You ever notice how Jimmy never uses Anthony's characters even though Ant steals his all the time

0  2015-04-09 by Ant_Sucks

Its not like Dice or a racist Asian accent are hard to do. It's almost like Jimmy doesn't need a crutch. I think Jim is also just a more creative person and respects himself too much to steal jokes


Ant has impressions, Jim has Characters. When ant does one like chip he's pretty much just doing an impression of Jim.

Nice try on the hate though

Hello? Exactly?!


How many times you gonna make the same post, faggot.

  1. Jim can't do a good dice impression
  2. A racist Asian character on satellite radio would get Jim fired
  3. Its not stealing if Jim mentions jimmy almost every time he does chip

OP wasn't actually trying to make a point, he just has a hard on for Ant.

Shhhh you're exposing the Pedosiahs faults

"Pedosiah". Bravo!

Jimmy does characters, not impressions.

Ant does impressions, not characters.

Stop stealing benjamin72's character.

It's the same queer, benjamin72's been making throwaway accounts for a while. Fuckin frothing lunatic he is.



You can't be this stupid

Not true. One time Jimmy did Ant's 1930's guy voice and midway cracked on himself for bombing at Ant's impression.

Why is anyone paying attention to this user?

Ant cant go a half hour without stealing a Jimmy bit/character.