TACS is failing

0  2015-04-10 by [deleted]

TACS isn't doing as good as anthony thought it would do. He know's he is the funnier one and more talented and thought he would get more subs. He didn't get the numbers and probably is only making a couple of 100k(if that, profit). He probably has big living expenses(house, brother joe, other hanger-ons, gambling, spending his money like an idiot). Opie because he is on a much bigger platform and just gets listeners from fans who stuck with it and people who casually listen. Enough listeners that he can still make millions, even if he sucks.

Ant didn't get the subs he thought he was going to get, because TACs isn't good(ive listened multiple times) Opie show isn't good either but has a huge platform.

This isn't for the truth for fans, it was to get more subs because TACs is failing. Ant doesn't seem like he saved properly over the year(you don't win money consistently if you play blackjack-I'm sorry it doesnt)

They are both little bitches, But this was Ant's last chance to get subs so he played this card and got a lot more people to tune in. Simple as it is. Opie probably did save properly. He seems more responsible, cause ANT is white trash(let's be real) Ant is more talented but he is getting scared cause the money isn't there.

TLDR: Both shows sucks, Opie HAS more listeners and makes millions, Ant's show is failing and he needs subs. So he played his card to get attention. And get more money.

Edit: Its very obvious as Ant mentions making millions and it being an easy job multiple times. Sounds like he is no longer doing too hot. Also maybe why he wanted to sign 5 year deals(he wants job security because he doesn't know how to properly manage the money he has earned)


stupid fuck



Your crazy but I'll bite because I'm dumb. Ant doesn't support two kids and a wife and a seven million dollar apartment. Pretty sure ants crib is well paid off he doesn't have crazy cars doesn't go on crazy vacations. He's solely been collection millions you dolt that's why he can spend money. Are you an accountant or a terrible grandmother that would explain a lot.


I love your insanity. You care way too much about this. Maybe where you live theres not much to do so you think about Opie and Anthony's financials all the time



go drink bleach.

About 6 months ago this sub was visited by a shadowy poster.

He was one of those posters that comes along every so often, with highly detailed and specific information that no one could simply dream up.

He had information on one particular aspect of O&A - their years at WNEW. According to him, the two made more than enough money each to last a lifetime -based on their last WNEW contract alone. He knew the inner workings of the station, their syndication deals, etc.

The figure he used for that last contract was in the realm of $10-15 million dollars each.

Couple that with their SXM contracts, and they have earned approximately $30 million dollars each over their careers.

Even if TACS generated no money, Anthony would be fine.

Well his ex-wife would be fine, because she'd get half of that.

Also, the lawyer fees are calculated separately, and are on top of that.

I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Jim is the wealthiest man in the room, simply because he hasn't blown millions of dollars on a wife.



If he didn't need any more money why would he do a show? In all honesty.

I think he enjoys broadcasting and he wasn't ready to retire when he got fired.

Get a life and stop with the fan fiction, Erock.

Pissy lib OP maybe 105 ish iq


Your crazy but I'll bite because I'm dumb. Ant doesn't support two kids and a wife and a seven million dollar apartment. Pretty sure ants crib is well paid off he doesn't have crazy cars doesn't go on crazy vacations. He's solely been collection millions you dolt that's why he can spend money. Are you an accountant or a terrible grandmother that would explain a lot.