This will end with Ant found floating face down in his his pool in what appears to be an overdose...

0  2015-04-09 by [deleted]

Thats my prediction, I cant see him lasting much longer, completely left to his own devices, without the structure of a real job...its gonna get ugly.


Or he'll pull a Ryan Dunn in that Jaguar.

Yore fawkin usaname is halaryes. Word play yuma.

Viral spiral earning their money!

Why are all the anti-Ant commenters new users? I call shenanigans!

Probably people who were praising him ever since #StandWithAnt and dont want to look like hypocrites now that all the new info has come out.

What new information? You mean conformation of what we knew all along? Opie was a nightmare to work for/with!

Honest truth: im afraid one of you juggalos will track me down and slit my throat in the night.

I think the sentiment is the same for a lot of new user names all across reddit, not just this board

You're taking this shit too serious!

I think one of these crumb bums are gonna shoot him after being insulted at a compound party

Anthony's heart will explode while fucking Dani Golightly and he'll drop dead on top of her, with a little bit of saliva spilling from his mouth.

You're taking this shit too serious!