Steve C killed himself on his 1st wedding anniversary because he didn't have a job? What a flaming homo!

0  2015-04-11 by danielkurlan


Great, just what this place needed. Another dirtbag account not even a 3 weeks old.

Work with what we got at the moment I guess

This is interesting from that link:

Kenny, while everyone was in Cleveland for a live show, told Steve that Opie wanted to kill him. Steve, having had someone close die recently, broke down. Opie had to comfort him and even talk to his ex-wife who told Op that Steve was now "your responsibility". (April 26th, 2012)

boooooo... boooooooooo i'm haunting you, booooooo

And THAT'S how you haunt someone from beyond the grave.

What are you doing in MY coffin?

Was it a monday ?

Hate to be "that guy" but as a person who deals with it myself depression is a helluva drug. I am deeply saddened by Steve taking his own life, leaving behind a wife and kid who will never really get to know his own father. He provided me hours apon hours of entertainment and I'll always love that big bear for it. I guess steve just felt he couldn't go on anymore on that day and that truly sucks but to try to blame anyone for this(including opie) or to call steve a homo for doing so is really unfair. Anyways feel free to down vote me to oblivion, but here is to Steve. I hope there is a heaven full of young hairless Filipino boys for you to enjoy, grrrr.

Are you a viet cong?


Where did they ever say that he killed himself? I keep seeing people claim this. Would like a source.

Heresay. As far as I know it's never been directly addressed by anyone associated with the event. Something about not commenting on cause of death at the time made people assume it was a suicide.

I'm honestly kind of surprised the show had the discipline to refrain from talking about it and maybe that just adds fuel to the fire.

I'm sure I'll be corrected by an obsessive with 'insider knowledge'

edit: I understand the irony of referring to someone else on this sub as an obsessive

I believe his wife had posted a link to a fundraiser she was doing that benefited the Suicide Prevention Association, which was a pretty big clue.

You're right, completely forgot that part. That is the crux of where the speculation came from. It's a conflicted feeling because on the one hand Steve was a character on O&A (either his and/or the hosts doing) but on the other I think he really was supposed to be a behind-the-scenes guy who was genuinely baffled and excited by the on-air attention and didn't know how to react.

Poor guy, maybe I'm just projecting my own insecurities on Steve. Booooo

None of you shit-dicks tuned into Ant's AMA back in late January? He talked about Steve C. and confirmed his suicide.

There you go. Thanks

It was never really confirmed but here are the clues that lead people to that conclusion. Steve's wife did a walk for suicide charities, someone claiming to be steve's friend posted on wackbag saying steve killed himself and jimmy once made a joke where he said suicdial Steve and he immediately apologized and it was cut from the replay.

He wanted to become a Pendulum.


And THAT'S how you haunt someone from beyond the grave.