Now guys....lets not make fun of people.

3  2015-04-11 by [deleted]

Come onnnnn.


As a mother of three, one of them requiring special needs, I just don't find that type of humor appealing.

I need some clarification. Is it ok to make fun of some people? Not all of them - just ones from questionable ethnic/religious origins.

No. None people.

What about kwashiorkors, is it ok to make fun of kwashiorkors?


Yes. If ol' E.T. fingers didnt want to get a distended belly he should have eaten more.

Eric Clapton's dead kid.

Not funny

NAWT FUNNY and punt

Iiiiii gotta tell ya Augment


I wish you'd bick your carotid artery.

i know u r but what am i


you stealing my posts now?

I don't know. Probably, yeah.

hoo, hoo, I invented throwaway posts imitating the radio hole, Robin.

Tell em' amaral69