Opie is a Lying Sack of Shit!

104  2015-04-11 by FunkyTreasure

I was listening to two shows from 1998 earlier. The first was when they were with WAAF. Opie says multiple times during the show "You're listening to WAAF, the ONLY station that realllly rocks!". The second show was from just a few months later when they were with WNEW and Opie says multiple times during the show "You're listening to WNEW, the ONLY station that realllly rocks!"... What the fuck! Which one is it Opie? WHICH... ONE... IS IT! They can't BOTH be the "ONLY station that realllly rocks!". The man can't stop lying!


That son of a bitch has gone too far this time.


Black people steal

And their jew lawyers get em out of jail.

"The Jew is using the Black to undermine White America!" -Anthony Cumia, as young, innocent Daniel "Bobo" Kurlan waited on line at the DMV for a state ID.

weird to think that's actually true

I wonder how Ant knew this information.

He sure learned it well.

It's one of my favorite O&A moments.

Link? I want in on this clip.


He rain made you!

lol this subreddit is going to get fucking banned

You talk about the Jew's plans, you get knocked.

- Joe DeRosa

What? It's not like we're railing against gooks here or anything which is exactly what that stupid intern CEO is. She should be swinging from a Huey. I'll tell you this, if Ellen Pao wines and dines you... avoid the mystery meat and doggy bag afterward. Their culture is a bit different than ours.

She should be glad, she went from running naked after her village was snake and naped, to being the CEO of this gay website.

She's certainly ungrateful. Someone should bag and tag that piece of shit.


Nothing more pathetic than "edgy" 40 year olds.

just the a normal pic of the Aftershow with Sam and Who kid

Then give em a record deal

I really enjoyed Henry Ford's book on them.

Fun black people fact:

Jackson, Miss

Est. Population: 172,638

Blackfrican American population: 70.64%

Registered 12262 crimes a year.

Cape Coral, FL

Est. Population: 154,305

White population: 89.3%

Registered 3954 crimes a year.

You can't explain that. Tides go in, tides go out. You can't explain that.

I really want to avoid working right now so I looked that stuff up. It's Saturday for fucks sake

Do they list the median income for both cities?

Jackson, Miss (black) - $43,611

Cape Coral, FL (white) - $46,383

I have old friends that lived there for a bit. No self-respecting person would live there for 45k. There are attorneys cleaning up and still left that dump. And by "dump" I mean the land mass between Louisiana and Alabama.



Every race has thieves.

Even Opie defenders can't possibly defend this grievous dishonesty.

What a sweet boy.

I must spread this.

Maybe whichever station he's at is the ONLY station that really rocks?

are you saying he is essential to the rocking effort?

Ant furiously cocking one of his guns trying to get it to fire.

When I lived on the pacific northwest, there was a radio station called 101.1 KUFO.... their slogan? "The ONLY station that really rocks!"

That's THREE! THREEEEEE!!!!!!!

ME: That's the bit

But my local classic rock station WLAV said they were the only station that really rocks whom do I believe? My little world is being torn apart.

Doesn't the FCC have a special task force to arrest and imprison people for talkcrimes this egregious?

Also I don't think that was him riding that skateboard at all. Really makes you think.

I'll tell you something else, Opie doesn't rollerblade either. And I've seen his bicycle. It had training wheels. Fucking liar!

ur liek grasping 4 cocaine straws or sumptin 2 get all fukin zooted n shit. tss tsss.

He's a fockin pees a yoomin gawbij.

Just like he was saying for years that there was some sort of virus spreading across america. Must have been some extended april fools gag or something because I never heard anything about it.

Some bullshit virus. Maybe it's because I live out in Kentucky, but I've never meet a single O&A fan in my life. I've only meet one person that even had a vague idea of what the show was.

Really their "virus" had nothing to do with me becoming a fan anyway, it was Louis CK. I've been a huge fan of stand up comedy ever since my dad showed me old carlin stuff when I was in middle school. Then one day I realized there were like 40 clips of Louis CK talking for hours on a radio show. Then of course I discovered Patrice, and all the other guys like Jimmy, Kelly, Vos, etc.

It's less a virus and more of a parasite feeding off the fame of comics he came and then left to do better things. I can't imagine O&A gets many new fans these days outside from people gravitating to them through clips of famous stand up comics before they made it big.

That's quite the coincidence because I live in KY as well and I'm in the same boat as you. None of my firends or colleagues have even heard of them. You live near Paducah? Maybe we could meet over a beer and have an awkward conversation.


You remember that one time that guy on that show we still pay for said some shit???!!

I can't believe Ant just let this happen and did nothing. It's not like him.

It's like Opie has mouth rocks or sumthin

He's a jew. I hate him

Opie can't be a jew. He has no clout.

His entire family and the Philly crew deserve to be murdered and paraded through the city with their heads on sticks. Opie is a piece of garbage for allowing this to happen and deserves aids and right before he dies of aids I hope he puts a shotgun in his mouth and foot on the trigger. Thank you OP for finding this and exposing this shudderfamily man for the phony he really is.

Now all hail King Pedosiash Cumia, Prince Keith of Cuckingham, and QUEEN Cokewhore(heir to mother land StressFactonia). May they be awarded with a jewless, blackless land filled with guns and beautiful white teenage women. May the individual follicles placed artistically on his head stop fading and his cold black heart nath fail again. Heil Cumia!

Well that escalated quickly...

Not the Philly crew too!

Tsss. We should KILL opie or sumpthin tss tsss

I was listening to two shows from 1998 earlier.

Why would anybody do that? Ever?

How low is productivity as a priority in your life that "listening to two O&A shows from 1998" was your first choice of what do to with your day?

That's a stagnant and empty life even for a user of this subreddit.


You cant be serious with this complaint sir.