Did Jimmy almost lose his job?

14  2015-04-10 by screamingmonkeys

I listened to Opie's response to Ant again and I cringed when I heard this part... OPIE:"I hope you know it Jimmy, I like doing radio with you man" JIMMY:" I do too"...voice crack.." but what im saying today is not a reflection of not liking radio with you."

Did Jimmy feel like Opie was about to turn on him? It was like Jimmy went into protection mode and immediately said he "liked" it too and made sure Opie knew all that he said wasn't a reflection of not liking radio with Opie.

Deep down I think Opie wants to get rid of Jimmy but he knows he can't do it alone. Who knows if the "little cunt" text was meant for Jimmy but Opie thinks it was and that's enough to create tension. Opie said "I can't prove it" meaning he thinks it was meant for Jimmy but he can't accuse Jimmy unless he admits it.

Jim Norton is brave.


Jimmy saw a man in his 50s sobbing, pretty sure he was uncomfortable.

Or he was tugging his pud.

Remember when Jimmy cried about Roger Ebert's slackjaw? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GT3TXZ4BmFo

Ebert was a talented, respected and likeable human being. Not a fawking pieze of hyuman gawbidge ya cacksukah

One of my favorite Jim quotes of all time is during Erock's hero list: "What's uncomfortable about this? It's just a man, crying, in a room full of other men!"

You have to answer for Santino, Jimmy...

Why would Opie want to get rid of what he knows is the only thing that keeps his show afloat?

For the same reason he let Ant go. It worked with Jimmy but he wasn't sure at first. If he thinks Jimmy was supposed to get that text then he already feels that Jimmy doesn't like him. Right now they are both doing it for money like Ant and Opie did for 15 years.

Opie probably also considers Jimmy human garbage.

And he thought Patrice was crazy to maintain control of his household.

Patrice was crazy. And deeply sad.

He was correct to do what he did in his relationships. He knew about having a girlfriend, every part of it, inside and out, especially in today's society where women will do retarded shit like start fights with strangers and expect you to jump in to defend them.

Haha, boy are you dumb!

Oh no, is this another cuck fag? How did you get here? Don't you have bulls to prep?

Stop being such an obvious angry beta. It's boring.

"yoomin gahbidge"


He didnt "let Ant go". Ant got fired. Let's not turn into the Stalinists of shitty radio and start editing the history books just because Opie still blows

I meant that Opie didn't take a stand for Ant's job. If they were better friends or if Opie really wanted them to keep Ant he could have. Opie admitted that he didn't fight as hard as he could have and we all know Opie will go down to the wire if he wants something. I don't blame Opie but Ant does.

Wait until Jim gets heat for one of his jokes on stage and Sirius wants to fire him. What will Opie do then?

I felt like i could feel his douche chills and how uncomfortable he was. Also the time Sam made Jimmy laugh when he was playing old crappy radio bits from Opie and Sam said "dude....better get comfortable with those chills" and Jimmy lost it made me think that deep down Jimmy thinks he's kind of a doucher.

I need to listen to this do you have a link?

I think it's in the 3rd Jimmy laugh compilation. :)

Deep down I think Opie wants to get rid of Jimmy but he knows he can't do it alone.

Jimmy is the only comedic horsepower left in the show and Opie's connection to a lot of funny comics. It's not really a "media designation." Jim could probably turn a lot a guys away from doing the solo Opie show if he wanted.

Yeah If Jimmy left there would be no one left for Opie to "let the funny happen" from and we would see just how crucial the actual funny people are to someone who "knows how to let the funny happen".. you know, how he let the funny happen back when he would take phone calls out of nowhere when the comedians were on a joke spree or when he would throw one of his own gems out there and would be met with stifled coughs and nervous glances from everyone in the room telepathically communicating with each other "Who's gonna be the one to set him off for not laughing?"

I kind of get the idea that Opie is such a narcissist/sociopath that he actually does think he can do it alone.

He genuinely thinks he is the brains behind everything.

if opie was smart he'd be paying Jimmy extra out of his own pocket to keep him on board. Jimmy's the only thing keeping that show going. Ope's proved time and again he cant do it alone, and as soon as Jimmy's gone the ole opester's going to "retire" to "focus on his family"

There is no doubt the text was for Jimmy and Human Garbage was hung over, had the hot shaky sweats and simply fucked up... happens to the best of us.

depends on the phone. If it was alphabetical order..... Norton........Opie would be close., and easily fucked up.

Cunt and Cute Boy are close as well

Yesterday when Jimmy said something like, he wished his contract was in invisible ink, I think Opie took offense and left the studio/interview. He definitely wasn't there at the end.

Opie left before Jim said it

Or Jim likely wouldn't have said it.

Get rid of jimmy and lose his contacts and do a show with just sam. Why would he do that?

I don't know why it matters to Opie who the text was meant for. Even if it was meant for Jimmy, it's not like he controls who texts him.

It's like when someone you're dating says they loves you - you feel an obligation to say it back whether you mean it or not.

Opie isn't even talented or original in his insults. Chippahs been using gabage for a long time.

Oh no, is this another cuck fag? How did you get here? Don't you have bulls to prep?