Newsweek Article

116  2015-04-09 by LacanZizekFreud


This is all sort of embarrassing to read when summarized in an entirely coherent and professional way.

It's like we've all been binging in the same room for days on end and someone just came in and opened the blinds. The sunlight exposing the shame of it all.

Perfect description

Or when you're masturbating in the dark, eyes opening after a shameful climax, only to realize you were in the family room.

Or maybe it's not.

It's a lot like the moment you finish, look around, look at the screen, and need to briefly view the 15 browser tabs as you close them.

It's yanking out a few strands of yogurt then realizing they landed on your little sister's leg

I turn the family pictures around

facing me

close that shit

let's go back to lying to ourselves.

It really is. Tweets and girlfriend drama

There is nothing more satisfying than seeing grown men pretend to be big and bad, but actually acting like children.

It's like the Bizarro World version of "Lord of the Flies."

Yes, but even in this Bizarro World they still try to crush Erocks head with a stone.

A "Demented World" version, that is...

That means Denny Falcone is the skeleton of the paratrooper that pops up and down when the wind catches his parachute.

Yeah, I'm going to seek out a vastly less gay way to spend my free time. Like blowing surly truckers at a rest stop. This article is the death knell of any interest I had in this flaccid "war".

Flying J truck stop off I-80 in Nebraska.

Yew cuck


I was thinking the exact thing, it all seems very petty.

I've avoided gossip media my entire life, and now here I am, reading this shit.

Im at the point where Im like fuck all 3 of them.

Listening to Opie describe his fucking crying fit as a 'real moment' was one of the worst things I've ever read. I haven't cringed that hard in years.

The best was Ant's response- "check your estrogen levels"

Even more embarrassing that someone gave you reddit gold for that.

I'm only halfway through the article and extremely embarrassed to be a fan of these teenage girls. Paging Joe Cumia Sr...

snaps belt

Pffff....Jesus Christ

It is funny reading that article. half way through all i was thinking is who would give a shit about any of this outside of the little reddit/twitter fan base.


Anthony is looking worse and worse with each passing day. This article makes him look very unprofessional and petty. I mean seriously...who the fuck tries to bring their girlfriend to work constantly? Why is this not being ridiculed as the trademark of a pussy whipped motherfucker? I wouldn't be too thrilled about that either if I was Opie.

I don't know....this just seems like Anthony is trying WAY too hard for cheap heat. Keep in mind, this article and whole thing is happening because Anthony needed a bump in interest.

Downvote away, but I seriously fail to see how any of this is helping Anthony's cause. Not so sure Opie is the one that needs to have his estrogen levels checked...he wasn't the one that kicked off this schoolgirl bullshit.

“Had Opie been fired for something, I would’ve gone into the show and at least played the card that ‘I’m leaving if you don’t hire him back,’” Anthony told Newsweek in a lengthy phone interview. “He didn’t do that, and I don’t think he came close. That’s where my resentment started bubbling—when it's starting to sink in that he didn’t try to keep me.”

I got to this part and just had to stop reading. Is there a part of the interview where he admits maybe he shouldn't have posted that rant on Twitter? Anthony is making this self serving, and that's all this ever was. He strokes the fire on Reddit to increase the number of people on his side, and thus his subscriber base. It's kind of becoming more and more clear that the reason why Opie didn't really talk about it was because it didn't benefit him at all. Opie just didn't care, and when you are on the radio together for years, it doesn't benefit you to admit you stopped being friends over a decade ago.


Anthony seemingly fails to see that all of this happened because he couldn't control himself. This just feels like a guy to whom it's finally setting in that he won't be back in that studio again, and now he's lashing out at the guy who is still there; the guy who's still making that seven figure salary. Again displaying that he can't control himself.

Is Opie douchey? Sure. Is Opie probably a self important asshole? Sure. Is Opie funny? Nope. But attacking HIM because YOU blew up your gig is just silly. Despite what he says, Anthony is acting like the Pied Piper to the people who want to see drama. He doesn't want Opie to enjoy a career, because he destroyed his own.

Beyond all the smoke and mirrors, what does ANY of what Anthony has done over the last week have to do with why he was fired? How does attacking Opie fix that?

Opie absolutely tried to take the high road in all of this....ESPECIALLY if he's the kind of ass that Anthony portrays him to be. Hell, in the wake of what Anthony did to him, he COULD have said that he believed Anthony was a racist and that he thought he deserved to be fired. He could have really fucked him. But he didn't.

Until this week, Opie never bad mouthed Anthony. Sure he didn't overly support him, but he didn't dissect him for the whole world to see the way Anthony did to him. He just left it as 'we have some issue we need to work out first'. He didn't expand on that. Anthony did.

This whole thing is extremely reminiscent of the L.A. radio show Conway and Whitman in the mid 2000s, I think it was. Whitman, the better of the two, lost his gig while Conway continued. Whitman's podcast failed, he developed problems with alcohol, and would fan the flames by calling into Conway's show every now and then while being a miserable wreck.

It's amazing how similar it all feels.

Whitman was fucked up in the head before he lost his gig.

Yeh, just like Anthony. That's one of the things people liked about him.

Whitman is insanely talented but he was depressed all the time and had OCD. It really got in the way of his career.

AS far I know, Ant has been more than diplomatic towards Opie, especially in that AMA he did on here a few months back.

It wasn't until Opie started lying on twitter (or so I know) that Anthony started taking shots.

It's funny how quickly people forget this shit.

Saying how much you love the new show and how you think "it was time to take a break from anthony" when Anthony never wanted to leave is taking the high road?

Someone attacked him and he was mad on Twitter. He did nothing wrong.

This is an entirely new take on the situation. I never saw it presented this way before.

It would be one thing if Opie had said "Hey Ant, you know what would be great radio, is if you went into Times Square to take creepshots, get in a fight with some black streetwalker and then go on a twitter rant calling her a nigger (using grawlixes of course), and about how you're armed and would've shot her if she weren't lucky. That would be awesome radio maaahhhhnnn!"

Buuuut he didn't. Ant did this all on his own.

It almost seemed like Anthony was trying to get fired in the months before the next contract was supposed to be signed. Like watching a drunk leave a party and drive off on a dark, winding road ... just waiting for the sound of the crash.

Absolutely...Be a fucking man and understand your actions were the direct reason why you lost the job. Such petty little cunt shit like this from a 50 year old man is humiliating to witness. Do your show, prove yours is the better one and decide it from that aspect.

Just absurd to witness his actions and the fanboy idiots whose life revolve around this nonsense

My thoughts exactly. Anthony just sounds like an all-around terrible person. He's angry at Opie because OPIE didn't put HIS career on the line, for some stupid shit ANTHONY did on his own?

Agree strongly.

I agree, fuck Anthony. I am not going to be fooled here. This is cleary pussy shit on Ant's part

get over it CUmia, you fucked up stop being a fucking girl about it.

Is it Opie cool? no. is he funny? no. is he a hack? yes. but even with all that said he is not being the bitter one in the relationship right now, Anthony is and it is painfully obvious ant cant take this.

I am done having sympathy for Ant. Fuck him.

Way to show a sliver of respect for the brand you guys created.

Even beyond the brand, Anthony basically fucked over a guy he was once friends with, and spent 20 years working side by side with, because he wanted to appeal to bunch of anonymous people on the internet. Hell, people can say Opie is a lying piece of shit all they want, but he didn't do that. And Opie was the one taking the daily beatings since July. If anybody needed to throw the other guy under the bus to garner sympathy, it was him. Anthony gained nothing by doing what he did. The same people that were subscribing to him before are the same people subscribing to him now. But he completely fucked over a former friend and long time business partner for a temporary spike in interest.

I agree I am done with cumia.

Opie was the one taking the daily beatings since July.

Yeah. July 2004.

is there a bunch of trolls in this thread or what?

people just are not objective around here.

I am always knew O and A fans were some of the dumbest people around. if you ever went to a live event you know what I mean. mostly knuckle draggers

this sub is beat. I am done with all this shit.

What is "pussy shit," about what Ant said in article? Opie has said on numerous occasions that he was ready to move on, and Ant knew it was time to move on....from what I have heard and read Ant DID NOT want to move on. Obviously Ant has to take accountability for being fired, however its pretty shitty to make fans and Jimmy think you want and would welcome Ant back in the future knowing full well you wouldnt. I dont know for sure obviously, but I dont think Jimmy signs if all this shit happened before and Opie had made it clear he had no plans to rejoin Ant ever.

ok dude

o, ok

he wasn't the one that kicked off this schoolgirl bullshit

Why is anyone seriously up voting this? Ant held his tongue through all of Opies lies and deceit until he couldn't take it anymore, and then said he didn't think Opie fought for him.

Opies response was emotional and petty, half of that first show this week was just him bringing up unrelated things that Anthony did that hurt his feelings like him not meeting Opies Kids or leaving his wedding, just to make Anthony look bad.

If that's how you seriously see what Anthony did, you're delusional. He spent two straight hours tearing through Opie...having Keith join in on confirming how awful Opie was to the staff etc.

Again, why does this all fall in Opie's lap? "I don't think Opie fought hard enough for me, so I'm gonna spend an ENTIRE SHOW ripping him to shit, which I've made open free to the public, BTW...mostly because it's what Redditors want to see."

As for as the personal shit Opie cited, it amazing how people can not understand the context of that stuff unless it's spelled out for them. Opie was clearly using those examples as a tool to illustrate just how NOT friends the two were while everyone expected him to lay his job and livelihood on the line for Anthony. I took it as he was trying to say "THIS is how far gone he and I were...and people expected me to throw away a seven figure gig over him?"

When you consider the things Opie explained...and Anthony acknowledged to be true, if Opie fought for Anthony at all is was more than enough.

"Anthony is looking worse and worse with each passing day." LOL wut? People saw Ant calmly destroy Opie, then heard Opie cry about it. Then there's the human garbage tweet from Opie, and Ant taking it in stride by dressing as human garbage. What else is there to this? You have to be an obsessive faggot to get anything else out of this. Ant is clearly winning with everyone except retarded Opie guys on twitter and the contrarians on here looking for the next hot take to get noticed.

People also saw Anthony being petty and whiny in this entire thing too, mostly because of this article. Anthony expects him to risk his job, and the staff's jobs, for his own mistake. Yet he doesn't admit that he made a mistake. And if SiriusXM calls his bluff, then he jeopardizes half a dozen jobs including his own.

Very few people are reading this whole article, and then on top of that drawing the conclusion that Anthony is petty. "Mostly because of this article"? The Greggshells vid, Opie's bitch tweet and then him crying got far more exposure. Nobody cares about shock jock integrity, they just want to see a fight.

Look at the occasional faggot downvoting my post desperately trying to make this the new narrative. "Ant is awesome and I dickrode him for 9 months, but now I want an extra special opinion that will get me noticed." That's all this is.


LOL 5 downvotes for essentially summarizing the mission statement of this reddit for the last 9 months. This place is too ridiculous to bother with. You guys can keep amusing each other with your hot new contrarian opinions. I'm done.


Fair article. They both come off as being petty self serving faggots. Fuck them both.


Take us out, piggy boy!

I currently subscribe to TACS, and haven't listened to Opieradio for probably 6 months now. TACS just isn't nearly as funny as O&A was. It's entertaining, but it's just not filling that void in its current state. And after all of this came out, I am probably not going to re-sub to TACS. Goddamn it. I just want my old radio show back. Both of them are being selfish little whiney cunts. And I normally don't agree with Opie, but honestly, I think Ant just needs to man up and have a beer with him. Figure this shit out behind closed doors so the fans can possibly get their show back one day.

I have to say, after reading the article, Opie does seem to have a valid point. Ant needs to learn to communicate better.

Norton didn't know that Opie was just playing the "I may not re sign" card either though. Which tells me the staff didn't either. To me that is something that Opie should have told Anthony, Jim, and the staff. Not something they should have to ask him about. The bad communication goes both ways.

In fairness, their agent sounds entirely to blame for that little situation. The whole point of having an agent is that he should be mediating these things for them between them and the company, and it kinda sounds like he didn't inform Ant (or Jim I guess, but he's not Jim's agent) of why the process was being held up... which is again, would be part of his job. Opie sounds like he didn't care about whether or not Anthony or Jim knew, but Bob absolutely would have had to have known surely and should have informed him.

Honestly, yes. The problem is these two let mistakes grow into bigger problems. I'm sure they've both wronged the other, even over perceived slights, but the point of a friendship is to let things go and forgive things.

But by the sound of it communications just plain stopped and there was nothing after hours. Just punch in, do a show, punch out. Which almost sours what I've listened to and enjoyed.

I honestly wish Anthony and Opie the best, I'll miss their show. I'll miss their chemistry. I don't blame them, I don't want to sit here and analyze whose at fault. I'd rather just forgive the pair. Thank them for their work, and hope they can find success with their professional lives.

Ant won't get any buzz for his show by manning up and having a beer in private.

What is it with these comments on here? They will never get back together, it's as simple as that. There are plenty of YouTube clips of their show before, and there is quite a bit of entertainment out there for you to enjoy.

What good entertainment do you listen to now? I have tried podcast after podcast and they all have sucked so far.

I haven't watched television in years, so I couldn't tell you if there anything that might work. Most podcasts to me get irritating after the first hundred (or less) shows: TESD, Smodcast, I don't have much of a list of those anymore. You can always download any good O&A clips you find, then convert them to MP3 for your phone, tablet, MP4 player. I'm still searching for other audio-only shit myself. I'll PM you if I can find something later today.

Are you kidding, Race Wars and Legion of Skanks are hilarious, to name a few.

Opie should hire a publicist because he comes off way better in text than he does speaking. Perrioddd. He should do his entire radio show through a third party.


Too bad he cant do his radio show in print.

I read Todd Pittinthingys article and he came off well in it also.

Just play The Anthony Cumia Show and O&J at the same time. Opie will stomp over Ant's lines just like the good ol' days.

hahaha that might actually work

This article makes it clear that I'm way too fascinated with a bunch of gossipy drama

I'm going to get my estrogen levels checked

Its seriously real housewives shit

The author will be releasing transcripts from the interviews later today as well.

This is what I seek. Its easy to write an article based on generalities, which in a way might not be accurate, but for everyone here we are looking for the nuances.

That's good news.

"The text was intended for another party, whom Anthony declined to disclose to Newsweek."

If it was for a ex girlfriend then he could have simply said a ex girlfriend. It must have been Jimmy or somebody that is still working for the show.


Most likely.

I think it was Danny. Danny tweeted about that text when he and Anthony had their falling out.

This whole thing was like a week after Danny was let go (mid-December 2012). You could be right though because I don't think Anthony and Danny had their falling out until after one of the Compound parties in the summer of 2013. So Ant could now vent to someone off air who knew what frustrations Ant was dealing with. But then why wouldn't Anthony say it in the interview?

But then why wouldn't Anthony say it in the interview?

You got a point there.

So that narrows it down to Travis or Jimmy. Ant isn't particularly close with Sam, Erock, Troy, or Roland.

Jimmy is the most likely.

And this whole subreddit is a bunch of hens gossiping. Tits has infected all of us! We're awl helen bergeron here people.

Ya exactly, I'm thinking it's somebody who's still on the staff. I doubt is was Jim because he brought it up on air that Opie thought it was him, and he was obviously annoyed by that.

It was meant for that Nagel kid.


Could it have been former producer and Compound regular Danny Ross? I don't see Ant him calling Opie a cunt to Jim, and Danny would be the only minion he might trust not to rat that back to Gregg.

I think it was for Danny because at that time they were butt buddies. What exactly went down between Anthony and Danny?

Danny got a plus one invite to a big SXM party and brought that tranny Linetrap. He immediately got fired and then lashed out at the show for not saving his job

Oddly enough, it was similar to the current drama. I think when Danny was canned, he felt that the boys, particularly his boyfriend Anthony, didn't put up enough of a fuss to keep him on. I also don't think he expected to be so far on the outside of the show after his role ended either, so he attributed all that to his dear pal Ant until Mr. Cumia had enough. You'll notice that Danny is conspicuously absent from the Compound pics beginning around that time, where he was a constant fixture before that.

Is there audio of this? Like are they mid show and Opie says "what's this text?"

No, it was before the show started. Ecstasy of Gold played, the Rage bumper went on for a few minutes, then it went into best of for like a half hour until the show officially started as a Nopie show, but Paltalk saw a muted argument.

Im gonna say it was for jimmy

  1. If it was his ex, he would have just told that to the interviewer
  2. Probably has them setup as "Norton" and "Opie" in his cell phone, and they were probably right next to each other. easy to fat finger

I would argue that it was Jimmy and Ant was helping Jimmy save face so as not to cause problems.

I know on more than one occasion that when I've been pissed at somebody I've accidently typed their name into the recipient spot, not realizing it until too late. This happened A LOT with my flip phones in the mid-late 00's

Ant's whole "Look, I never said I was a saint!" line is basically his answer for every time someone questions his decisions.

I can't believe Ant's pretending he would have been a big badass and not immediately re-signed with Sirius.

I have to keep minimizing it. Jesus, what a cringefest.

The article just shows what a baby Anthony is. It's not going to do him any favors since he's known for his public meltdowns. Opie, but Jim especially come across like good guys.

BTW, does anyone remember the episode where Patrice and Jim talk about a pact that O&A made to not turn on each other and "write the book" if they ever split up?

I was team Ant but its true. What a faggot he is. "Management is happy with with the show" in his mind somehow means Fuck Ant? What?!?! I think deciding to surround himself with yes men has gave him a hyper inflated sense of self worth.

Christ, you people will turn your opinions on a dime. Yes, that is a crazy thing to hear from the person who would rant about management for an hour on air. Weren't we all making fun of him for the same thing a few weeks ago? Or was that just before he cried and people actually felt sorry for him?

Honestly, I think he just believes the fanboy theories he reads here and on twitter. If you had a core army of dedicated fanboys who told you all the reasons why your failures were somebody elses fault you might start believing them too.

I almost didn't believe Opie's "he never talked to me about it" line until I remembered that Anthony still hasn't returned Burr's phone call.


I definitely think it was a jab at Ant.

Management was never happy with the show. They talked about it for years. Ant leaves, suddenly management is happy with the show? That's the metric he decides to use? Why would management be happy, what changed?

How the fuck else could it be interpreted? Either he's too stupid to forget how they prided themselves on going against management, or he was doing a jab at Ant, which he all but fucking confirmed over the past few days when he said how management didn't like him, and Opie didn't really fight to get him back. He said this on air.

He also lied about how Ant wanted to do his own thing. He lies repeatedly. And now he is trying to play the victim, the best friend who was wronged by the mean fired guy who can't communicate.

Fuck I know this sub switches sides like a plastic bag in the wind but come the fuck on, at least pretend to have a memory.

Seriously, people on this board are more emotional than Opie.

He has a goldfish brain. As do many people on this sub.

Wow Opie comes off way better than Anthony in this article.

That being said, they both come off bad because it's basically childish high school drama but with millionaire entertainers instead of students.

They are two grown men who can't seem to communicate with each other. The only way they know how to is through a public forum like twitter or addressing each other from their shows. All it would take is a phone call, a long talk and maybe for one of them (or both) to suck it up, admit fault where it's theirs and apologize. Unfortunately, I don't see it happening anytime soon because they are both stubborn and refuse to do so. Opie avoids it with excuses like: "I'm just not ready to talk to him right now." "I tried getting through to him over the years, I can't" and only wanting to communicate on his terms. Anthony I will at least give credit for trying to talk publicly, but he seems to not know how to handle real conflict or emotions well and seems to be growing more bitter with each passing day.

Even during Ant's "Greggshells" show, he said "Everyone on twitter say to me 'hey Ant, why don't you pick up the phone' but why should I? Opie isn't picking up the phone either"

That's literally something a 15 year old girl would say.

I really don't get how Opie comes off better in this article. He repeats the same things he always says and barely adds anything new. Ant was very candid and didn't even attack Opie on anything other than his resentment for Opie saying he didn't want to do a show with Ant after he said that he fought to keep Ant around. Opie is the one who overreacted and got upset with Ant talking about their careers (which seems to all be true btw).

The article is ballwashing for Opie and you can tell a liberal faggot is writing it by the language warning for all bleeped out words in the article.

The deeper this saga goes the more I think they are both full of shit.

Though many were touched by the moment, Anthony doubts Opie’s sincerity. “I see it as very self-serving,” he told Newsweek. “It fits together with that whole personality perfectly. I think [Opie’s crying] is pulled out and used when there is an inability to debate the real actions and facts. For God sakes, I hope that’s it. If not, have your estrogen levels checked.”


Well, at least the Newsweek coverage is some good exposure for the sho...Goddamnit.

Hm, I dont know, this doesnt seem so one sided anymore. Anthony is coming off very Colonel Kurtz-ey the last few days. He might be too far down river.

Because Opie is playing defense. Ant is being honest and Opie is trying to own the narrative. Look what they published: it was pretty much Opie trying to control how the entire story is perceived, saying it was an error of communication but the error was more on the part of Ant. He is trying to pilot this thing in his favor and he - and I can't believe a cruel radio shock jock like him is trying to do this - is playing the victim.

Now all of a sudden, he's ignorant, he's surprised, he didn't know about any of this for 15 or 20 years! He was just a friend who wanted a friend, he doesn't know what changed, but he's pretty sure it involves Ant not wanting to be a nice guy like him.

But wait, on his own fucking show 2 days ago, he couldn't shut up about how he knew the friendship was ruined, how he made no effort to really communicate or save Ant's job when he was fired, made no attempt to go on his show, and genuinely did not like the man for at least a decade. Oh, and before that he said how ant wanted to do his own thing (he didn't) and was probably happy he was fired (he wasn't.)

Funny how that changes.

Funny how Opie contradicts himself over and over, overreacts on the air, and starts throwing shit at Ant, but he doesn't mention any of that in the interview.

This what happens when these two hens decide to ignore each other for over a decade.... how you morons can side with one or the other escapes me. They are both to blame for this mess.

I started reading then got embarrassed and had to stop. I'll need some bullet points later.

It was all a work

From a more elite forum:

CharlieDango "If you didn't know anything about O&A before reading that article, you'd walk away from it thinking Opie wanted nothing more than for his friend to communicate with him and Ant consistently shut him out. Opie said on his own show that he's the one who shut Ant out - that he didn't even know how to talk to Ant anymore. Ant seems like an insensitive prick because he mocks Opie's emotional outpouring calling it an act. IT IS!! He changed his story midstream from I couldn't deal with Ant anymore to Ant hates me and that makes me sad.

Apparently a grown man crying has the same effect as the neuralyzer in Men In Black because fans have been talking about how sorry they feel for Opie now. Really? Opie shut down. Opie took everything to heart. Opie stormed out. Opie threatened to quit/not re-sign. Opie controlled the mood of the room. Not a bit of that is changed by the fact that Opie misses his friend. If anything, it exposes Opie's sob story as the misdirection it was intended to be.

The show is over. It doesn't even matter what either of them say to one another anymore because at this point, it ain't coming back together anytime soon. Ant gets to be free of the anxiety his partner caused him and Opie gets to start blaming someone else for his piss poor mood."

It's hilarious how much the crying influenced people's opinions, now Anthony is a bully/bitter ex-gf and they just want him to leave poor, defenceless Opie alone.

It's because long time O and A fans are, for the most part, not emotional twats like a lot of the people commenting from the outside.


So basically, Anthony got mad because he misread them saying "management's happy with the show" as a jab at him when it was obviously an attempt to shut everyone saying how terrible the show is up.

I think he was also mad when opie kept saying how obvious it was that ant wanted to do his own thing, when in reality he was the one trying to get shorter deals, split the show, threaten to quit, etc.

Ant already partly split the show, by doing his own show. Building your own studio at home is kind of a passive aggressive Fuck you to your partner, especially if you're not getting along. Jimmy also had his advice show. Patrice had his own show while he was there. Rich and Bonnie have their own show. Joe Rogan has his podcast airing as a show. If Anthony is saying he had no clue that there would ever be a possibility of him doing his own show, even as a side gig, I call him a liar.

My impression was that Opie's long term plan if their working relationship got more strained was for everyone to split off and do their own shows on the O&A channel. I guess he figured that as the more manageable solution. I doubt he anticipated Ant getting fired and turning on him.

Or, building your own studio just shows how much he enjoys hanging with friends and bullshitting to the masses. He mentioned Opie wanted Fridays off in his discussion earlier this week. It sounds to me like Opie wanted to do less radio and Anthony wanted to do more. Who was splitting the show up passive-aggresively?

He's trying to steal my contract deal Robin, hoo hoo.

so ants at fault for setting up a studio as a hobby and plan b in case the unstable job he has, which he has been fired twice from and nearly again with homeless charlie, goes south?

what about when opie said that he bought podcasting equipment? or does it only count if you take it out of the box?

btw jimmy has an advice show because he wanted a raise a few contracts ago and sirius wouldent give it to him without him putting in more work.

so ants at fault for setting up a studio as a hobby and plan b in case the unstable job he has, which he has been fired twice from and nearly again with homeless charlie, goes south?

No, he's at fault for setting up a Plan B, refusing to talk to Opie about the show, and then putting out a sob story that he had no clue the show could be ending.

Setting up a plan b for a job you have already been fired from twice is a smart thing to do, Oqies problems wernt really with anything show related the major problems were all personal, its not that he didnt know the show couldent end it was that opie was saying that ant was ready to move on when ant has said he was willing to sign with opie again and even wanted longer contracts.

.. and Opie has insecurity issues that are well-documented (and is something he admits). It makes perfect sense that, if he's getting backlash from some people online about the new show, he'd post about increased subscriber numbers/management satisfaction (as a way to reassure himself, not to shit on Anthony).

It amazes me that the man who knew about "greggshells" before it was even termed wouldn't have realized this.

So basically, Anthony got mad because he misread them saying "management's happy with the show" as a jab at him when it was obviously an attempt to shut everyone saying how terrible the show is up.

You're completely right. I don't think Opie meant to insult Anthony and make it look like he was some albatross holding the show back, but Opie's not the most, uh, analytical and diplomatic when it comes to picking and using his words.

However, hearing enough times of how much better the show is doing without Ant being a part of it, I can't blame him for feeling a little shat upon.

At least Norton admits he didn't know if Opie would sign or not either.

The article was fine, but when Opie said he was always going to sign in it the writer could have mentioned he threatened to quit previously numerous times and by his own admission said he probably won't sign again in Oct 14.


That is a standard ploy for broadcasters in contract negotiations. The only noteworthy thing would have been if he hadn't threatened to quit on-air.

Allow me to school you on an elementary point when it comes to broadcast entertainment:

If you're hearing it on the air, it's not real. It's a bit.

Then why did both Ant and Jim question whether or not Opie was actually going to sign if it was an on air bit?

Because that was all a bit too. This whole thing's a bit. Everything's a bit. Hell, I'm probably a bit too.

Oh shit...What if everything is just a bit? We're all just character's in an Opester Radio bit...and when the bit is over we will cease to exist. i'm scared

We all exist only inside Opie's autistic daydream.

That explains why i'm so interested in everything Opester! Thx for sharing that video; it was a very awesome piece of useless knowledge that I can add to my collection.

I knew you would like it, friend. Here's a picture of a weird vegetable Did you know the Ultimate Warrior beat Hercules at WrestleManiaIV? There was much debate about that outcome, let me tell you!

Yeah a bit gay or sumptin... Tss

This actually sheds an uncomfortably bright light on why Anthony's actions in the past week or so on have been a huge misfire and a missed opportunity.

His stated complaints don't carry much weight here. The contract stuff, feeling insulted at the "managemant is happy" thing, the girlfriend/wife/ex-wife shit are just so inconsequential.

Every argument he's made is a softball for Gregg. Easily refuted with a simple denial, a cool guy sniff and a swish of the tits.

What is missing from this article, and sadly, missing from Anthony's new-found openness too, is a thorough catalogue of decades of HOLD ON HOLD ON. Vurry good, vurry good, huh-huh-huh.That was a great line jim, let's go to the phones. SNOOWWAYYY. Wha happennn? HOLD ON HOLD ON. I was the candy kid. I was in the mafia, big time. I can't talk about it. I caddied for the mafia. I was in big time, they gave me a little taste. A little taste. HOLD ON. Let's go to the phones. SNOWWAYYY. burp. I'm smart, I'm a great broadcaster, I know I'm a great broadcaster. AND IN THE END, these dopes on twitter, they just don't know what they're talkin about. PERIOD. IM TELLIN YA. HOLD ON HOLD ON. Vurry good, vurry good, huh-huh-huh.That was a great line jim, let's go to the phones. SNOOWWAYYY. Wha happennn? HOLD ON HOLD ON. I was the candy kid. I was in the mafia, big time. I can't talk about it. I caddied for the mafia. I was in big time, they gave me a little taste. A little taste. HOLD ON. Let's go to the phones. SNOWWAYYY. burp. I'm smart, I'm a great broadcaster, I know I'm a great broadcaster. AND IN THE END, these dopes on twitter, in the end, they just don't know what they're talkin about. sniff.

Is this a new thing now, we've gone from the Chiproll to the Oproll?

I still feel like I haven't got the full story behind the scenes. He said everyone walked eggshells around Opie and his mood dictated everyone elses. He just glanced over it.

Ant needed to give examples of what he's talking about. It was easy for Opie to say no that's not true. Everyone could relate to the idea of having a coworker that constantly cuts you off, talks over you, takes shots at you, but freaks out if you say anything back. He needed to be more specific about the emotional hostage taking. Who wants to go to work everyday knowing that one guy might ruin everyones day because he is in a shitty mood. If Ant would give examples of instances when that shit happened it really would have allowed people to relate and think about times they dealt with that shit.


Exactly. I wish he'd actually address the real issue, which is that Gregg is a talentless psychopath. Ant tip-toed around for the last 9 months, we kept egging him on to go for blood, then he finally "attacks" but only goes 15% of the way. We all celebrated like it was a victory, but it was really just more of the same.

Anthony doesn't come off very well in this. Opie comes off much better. He shouldn't have done this interview because he'll always look bad.

he is an ugly ghoul pothole face looking fuck.

both faggots still

I'm halfway through this horribly typed article (with opinions from the "author" thrown in of course.) I see this as their last time dealing with this, I'm guessing that no one will speak of this, or harp on it any further. I don't see anyone coming across any better than the other.

I will say that I don't want to make these kinds of mistakes myself in life, I'm going to be as blunt as I can possibly be with people, because this kind of shit can cause some serious health issues, mental and physical. I'm done with holding any sort of grudges against anyone for petty bullshit.

Monologue over, now call me a babbling cunt for taking up this much space on the thread.

Fuck off and stop making so much sense!

I won't hold your comment against you.

Many Bothans died to bring us this information

"Opie would be like, ‘That can’t happen. I don’t want her here,’ He would say its distracting. You can’t be keeping someone’s girlfriend out of the building that you are a complete equal and co-worker with someone."

It's called being at work Anthony. If I was your boss and you kept bringing your girlfriend in to work so you could make kissy faces at her all day instead of doing your fucking job then I'd fire your fuckin dago ass on the spot

Why transcripts are important:

He resents my new girlfriend, she’s the monkey wrench thrown in as he saw it. He didn’t treat her nicely. She used to work on Broadway, in midtown. After she was done with work, she’d come by and sit outside in the green room of the show. Opie would be like, ‘That can’t happen. I don’t want her here,’ He would say its distracting. You can’t be keeping someone’s girlfriend out of the building that you are a complete equal and co-worker with someone. I’m not bringing Charles Manson in, its someone I care about. Now meanwhile, he would let people he cared about come in and I never had a problem.

A lot of people are taking shots at Anthony over the girlfriend at work thing.

Having her in the green room for an hour or two is not the same as having her at work.

And, Opie having his loved ones in, while Anthony's weren't allowed, would definitely breed resentment.

This is exactly what the article should have been, an honest assessment of what happened. I can't believe that after all the hate on reddit Anthony saw directed at Opie he would believe the management statement would be a shot at him. I can't imagine this garnering much attention for either show and I don't think Anthony committed 2 hours for such a fluff piece. Shock jocks will always shock and jock and I know he wanted it to be more inflammatory to garner himself some publicity for TACS. And Jimmy was a great voice of reason, Anthony has got to be upset that his comedy crutch didn't go to Bat for him more.

Decent article. I got a good read out of it but I'm more excited about the transcripts, especially since Ant gave over an hour of his time for this interview.

I never hated Opie because of the shit in the article, I hated him because he sucks on air, isn't funny, and actively impedes other people being funny. All this bullshit is high school girl shit and irrelevant. Who cares if they both sound like cunts, or if Opie comes off better. Doesnt mean I wanna listen to him

"Anthony compared the stress of contract negotiations to his divorce (which he categorizes as very unpleasant.)"

Aww, Ant got butterflies in his tum-tum. Maybe this is why Opie had to handle the negotiations.

Because Opie would ALWAYS pull the last-minute shit, stupid.

Hey now, words hurt.

*IF YOU'RE A PUSSY!!! #ComedyGold

Awww </3

(✿ ♥‿♥)

The reason he was stressed is because of how Opie handled the contracts... Jim said the same thing. How hard is this to understand?

For a sub full of self-proclaimed ballbusters, there sure are some sensitive people in here.


How so?

What a faggot, deleting your comment. Still would love to know how I'm talking "EXACTLY like Jimmy".

Yes, I deleted my comment because I'm a faggot and im scared! I am scared of an online screen name that I will NEVER see or know who is behind it. I deleted my comment because I thought I might have jumped the gun on my comment. But since you called me a scared faggot, I now know that you're really young, because Only a young douche would Embarrass themselves by even Thinking of the notion that Any of us would Ever meet in a Million Years! Unless we wanted to. Grow up.

Show me where I said you were a "scared faggot".

All interviews were conducted by phone. Anthony Cumia provided 1 hour and 50 minutes, Jim Norton provided 30 minutes and Gregg "Opie" Hughes provided 30 minutes of their time.

Almost 2 hours by Anthony. Do you think he was cleaning his guns during the interview thinking about the opster?

This is a work

Ron and Fez noon to three!

Suck and fuck, dawgsies

I actually thought that also. Its a ton of free advertising for Ant

Blech. I'm so done with the drama between these two. Norton, too.

As a regular I&da fan, so stupid to hear this is really about shitty communication between to adult men... Totally avoidable... Disappointing.

They're like a band.

They had a good underground album (the Boston days).

The huge smash hit came at WNEW.

Then, they did some more good work at XM. But, the magic slowly went away.

Bands break up over petty high school crap. This is just very public.

Have you heard the old Boston shows?

"The big problem here is that I had no idea any of that stuff bothered him over the last 15, 20 years."

Anthony says in the article that Opie crying is a way for him to avoid the facts, but has Anthony addressed the above?

It gets more and more bizarre to me the wall that these two constructed between one another; to the point where the simplest forms of communication were unknown to them.

It's like neither one comprehended that talking to each other off-air was even possible.

They're both guilty on that front (from the information available, which now seems like a lot). In fairness to Anthony too, the roles in which they cast themselves were different - Opie was the "boss" of the show. It would have made sense for him to push the issue of getting Ant to sit down and resolve things much more than he did.

Aside from using the word "outlandish" twice in the first sentence, pretty good article. Well written, fair, and did a good job of illustrating how fucking childish this whole thing is.

Opie on contract negotiations: "I assumed he knew what I was doing, but if he didn’t, fair enough. I just wish, once again, he would’ve discussed it with me."

So Opie expects Ant to be a mindreader. And by the way, discussion is a two-way street.

It sounds like Ant expected Opie to be a mind reader. Maybe if everyone had an issue and all of these people were supposedly coming to Anthony saying they had a problem with Opie's negotiation tactics, then Anthony could have approached Opie.

everyones walking on greggshells and you want ant to stomp on a carton of them right before unstable oqie decides to sign or not? sounds nuts.

Greggshells is a cute little name and all, but the idea that everyone was walking around terrified of Opie seems a bit too far fetched. Ant should have grown some balls and said something on behalf of the staff if there was so much at stake. It goes to Opie's claim that Anthony wanted nothing to do with the behind the scenes business end of things. In an effort to be one of the guys he outcast Opie as the evil,oblivious boss who was fucking around with everyone's livelihoods.

They weren't afraid of Opie's harsh words. They were afraid Opie would meltdown and quit which would ruin it for everyone else. So they all walked greggshells to keep the show going.

But if that were the case, wouldn't Anthony just have continued on by himself if Opie quit?

Who said they would give him a job if Opie quit? Who said the show would even exist if one of them walked away? They're not coworkers, they're a brand. They could have easily said it's all or nothing.

I remember Ant talking about how he felt management viewed him as the lesser of the duo. He was a dumb tin-knocker who got lucky, and that Opie was a true radio professional. I can certainly see that Ant's paranoia, wether it be valid or not, would cause anxiety over his employment being contingent on Opie resigning.

It could also be good business sense, because people overplay their hand all the time during negotiations. During the Opie breakdown, he mentioned how at the very beginning they signed on for not that much money because they were "damaged goods." He knew it, Ant knew it, everyone knew it. It was a break they were lucky to get.

What I find suspicious is that Ant laid out the details and parameters of the contract very specifically, the one Opie would hold out on. He discussed this on TACS. 5 year contract, first couple years have standard raises, the last 2 years see the big increases. This seems like a standard contract. To hear Opie tell it, the contract was fixed rate every year, locked in, no raises. No agent in the Western world would accept a contract like that for that sort of show. Nobody would, that's how scams are run. I have a way easier time believing Ant's version of the contract than Opie's, cause Opie sounds like he just made that up to make it sound like a new negotiation every 2 years is a great fucking idea (it could easily backfire on them.)

I think this is the least-emotional and personal part of the whole shitshow and it's the most important, cause if someone can prove that Opie was overplaying his hand on a pretty fair contract, it will add a lot of weight to the rest of the complaints. As it stands now, I have a hard time believing Opie's version of the contract existed, and I can understand Ant's paranoia about giving that sort of deal up.

Opie has admitted to wanting to quit a million dollar job, it got so bad their super agent showed up, over ant writing a bad tweet about a restaurant. yeah clearly no need to walk on eggshells around a guy as stable as this.

It does stand to reason though that if Ant was upset about the restaurant that he could've called Opie instead of going on twitter and ranting. That's what any normal human being would've done.

Seems like the common denominator in all this is fucking Twitter and Ant's inability to control himself on it.

Ant has claimed the tweets were sarcastic, which im not sure about i cant remember what they said off the top of my head, but wanting to quit a million dollar job over it is not a normal reaction.

seems like its just each of them not talking to the other which broke the friendship, and opies lying about ant wanting to move on and lying about doing everything he could to keep the job of his 20 year on air partner that broke the business relationship.

twitter got ant fired but thats about it dont give it too much credit.

wanting to quit a million dollar job over it is not a normal reaction.

Absolutely true, but you've got to give Opie some credit, he at least owned up to that and said he handled it the wrong way.

I have to wonder if Opie was not only lying to all of us but also to himself about Ant wanting to move on. If you say something enough eventually you believe it, maybe that's what he was doing. Who knows.

Greggshells is a cute little name and all, but the idea that everyone was walking around terrified of Opie seems a bit too far fetched.

Why? People like that exist all over the fucking place, especially when they have subordinates. Why is this so hard to believe?

It's hard to believe that ALL of these people had such an issue with Opie and weren't able to express it on or off the air. Opie would not have threatened to quit over someone asking him a question about the contracts. That makes no sense.

Opie tried to quit over a tweet. THAT makes no sense.

Why is that hard to believe? You've never had a boss everyone hated but didn't wanna fucking tweet about for fear of being fired? Also this is show business, everyone's scared of burning a bridge. And they can't be that scared; we know about it. If everyone were scared like you think, nobody would ever know

Did you HEAR Opie's response to Anthony? Everyone in that room was fucking terrified that Opie would put them in the cornfield. "Mars, did you ever fee-" "NO!!!" Monday's TACS and Tuesday's O&J could each have been called "Walking on Greggshells."

Jim confirmed that himself and everyone on the staff had no idea if Opie was going to sign or not. That would get really old if you are going through it every 2 years.

Maybe he expected him to like, pick up the phone.

The only thing I could think of while reading this article was how much of faggots these 2 are. Jesus Christ is it that hard to pick up the phone and say "hey dude I don't really like x".

Or are these 2 faggots settings up a year long bit for their return to radio.

It's like two people who read the same book but have completely different understandings of the story.

That'd be a good analogy if Opie could actually comprehend what he read.

Anthony sucks at confrontations and negotiations, and that's why someone (Opie) had to be the adult and deal with management and agents while Anthony got drunk with ugly teenagers and fat slob fanboys at his Compound.

someone sounds jealous...

If they really were good businessmen, you'd think it would've occurred to someone that going 10+ years with ZERO off-air communication might somehow negatively impact business.

It blows my mind how just a week ago people were killing Opie and one Newsweek article just changed everyone's mind. God you guys are dummies.

Viral Spiral pumping up the Reddit numbaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssssss.

Yeah, what the fuck? Now I know Torpid Sloth and his superfantards hate this place. Make up your fucking mind. Meanwhile, Ol tits has to blame Ant for sending legions fans against him. I guess when you hide behind Snowy, that North Carolina shithead who's name I thankfully forgot, and everyone on YouTube, you forget where reality is.

The only thing I'll say about The Anthony Cumia Show is that it needs a co-host.

And I'll agree with everyone else that the situation is sad. It's worse now because now I don't know where to stand with people now hating Ant.

I have poor reading comprehension and reading skills so I will not read this.

I listen to both, opie on youtube and Anthonys podcast. Neither are as good, Opie's defensive and not that funny, Anthony just goes on about race at nauseum.

Now they've both become the sissies they mocked for years. Who else thinks they will have a tearful on air reunion and little Jimmy sucking tranny dicks will be the least gay thing about the show..... ugh

It was an alright article, but I'm much more looking forward to the transcripts

“I don’t have a complete recollection on the things I may have done to his girlfriend at the time, but I’ve certainly made some mistakes"

What weaselly nonsense from Opie.

The more I read and listen the more Anthony comes off as bad to me. If you're happy where you are now and making good dough then fuck it..move on. You're an elderly alcoholic and probably don't have many raptor buying 14 year old banging years left Ant.

Oh, Opie!

You forgot saying Pekah..its hilarious


Oh man this is great. I'm just picturing Ant reading through these comments while crying into his beer. Finally people are hopping off of his old veiny dick.

This article makes me think that old man Anthony has had a few ulcers over the years.

You can hear his stupid douche drawl through the words.

Pffffffffft Son of a bitch.

I dropped out of this for a while now.

Did opie really start crying on the air? Seriously?

His sobbing could be heard outside the building... Fez trashed him for it. In Fez's words: I've never ever sobbed like such a bitch. Ever.

All right, who's side are we supposed to be on? Now we hate Ant? Jesus, no wonder the Sloth has this place.

Maybe Opie didn't want Ant back badly enough because he was sick of the race baiting rants over and over and over again...

I don't understand why people hate Opie for putting on a show that's not O and A. He never wanted O and A to get to the point it did leading up to Ant's firing. He was literally backed into a shifty small studio with a major radio brand that was growing stale. The guys wanted a bigger studio and video support for the show. It was obvious that wasn't going to happen so he became frustrated (the same way Ant grew frustrated over race rants).

The fuck is "red bar" and why are their shitty fans attacking the comments? Is Redbar Radio funny or shit?

It was a funny podcast 5 years ago when this comedian Fritz was on, the main host Mike Davis is essentially edgy for the sake of edgy. It's the definition of polished turd entertainment.

They sound like the kind of target we need to unite this subreddit in battle. What say gang? For old times sake?

“I mean, Pam and Tommy Lee got back together. There have been shittier couples that got back together.” Jim Norton ending the article.

"I gotta kill that OnA sub. Get on it viralspiral!"

Wasting real money for some Asian kids to vote for shit on Reddit is pathetic. Look at the vote numbers, and the age of this post.

Your show still sucks donkey cock Opie. It's not funny, not entertaining, and not even interesting. Anthony is still more entertaining, and nobody outside your (former) fanbase gives two fucks about any of this.

Tomorrow TACS will still be funnier. You will still be going crazy like your mother. That shit is hereditary. Get some meds while you are still part of reality.

"Does anybody remember laughter?"

Good luck bro.

Anthony comes off like a cunt.

... wholly inconsistent with what SiriusXM represents,” the company wrote in a July 2014 statement. Opie . . . and Jim Norton . . . expressed outrage over Anthony’s firing

Can someone please direct me to the tweets, blogposts, interviews, facebook posts, vlogs, and television appearances in which Opie and Jim express "outrage" over Anthony's firing?

The article unfairly makes it sound like some loud public fight occurred. In his first day back on the air, Opie said he FELT that Anthony wanted to move on anyway and wished him happy trails.


Everyone involved maintained that Opie had done all he could to save Anthony’s job after the July tweets.

Contradicts this...

Opie confirmed to Newsweek that he did not threaten to quit in negotiations to keep Anthony onboard. “I didn’t feel like we were on that page anymore,”

Out of apparent personal spite, Opie did NOT do all he could to save Anthony's job.

Norton didn’t threaten to quit either. “I don’t know if Opie threatening to quit would’ve made a difference,” he told Newsweek. “I don’t know what his threat might have done but mine—they wouldn’t have given a shit.”

What a brilliant little Machiavellian worm Jim Norton is. Subtlety shifting the onus on to Opie for not quitting while relieving himself of responsibility.





Anthony Cumia provided 1 hour and 50 minutes, Jim Norton provided 30 minutes and Gregg "Opie" Hughes provided 30 minutes of their time.

"Finally, the cameras have found me."

Boy Newsweek's bar sure is low to cover this kind of nonsense.


I'm let down Newsweek didn't interview the Truth for his side of the story, because we all know we're not getting it.

Well at least they got an article in mainstream media again.


Did Newsweek mention Opes tits?

I have no idea why, but this all reminds me of this scene from Charlie Wilson's War:

If you've never heard the show this article makes Opie look like a level-headed, rational guy.

If you are a fan of the show... HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON

When did either opie or anthony promote the others respective show? Where does the author get that from?

The first few months of O&J they mentioned TACS a few times a week. Ant rarely mentioned O&J, though. Not that he should have. O&J owed it to him and the fans to put his show out there and let people know where he is since being fired. They did that, probably more than they needed to.

Had no idea opie promoted tacs.

Because you weren't listening. Everybody who denies that Opie didn't mention TACS every week wasn't actually listening yet they were acting as if they knew for a fact what Opie did and didn't say.

alright fucking calm yourself

The full transcripts are up.

Ant really comes off as a pussy faggot with the text message stuff, mistakenly sending the "cunt" text to Opie. I hate people who talk shit behind backs.

Fuck both of these assholes. I'm tired of these two 50 year old men acting like 15 year old girls. This is getting really embarrassing.

By your definition, how are you not a pussy faggot for bitching anonymously here?

He's actually worse because he is doing it anonymously. Just sayin.

Fuck off, stupid. Because I don't work with anyone here. I don't work with Opie or Ant or Jimmy every day. Read the transcript. Ant sent Jim a text (it was obviously Jim, but he denies it) in studio calling Opie a cunt when Opie is right there. That's so cowardly and cunty. If you can't see that then I guess you're a cowardly cunt too.

You fuck off, stupid.

hahaha I think you upset him, and then he went Opie on you.

Here I was hoping you were going to turn out to be Sam Roberts.

Opie admits to talking about him behind his back too. They are both pussy bitches in that regard.

You are what you groom via Twitter and PalTalk!


I pardon Ant's past transgressions for gritting his teeth and bearing with Opie to make funny radio that made me laugh which is all I care about anyway. He's relying on fans to pay but I want the Anthony that would reply to what I just said with 'Fuck you, I don't need your forgiveness cocksucker'. That's what I'm missing most and I think we as fans are now the Greggshells holding him hostage.

Please Ant, find a sustainable business model not entirely dependent on fans and unload on us the only way you know how.

A few points.

  • the author didn't make who said what very clear in the first quarter-half of the article

  • Norton really seems to back up Ant on everything

  • The digs that Ant got in were even more brutal in print.

  • Opie changed his side of the story yet again throughout

  • Jimmy's Tommy and Pam comment was fawkin hilarious

How was it not clear who was saying what? Every quote had an attribution, what more could they do to help you out?

Fair enough. The author just went back and forth between quotes so often it seemed scatter-shot to me. If you were reading about this not knowing who was who, or following the show for 15 years it can be very confusing.

Here's a suggestion: Get over it!!!! should take OUR advice, and GET OVER IT!

You're deranged if you think Jim backs up Ant on everything. I'm convinced some of you read something completely different like someone with dyslexia would.

Some people have amazing abilities to see and hear only what they want to.

Yuck, I forgot that Ant tried to scoop Jim from Opie and actually told Jim that Opie wasn't going to sign, to scare Jimmy into jumping ship. The desperation in that is douche chilling.

ya i don't think that is how it went down but I don't suppose it's gonna stop you from saying it as fact

The context is a little unclear but if you read the surrounding comments it does not appear Ant said that in regard to the last round of negotiations. Jimmy isn't dumb enough to reveal that if Ant did say it.

The comment you're referring to is from a question about negotiations.. not the incident. From the transcript.. (the way the article cut things up was kinda shitty)

How did you feel during contract negotiations?

I was afraid Opie was going to walk. Ant called me and said, ‘He isn’t going to sign.’ Opie said he knew what he was doing but I didn’t have that privilege the two of them have. I was definitely nervous many times during contracts.

Opie and Anthony make money than Jimmy Norton. You should do another article on how unfair that is. Whenever I talked to our agent, I literally do not know what kind of money they make and I didn’t want to know. Whatever they were doing, I would just ask if they signed.

I thought Opie might use it to walk. And I really wanted to do a longer term deals well, I was nervous about it. During negotiations, I thought Opie would quit.

Very few people are reading this whole article, and then on top of that drawing the conclusion that Anthony is petty. "Mostly because of this article"? The Greggshells vid, Opie's bitch tweet and then him crying got far more exposure. Nobody cares about shock jock integrity, they just want to see a fight.

Look at the occasional faggot downvoting my post desperately trying to make this the new narrative. "Ant is awesome and I dickrode him for 9 months, but now I want an extra special opinion that will get me noticed." That's all this is.

That'd be a good analogy if Opie could actually comprehend what he read.

Yes, I deleted my comment because I'm a faggot and im scared! I am scared of an online screen name that I will NEVER see or know who is behind it. I deleted my comment because I thought I might have jumped the gun on my comment. But since you called me a scared faggot, I now know that you're really young, because Only a young douche would Embarrass themselves by even Thinking of the notion that Any of us would Ever meet in a Million Years! Unless we wanted to. Grow up.

It could also be good business sense, because people overplay their hand all the time during negotiations. During the Opie breakdown, he mentioned how at the very beginning they signed on for not that much money because they were "damaged goods." He knew it, Ant knew it, everyone knew it. It was a break they were lucky to get.

What I find suspicious is that Ant laid out the details and parameters of the contract very specifically, the one Opie would hold out on. He discussed this on TACS. 5 year contract, first couple years have standard raises, the last 2 years see the big increases. This seems like a standard contract. To hear Opie tell it, the contract was fixed rate every year, locked in, no raises. No agent in the Western world would accept a contract like that for that sort of show. Nobody would, that's how scams are run. I have a way easier time believing Ant's version of the contract than Opie's, cause Opie sounds like he just made that up to make it sound like a new negotiation every 2 years is a great fucking idea (it could easily backfire on them.)

I think this is the least-emotional and personal part of the whole shitshow and it's the most important, cause if someone can prove that Opie was overplaying his hand on a pretty fair contract, it will add a lot of weight to the rest of the complaints. As it stands now, I have a hard time believing Opie's version of the contract existed, and I can understand Ant's paranoia about giving that sort of deal up.

Yeh, just like Anthony. That's one of the things people liked about him.