Jimmy actually having a bit of a spine

35  2015-04-10 by kgt5003

I have been critical of James Norton for the last few months but I think at one point in particular during Opie's lament the other day lil Jimmy almost became a full blown vertebrate. After attempting to get Jimmy to defend him multiple times by asking "is there anything else anybody wants to add?" and receiving no response, the Opester finally just flat out asked Jimmy "Why did you decide to stay with the show and re-sign?" This was no doubt asked because Opie was expecting Jimmy to say that he loves Opie and that everybody is wrong about the way they think things went down and all that other happy horseshit. Instead Jimmy said "I love to entertain, I love doing radio, and I just need something to wake up to do or else I'll sit on the internet all night." He completely (and I'd suggest knowingly) dodged Opie's attempt to get a cheap endorsement outta him and threw "I would look at porn too much if I didn't have this job" as a reason for staying over wanting to stay with Opie out of loyalty to him and enjoying his company. A little bit later Opie cries and then flat out says "listen Jimmy I really like doing radio with you" knowing that this would make Jimmy reflexively say "I like doing radio with you too!" however for a little while there Jimmy stopped being a puppet and turned into a real boy.


I buy Jimmy's explanation of doing TACS would be too much of a pain in the ass to commute out to LI and liking the lifestyle working in the mornings. Both seemed very reasonable, throw in saving the jobs of the staff and it makes sense.

If Ant had gone with the NYC studio earlier, Jimmy might have been on board. Only way he can get that studio is if he knows there's demand by broadcasting from home.

Catch eleventy-two.

Blows my mind he didnt do that in the first place. Also blows my mind its not free ad-supported. Pissing away viewership and hype. Stupid old fuck entertain better.

He probably had to make sure the show would work with what he already had first. Its proven to be successful so far at his house, so obviously now its a no brainer a studio in the city would be a good investment.

who's this "mind" Id love to meet him

TACS isn't gonna last.


Quiet Friday night in?


We'll see who's queer when youre fucking me in the ass.


Plus too Ant setting up the studio from his home would have been much quicker. He had some infrastructure and space in his house set up. Finding real estate in Manhattan and retrofitting it to become a broadcasting studio would have been much more expensive and time consuming.

Also I am not sure how much value Jimmy put into working mornings. Ant did afternoons because he liked it and because he didn't want to compete with Jimmy and Opie who I am sure share some audience (Probably a courtesy to Jimmy). But I doubt if Ant had a studio in Manhattan he wouldn't mind doing mornings if that was a deal breaker for Jimmy.

Agree. In addition, the O&J platform is an ideal way to promote his standup job, which he has claimed is more lucrative than the SXM job. And they give him travel time. Additionally, he gets to meet and hang with guests who can throw him work or further his career. The platform gives him stature among show biz people. Also, it seems his only social life is through work; he has no outside friends that I've heard of. It makes total sense for him to stay put and yet retain a personal and professional relationship with Anthony, but as a sideline.

i also think he was holding out hope that he would be rehired.

might have to be careful you might trip over a dozen drunk people on your way to long island!

Interesting.... it could be true that the environment of TACS would be dangerous for Jim, a recovering alcoholic.

If he believed in AA he would have his 65 years of sobriety chip now.



Reddit needs more Ted.


Everything does.



How much are you charging per chip Ted?

Whatsat? Whatsat? Whatsat? Whatsat? Whatsat? Whatsat?

Tss what does he fukken beleev in BATTARIES or sumpthin? Cocksucka



True, but has Anthony ever drank alcohol when he's been on with Jimmy?

Jim has worked in comedy clubs for over 20 years. I think he can handle being around booze.

And Ant was drunk everyday on the WNEW show

I meant on TACS.

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They were talking about invisible ink on the show the other day, and Jimmy said, "I wish my contract was written in it".


I'm sure Jimmy realizes the show is shit and that doing a show with Anthony would be a lot more fun.


Whoah, they sounded so serious too. He has said worst shit about the show. If you actually listened

OMG but if you listen to the old intros Opie says "I have ideas that could get us fired" and Anthony says "could you please use them"!!!!

Calm down you nerds.

Edit: seriously this is turning into fanfiction

During the advice show he said he stayed partly out of loyalty.

After watching a man blubbering like a fat girl who didn't get asked to the semi-formal I am not surprised he amended his earlier comments and added "I stayed for Opie" into the mix but when he was initially asked (and caught off guard) and Opie had not yet shed any tears he gave his most honest answer. After the crying episode anything anyone said about Opie for the remainder of the week doesn't count.

I always thought that one factor affecting Jimmy was that, in spite of Opie's being a hateable cunt, he did feel loyal to both of them and he knew that Anthony could survive on his own where the Opester would be a fucking disaster flying solo. Kind of a pity-loyalty cocktail.


Loyalty to his hooker addiction.


I caught that too. As hilarious as Jim's "At least Ant didn't say you sucked" (paraphrasing) response.

Well that was directly responsive to Shelly saying something like "I know that Ant probably said that I suck on the air and that I'm a no-talent." Jimmy basically just said "no, he didn't say that."

That's Opie projecting his own thoughts about himself.

Oh, 100%.

All that means is Jimmy refused to pick a side. He's been doing that the whole time.

Sometimes that has to be done to make it through a part in life. Sometimes you have to pretend you don't pick sides forever, sometimes you just have to pretend for a year or two.

Saying "I stayed because I still enjoy doing radio with you and even though I miss doing radio with Ant it is still fun to be here with you" would not be picking sides.

Yesterday he worked a finger snapping joke in. I don't remember Opie reacting.


I don't remember Opie reacting.

You could really say that about any joke that's ever been told on the show

Jimmy also ventured into SpineTown when he backed up Ant's assertion that Opie's mood had a HUGE effect on the studio and staff. He said (paraphrasing), "Your mood set the tone for the show", to which Opie immediately denied. To his credit, Jimmy persisted quietly, calmly with, "Yes, it really did. Your mood dictated the tone of the show and the level of tension in the studio".

Instead of the nose this Pinocchio's cock grows when he lies.

Yeah and when Jimmy explained greggsells to him and opie said "well your bad mood would dictate the room, too", and Jimmy said "Yeah but yours...much more" that was great.

I think Jimmys complete lack of knowledge about American history will break up the show

You don't like hearing about how the founding fathers were slave owners and how that discredits the constitution?

Jimmy should have called him out not admittedly not watching Anthony's broadcast. That whole 'I didn't need to listen to it, I have people who give me the bullet points' thing would have enraged Jimmy if it were anybody else saying it.

Yeah course him for not shitting on a friend that gave him a nice gig and a place to expand his comedy career for almost fifteen years. Boo that shit.

I never minded that he stayed. I just thought it was hypocritical for him to spend years trashing people in Hollywood for "putting out shit just to make money and not caring about the content" and then staying at SiriusXM putting out shit just to make money.

I don't curse him for not shitting on Opie. I curse him for being a hypocrite about a lot of things. He trashes Hollywood for putting out garbage content just for the sake of making a buck and then he stays with a radio gig that he knows is weak in content just to make a buck. He trashes radio and TV shows for censoring people and then he has Gavin's appearance booted from the show because he was afraid he might say something bad about Vice and Jimmy didn't wanna be in an awkward position (some good that did since Vice didn't pick him up for another season of that talk show anyways). The guy is constantly compromising his "principles" for the sake of making a buck but then he still wants to write articles for Time.com as if he is some unwavering beacon of truth. He spent a chapter of one of his books trashing Steve Martin for doing the Pink Panther because "Steve knew that movie was going to stink and he just wanted to make a buck!" and then he does "Furry Vengeance" which was absolutely a hunk of shit and Jimmy knew it but he just wanted to make a buck.

Opie and Jimmy are friends, and of course Jimmy likes doing radio with him.

Jimmy probably was flabbergasted that he even needed to say that. Opie is just such a zilch thou

What am I saying, they're all faggots.

I don't think that it's a given that they are friends. It could very well be that they also just have a professional relationship much more so than a friendship. That certainly is the way it seems. They have zero chemistry together and people who are friends typically don't have that sort of awkwardness between them. I don't think Jimmy dislikes Opie the way that Anthony does but I also don't think that he is really friends with him outside of the show. I think he is a "work friend" at best but without the third person there as a buffer between them it is awkward.

Real reason = celeb pics

jimmy kinda passively said he doesn't love doing the show anymore, but still enjoyed it, then shortly after pie kept saying how much he loved it

Who wants to take bets this won't come back against Yimmy when him and Opie have a round 2?


Jimmy has no reason or incentive to shit on what has to be one of the easiest jobs in the whole of human history: show up to a room, make jokes for a few hours, sometimes a celebrity stops by he can try to pester for a picture and/or autograph.

We'd make excuses to ourselves too if we had a job that easy. I would very easily convince myself that I loved doing the show even if I had to share it with the most delusional narcissistic undeserved entitled untalented unfunny bland lifeless soulless mumbling stammering mushmouthed cunt on the face of the earth. Fuck, even for $50,000 a year I'd gladly do the John and Jeff show and sit there and be like GOOD ONE GUYS! with no qualms about what a sellout shallow cunt I am.


I always thought that one factor affecting Jimmy was that, in spite of Opie's being a hateable cunt, he did feel loyal to both of them and he knew that Anthony could survive on his own where the Opester would be a fucking disaster flying solo. Kind of a pity-loyalty cocktail.

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