keiththecop Don't poke the beehive BroJoe. Reddit was just starting to warm up to you after Thursday's show.


2015-04-11 19:09:23 UTC

@SlipperySG @Keiththecop

3% of reddit & it's no beehive. Not close. I don't need approval. They never have/will affect(ed) me in the least


2015-04-11 19:11:11 UTC

@JosephCumia @Keiththecop If that's what you think then okay. Opie thought the same thing and he was crying on air this week. Just saying,..


2015-04-11 19:14:50 UTC

@SlipperySG @Keiththecop Do I look like I'd cry because bitches type? Let it go. Have a good weekend! [Imgur]

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

Haha fuckin' Joe... he's alright when he's just being himself (he was great when him and Anthony were testing out the sound in the theater and on thursday's show) but this tool image he puts on is hilarious.

What an old faggot. There's simply no better way to put it.

Seriously, I know a few guys that beat up guys for wearing those "colors" and trying to pass off as bikers.