This is all extremely self serving

32  2015-04-09 by TippyTawm

Look, I can buy that a lot of what Ant said is true. There's enough people who've said similar things, and it's just evident from listening to the show over the years. Opie always seemed like he never got over how quickly being near the top on WNEW was ripped away from them and the bitterness and desperation to try and get back to that point permeated a lot of what he said and did and made him appear detached from reality a lot of the time.

But, sitting there for 14 years cashing checks and pretending everything is ok, only to level your partner at the earliest point of convenience is a pretty shitty thing to do as well.

At the end of the day, Ant got himself fired. He didn't deserve to be, but it's also extremely naive for anyone to think do-gooders with nothing better to do weren't going to seize on a national radio host's string of racially twinged tweets, especially when they did the 'apology' bit for years.

And Ant's the guy driving the stake through the heart of the O&A 'legacy' basically telling everyone it's all bullshit, they hated each other, still hate each other, and want nothing to do with each other.

I listened to both sides, they both have what seem to be legitimate grievances, but when you decide that you won't talk to someone in private and then pull the curtain back for an episode of your new show, that's about as big of a FU as there is. So I don't really get the framing of Ant as the People's Champ.

And maybe that's the point of why he did it, as a final FU to the Opester, but it's all in the name of pushing TACS at the expense of O&A. The framing of it as "the fans deserved an explanation" is complete BS.

So, it's all pretty pathetic from both sides. 14 years you sit in a room with someone and you can't find the time to talk out your problems. That's some henhouse shit right there.


How come Opie, clearly more invested in their personal relationship to the point of going to therapy, wasn't more active in trying to resurrect their relationship? He's just as responsible, if not more so, for their relationship, because he cared. Ant didn't and it would've been fine that way if they were adults about it.

This is not "earliest point of convenience." That would've been in October. They kept playing O&A on Sirius which is obviously fucking ridiculous. Opie continually pumped up his numbahs as an FU to fans and Ant. He went from "devastated" by Ant's firing day one to the Larry King day where he's basically saying he didn't give a fuck.

And part of the issue is that Opie is impervious to criticism. That's what Greggshells is. So have an "open" discussion with a guy who refuses any blame, who insists on discussing his huge house and wedding instead of taking ownership for acting shitty? How are you supposed to want to talk to that guy?

To be fair, I've been relistening to all of the old Patrice shows and it is very clear that opie really wants to be ants friend and Anthony is reluctant. I have noticed this for a couple months now.

I think your off on several points here. 1. Ant didnt pretend everything was ok. Off air they both knew exactly where each other stood. 2. Ant didnt want to talk to opie in private because of Opie's passive aggressive attitude and tendency to lie. You cant pull that shit on the air. Jimmy agreed that on air was the best solution. 3. This was not a 'final FU to Opie'. In fact, Opie caused this. Ant hadn't said anything bad about Opie for months following his firing. He was nothing but supportive to Op and Jimmy. This all started when Opie kept saying he and Ant hadnt spoken off air in 10 years and suggesting that Ant was leaving anyway. It all ramped up last Thursday when an Opie rant about Fez somehow turned into Opie again suggesting Ant wanted out. This was the tipping point. Ant decided if your going to keep saying this shit, I'm going to have to explain why.

Opie has brought all of this on himself. The internet 'haters', Anthony speaking out, all of it.

What's starting to blow is that now no one is taking either side. What, because of the girlfriend shit, we have to hate Ant? The fucking guy was quiet for the longest time even when we prayed that he should've gotten after Corporate Cunt. Now he's ungagged and he's the bad guy? Fuck off, doesn't make CC have any less of a God complx.

3 hour old account.... Jesus fuck, people!!! All DAY!!!

This isn't a default subreddit, sockpuppeting won't fucking work. Holy shit!!

Yup, like a Newsweek article just turned things like this.

Opie pissed away real fucking money to fuck with a subreddit nobody reads. Hes as batshit as his mother.

I'll admit. I don't know at all how that shot works. I can only assume that this a purchased action.

I get more favorites and retweets on twitter than the ziplock bag of hammer smashed asshole tits with only 200 followers.

I'm old. But fuck all, I'd like to think I know better.

I know what you mean, but he did give Opie every opportunity.

Opie's problem is that he see's conflict in everything. When Fez said Opie doesn't care about his ex partner, Opie humourlessly went into a rant defending himself. He can't see the woods for the trees. He spends years over reacting to stuff and feels put upon when people point out he's unreasonable.

Just laugh it off and it's gone. The fact you care about Fez saying that shows you're so insecure, and when you defend yourself from a position of insecurity you lie and deflect and people don't like that.

"And Ant's the guy driving the stake through the heart of the O&A 'legacy' basically telling everyone it's all bullshit, they hated each other, still hate each other, and want nothing to do with each other."

He didn't say it was ALL bullshit. He said he had no relationship with him outside of work. That doesn't change or do anything to over a decade of great radio. In fact, I would say that them being distant almost certainly made for more interesting radio. At xm they admitted to doing basically no prep and that was their best years. They were always better on the fly, just busting balls and riffing with comedians. A prepared, organized and emotionally stable version of o and a wouldn't be o and a.

Yes, ant is a completely withdrawn socially dysfunctional creep (like nearly everyone here) who was probably unnecessarily shitty to his partner of 20 years...but you can't take away the fact that opie made his career, mansion and millions largely off of ant's work. They had a large falling out and it was never the same. These things happen and there's noone really to blame. It is what it is.

Are you forgetting completely the fact that without Opie, Ant is still tin knocking? Holy shit, his great claim to fame would have been the Weird Al Yankovich of Long island. I realize Ant is much more talented then that, but the fact remains he got his start to fame solely due to opie

yeah because Ant would have never been able to earn a communications degree and crawl up the radio ladder. that skill is only reserved for Opie and Fez.

Opie would have been Jim Chandler at best. Considering his awful voice and mannerisms, even that's a stretch. Ant might have stayed a tin knocker, but Opie's show wasn't the only one he was appearing on. Very likely he would have had a radio career elsewhere.


No he got his start to fame because he was funny and talented, opie was just one of the first to come along and decide to work with him in that manner. That's like saying Elvis owed his success to Tom Parker or the Beatles to Brian Epstein. They had the right position to help out but really they were kind of just the ones who happened to be there.

Ant was actively trying to get into radio. It wasn't a fluke that he found himself on the air on Opie's show. If he wouldn't have gotten on with Opie he would have kept trying until something else stuck. Same with Jim Norton. If there was no Opie and Anthony Dice probably would have brought him on the Howard Stern show to tell the same stories. He probably would've become a regular guest. It was the exact same type of show. He might've even ended up getting the Jackie chair. That's how Artie Lange got it.

Opie gets credit for recognizing their talent, no doubt about it, but I have a feeling without Opie those guys would still have made it, and the same can't be said for him. He didn't go out and find them. They literally showed up trying to get on the air to do good radio, and they did so he kept them around. They made his show a success.

Yes, he gave the fans what they wanted - his honest opinion on this feud.

If that makes him a sellout it makes every single story-teller a sellout.

Such a dumb thing to be annoyed about.

Opie's waterworks got many feeling compassionate for him. In the end he's still a cunt for saying Anthony wanted to do his own thing.

"I listened to both sides, they both have what seem to be legitimate grievances, but when you decide that you won't talk to someone in private and then pull the curtain back for an episode of your new show, that's about as big of a FU as there is. So I don't really get the framing of Ant as the People's Champ."

-That's not really how it went, cowboy. Opie was saying things on his show and on Twitter for weeks that Anthony said simply weren't true. Antonio used his own platform to set the record straight, which he did rather professionally & tastefully, might I add. There were no personal attacks, it was just Ant's side of the story. He made a crack or two for comedy/entertainment purposes, but never called Opie "human garbage," or came out and said the words "I don't like you." Which if Im not mistaken did Opie not also add "I've never liked you?"

"And Ant's the guy driving the stake through the heart of the O&A 'legacy' basically telling everyone it's all bullshit, they hated each other, still hate each other, and want nothing to do with each other."

  • This is just fucking insane. He NEVER said anything like that. Please go through Monday's TACS and find the time stamps and direct quotes where he said anything even close to this, please.

"I think you're way out of line talking about Anthony like that. What you're saying is libelous." Imgur

When Ant did the whole impression, "Whatever, Anthony, whatever" I think there's your communication problem right there...

tsss wut like a gas staishin or sumthin?

Dubble pumps muddah fukkah

Nothing would have been resolved by doing it Opie's way anyway, that is, keeping everything bubbling just underneath the surface. This way, at least we get good radio.

The show is not coming back either way.

"earliest point of convenience"

what? he could have ripped them at any time. it seems it was only after opie repeatedly took the liberty of speaking for anthony that he got pissed. he's been diplomatic the whole time, and still was on the gregshells show. he said NOTHING that wasn't true and NOTHING that was mean spirited. he merely explained the facts. facts that were apparent to all long time listeners that were paying attention.

This is an astroturfed post with fake upvotes.

But, sitting there for 14 years cashing checks and pretending everything is ok, only to level your partner at the earliest point of convenience is a pretty shitty thing to do as well.

You just described what Opie did to Anthony by not fighting for him. "It was very convenient," "opportunity to move on," "I didn't give it my all."

Also, Opie himself says this public tiff has been oddly freeing. They basically had the on-air confrontation they should have had. The truth is finally out and Ant's bold Greggshells episode was the catalyst.

After hearing both sides, they're both fucked up people. Clearly, this has been the case for the entire run, or why else listen to it?

I think they're both right and both wrong. You could tell years ago that Opie wasn't into it. I think what brought him down was the fact that he passed his apex, and never hit at the right time. Couple that with a partner who, from both accounts, seemed to not care as much about growing the show than staying with it probably drove Opie to be "Greggshells". Had the roles been more defined and Anthony acted more as a partner than just an on-air personality, I think that would have helped.

Opie's also a bitch. Clearly he was hard to work with, probably because he always wanted more. But Anthony didn't help either, leaving shows early, calling out at the last moment, spending hours on rants, it sucks to be Opie who has to pick up the slack. Because of that it sucks to be Anthony because Opie is being a twat and behaving irrationally and treating staff like shit. Opie clearly has personal issues.

What really should've happened is that they should have both communicated better. What's done is done, it didn't happen. I'm sure there's lots of personal shit neither one is bringing up (despite Ant "clearing the air" and especially because Opie won't open up on the air).

I think Opie was right -- this shit should probably be dealt personally first. They clearly have a lack of communication and you can't rely on the radio as a crutch. If you want to talk about grievances over the air fine, but get to the point where you two can communicate as humans before being on-air talent. I think that's where Ant is wrong, and I'm trying to see this as straight-down-the-middle as I can.

I think it's this: Anthony was probably too complacent and Opie probably needed to deal with his issues. Both needed to be better professionals on a show where being professional is the antithesis.

I think they're both doing a great job solo. O&J feels fresh and rejuvinized. There were times I couldn't listen to the show because Opie was clearly unmotivated or Ant would rant for hours. Anthony's show is fun and edgy. I've been back and forth on who was my "favorite" for years but now I don't give a shit. It just sucks it's so fucking messy.

I give zero fucks to someone who has been a Redditor for 1 day.




You just described my first marriage

Eh, people bitch about this but if not for their flaws, the radio wouldn't have been entertaining.

Also, Ant didn't shit on Opie til Opie shat on him.

Ant and Jim were still able to make the show great and hilarious for years, but Opie was a hindrance. We've all known that WAY before Ant finally admitted it, and of course Opie knew it too. He's read wackbag, reddit, and tweets from "haters" for years. It wasn't that the the show was fake, it's that there was no other way to work with Opie than to just let him have his way and pretend everything is fine. He takes any criticism as hate and pouts. Everything is everyone else's fault to Opie. He knows everything.

Ant repeatedly gave Opie the opportunity to come on Ant's show so they could talk out in the open, but Opie wanted to talk in secret while repeatedly lying on the air about Ant's intentions every time he was brought up.

Ant is trying to save his shitty show..can't really blame him

Remember the reddit white knights who were up in arms that Derosa dared to speak his opinions on Ant in public and not in a private face-to-face... LOL!

I liken it to the Montreal Screwjob in many ways.

at the end of the day,

Anthony Cumia screwed Anthony Cumia.

What, you actually think Anthony's responsible for getting himself in trouble?! Clearly this sub has passed you by.

Um, he was responsible for it. None of us agree he should've been fired, but he is responsible for what he publicly tweets. It's a joke he got fired for his tweets though. How I wish they weren't on break and had a show the next day, he would've just come in and ranted on air for an hour and none of this would've happened.

Bravo, sir. I will always dislike/blame Opie the most, but Ant did himself no favors this week. They are ruining their entire 20 year legacy through teenage girl bullshit.

Ant let the cunts on here and on Twitter manipulate him into this shit. He probably also sees his numbers on his podcast either dipping or staying stagnant. Unlike Opie and Jim who have dope jobs and guaranteed $, ant has this podcast that he desperately needs to grow or else his livelihood is on the line. Keith probably told him to wage a war to see his numbers spike. He probably gained about 12 new listeners and while doing so blew up his entire legacy and potential to come back on board at sxm. Seriously he started this shit, then they air their shit all out and Ant is still going. He's even taking shit about ope crying. Seriously wtf is with that? Does ant feel like he's gotta appease the psychopaths on reddit to maximize his $?

If you really look at it. Opie has always been the guy with a big heart but a completely abrasive, often douchey, hard exterior type. Ant is like the most chill, funny, cool guy, but has an awful black heart on the inside haha

The worst part of all this is that O&A had a pact to not do this, to not "write the book" and trash each other, yet Anthony was crowing on his show how he'd love to "write the book". How pathetic. His complaints on his show were some of the whiniest first world problems I've ever heard. I work with people who are bigger cunts than O&A could ever be, and I don't hate myself when I look in the mirror. I can get along with them just fine.

Anthony got bad advice in all this, or ignored very good advice.

yeah like i said before we have to work around people we hate everyday and get paid shit, he has to work around 1 person with mood swings big fucking deal.

ant just seems bitter and was pretty disloyal to do what he did.

Agreee 10000000%



Anthony is the ultimate nihilist.

In general, the Opie "defenders" are more rational than the Anthony ballwashers. No one's trying to portray Opie as this saint who did nothing wrong or who's beyond reproach; it's more backlash against the revisionist history/"messiahification" of Anthony.

Both guys played a huge role in creating the show (I assume) we all really enjoyed. Both have characters flaws. There's no black and white.

Hit the nail on the head. The majority of this sub is on Ant's dick which leaves everyone else with no choice but to end up defending Opie. Such an avoidable situation doesn't come up without there being plenty of blame for both sides.

No one is forced to defend shit tits

TACS isn't doing so well anymore. It's not growing, they've lost subs. Ron B, Manhattan Studio, the promises of a "network", Artie, LoS, all attempts at gaining subs. Which is fine, but it's also very telling. Ant going off on Opie lately is also because he wants attention on TACS, though he obviously has legit grievances with Opie. It's convenient. TACS is flailing because of the antiquated paywall model and the limited fan base. Combine that with Ant's life expenses, staff expenses, equipment and meager ad money from Mangrate and KTL, it's fair to say that Ant isn't happy about being in the situation he's in. His last gig was way better. It's why he keeps saying that he never wanted to leave. He's really bitter about Opie still being there. Ant has only himself to blame, though. Those tweets were retarded and he should have known better. A good radio guy saves that venom for the air and uses twitter to tease it. Ant's paying for his mistakes.

It's clear that Ant is desperately trying to save his shitty show with this, but I don't care. All Opie had to do was keep his mouth shut about the whole situation and everything would have been fine. Yes, he would get hate on Twitter and Reddit, but it would never have blown up into this. His hyper defensive reaction to Fez's little jab was an open invitation for Ant and everyone else to go for the jugular and threw out any chance he had to frame himself as the victim.

Ant didnt even go for the jugular. There was so much he didnt even say.


It's actually a pretty great summation of things. I'd suggest giving it a read.

Ant's doing it because his TACS is a bust. It's drumming up attention. But as O&A always said, getting attention does nothing for a show that can't back it up with quality content. This has always been Ant's final tool to get more viewers. You think he would attack Opie if his show had been a smash success? Of course not, he'd be too busy you know, having a successful show without Opie. When you replace a 5 with a 10, do you go out of your way to attack the 5? No, you forget the 5 exists.

I promise you subs are doing amazingly well. I just wanted tell people what it was like being part of the O&A show for that long. It ALWAYS has to be a ploy?

But does management love the show?

He IS the management


How long you been doing this Ant?

You should get clips of old shows when drama was coming out on air but you weren't acknowledging it. Do some commentary and finally clear up all those speculations over the years. I bet listening to some old shows would remind you of some pretty funny stories. Maybe that would help your failing show... who knows.

Ant, you lost me dude. I was on your side and you pulled all this shit out of your ass like a bitch ass nigga. Was it warranted to destroy opie?

All this shit is gonna back fire on you because you didn't pay the brand you created enough respect. Same thing you did with your gig and that's why you lost that.

You also tossed Louie under the bus with your comment about him hating opie. You like to run your mouth with shit that will end up fucking you.

He didn't even destroy the guy. Ant pretty much just explained why he was upset that Opie kept saying that Ant wanted to leave. The closest he got to actually insulting Opie was calling him hypersensitive (greggshells). Then he explained why he thought Opie didn't fight for his job, as much as he did for fucking Troyquan. In order to do that he had to be honest about Opie's personality and why he felt the way he did. WHAT DESTRUCTION!

A lot of people are saying it was a ploy to grab more subs. If it was, it's poorly timed. If I were Ant I would have got into it with Opie a week before the city studio went live with another act like LOS as a launch bonus. That being said I'm not sold that it was calculated.

He needs revenue to pay for a city studio.

Just because it could have been done better doesn't mean that wasn't the intention. Maybe he couldn't wait that long. I mean come on, the last 10 minutes of his free hour was spent intermittently begging people to subscribe. I wouldn't be surprised if Ant started teasing new "revelations" (tune in tomorrow subscribers!!) on twitter once he realizes this one act wasn't enough to get his show real momentum. It's pretty obvious he's been grasping for attention for several months now. Stay tuned lots of changes coming!!! New website, app, new studio, more guests, Ron, skanks, all these awesome things are down the road guys! Even though it sucks now come watch!! Yeah... we've seen this tired attempt before Ant. Let it go.

Why couldn't he wait that long? The subs he does have pay for the staff. He already owns the equipment. He might take a hit for a little while setting up the new studio but we're not talking devastating amounts of money.

Also let's put it in perspective. The staff is one of his Jewish neighbor's kids, his long time buddy he takes care of anyway and has a NYPD pension, and like two other guys working part time hours. Can't be too expensive.