Lol So Norton and Florentine blanked Big Jay Oakerson at Ozzy show and Norton doesn't like Jay

3  2015-04-09 by Lilcumia

Anyone see it on LOS? Maybe Norton will speak on it. They should have Big Jay in with both Jims. Should make for some interesting radio.


blanked big jay? What do you mean?

Masturbated a sterile man on the back of Big Jay's shirt when nobody was looking.


Hah! Jimmy's just jealous 'cause Big Jay can work a crowd better and he's only been doing it a fraction of the time.

What are you peer mediator or sumptin

that's too smart for Chip

Maybe some merit in Jim not liking Jay? Jay has been on R&F plenty and Opie would deifintiley have tried to poach him? Jimmy may have said no to 'ol mitten gloves'?'

fucking autocorrect

The most recent episode?
