Has Club Soda Kenny commented on all this shit?

0  2015-04-11 by fudgesicle2014

I only listen to clips of O&J - I can't make it thru whole shows. Has Kenny been heard from about all the drama? He doesn't seem like the type to put up with Greggshells-type bullshit.


what kind of name is "club soda kenny "?

He didn't drink so he always ordered Club soda

What a incredible lame nick name story

He started out working for Dice. He used to ask for a Club Soda by saying "Club soda, kenny." It turned into a nickname.

I'm not calling you two out specifically, but it absolutely amazes me how many people claim to know exactly everything going on behind the scenes, but have never heard the backstory of one the guys who has been a personality on the show since before the beginning of XM.

Why Kenny though? It's not his real first name.

Dice is a prick and couldn't remember his name and assumed it was kenny. Not that deep of a story

Well shit, I'm not sure where the kenny party came from. I always assumed that "Kenny" was just a pseudonym

I don't know what would make you think I

claim to know exactly everything going on behind the scenes, but have never heard the backstory of one the guys who has been a personality on the show since before the beginning of XM.

I just could have sworn I heard that said before. It may have been on a podcast but I know that I heard this come out of someone's mouth

I am not sure..I haven't typed it. Was it Ant or Op this past week?

oh 'n jay all the way that's what I say

Isn't Kenny Opie's errand boy?

He's too busy sticking up for cops that kill black kids

I'm not saying he's always wrong, but I do find it odd that Kenny ALWAYS assumes the cop was in the right considering he was an IAD.

I bet cops loved having Kenny be the internal affairs guy they had to worry about. Just another one of the guys.

Last time Kenny talked on air I think was when he Argued about some cop thing with Lionel. As far as I've heard Kenny never said one bad word to Opie, Ant or Jim ever. So I wouldn't get your hopes up.

I would never expect him to express any feelings if he had them. He's definitely the guy you'd want to have your back, boob that he is to the rest of us

Kenny is a salaried ball washer. He will never say one bad thing about GH until they part ways.


"It's a very unfortunate situation. Dere's more to da story den we know."

No insider of the show has sided with craterface because he is a vindictive freak. Of course kenny sides with opie, he actually KNOWS the whole story.

Ya its funny that the only people who side with Anthony and think people should have left are those people who learned everything about the show Monday and Tuesday and knew nothing about its reality before that.

Dont tell them that, they get pretty upset when you point it out.