Opies Lies and Contradictions (04/07/2015)

152  2015-04-09 by SocialJusticeZombie4


Holy fuck, that goddamn song is gold.

is it gold, Jerry, gold?

I have to download it now.


Fuck Opie

The cognitive dissonance from Titboy is all over this video. Good job getting all his lies and deceit together in one video.

cognitive dissonance

Phrase only redditors think is super smart.

The post also has the word "Titboy" in it, so I'm not catching a professorial tone.

Cool observation! How do the other words he used make you feel?

You're trying too hard.

At what?


Uh boo.

ME: I wasn't actually going for a joke there. Nice try with the hate tho!

Do you realize how badly you have to fuck up to get downvoted commenting on a -20 comment, with a comment that was meant to suck up to the downvoters?

No I guess I don't keep track of internet points. I just think you're being a cunt, so I called you a cunt.

Yes, excellent point since they're so difficult to see on comments and are totally not the principal mechanic of how this site works. I like your honesty!


I thought this was gonna be a nine hour long video.

And titled "part 1".

not even close. Youtube doesn't have enough servers to cover Opie's lies and contradictions.

I want to hear Jimmy accidentally playing this song on his phone like he did that "hold on hold on" clip.

How the fuck are you still working on your chemistry after 15 years? That says a lot about things and the current state of the show.

because he says words , he just says words.

they are still figuring things out

The first 3000, 4 hour shows together were a bit bumpy, but I predict at about 4500, they're really gonna click.

Rapport can be built but chemistry cannot be forced. It is there or it isn't.

God damn rich cunt!

Death Wish is on Netflix streaming now btw...

"...if I left too." TOO?!? As if Anthony chose to LEAVE? F'ing guy.

What a stutterin mutterin prick when he's trying to say he fought to get Ant's job back but also didn't really fight...

The man lies so much, you think he would be good at it.

Transparent as a window.

Saving this baby for a long drive. Well done

Well done, this should be upvoted for as long as this subreddit lives on. This one video represents everything Weeping Shelly is and has been for more than twenty years.

Holy shit was there really an 80s island ska song called "Check Out the Empties" ?? That's fucking awesome

I bet he loved that song when he was a frat-boi.

Opie cried so everyone should feel sorry for him.

I truly hope Opie gains a better appreciation for his mother through this whole ordeal and makes peace with her. He should finally be able to understand the pain she dealt with that he always resented her for. They are one in the same.


Holy shit. I haven't listened to O&J at all in several months, so I assumed that the sniffing was a once in a while thing. But he does it constantly, literally at least once every two sentences. Jesus, how can he possibly think that that's good radio?!

He's got terrible allergies and he thinks it's too much of a hassle to see his allergy specialist, so he puts it off as long as possible until he gets enough sympathy for his bloated face, then he finally goes to see him.

You Have to sniff when you're fake crying! It makes your character more believable. Besides, He was going for a moment there.

I actually considered for a moment that this uploader edited some in just to make it look worse. It's fucking absurd. Why is his nose so goddamn runny??

If we were to take Oqie on his word that he didn't listen to Anthony's show, then who is the SOB that was intentionally feeding him false information? Someone who benefits from Anthony being gone from Sirius perhaps? His brother who still holds a grudge from the FH Riley's incident? Hmmmm

Opie's just lying about not listening...just like everything else. He wants to have plausible deniability ALL THE TIME. As for his brother, he's "A Psycho" too (read down the thread): http://www.reddit.com/r/opieandanthony/comments/2johhj/has_anyone_been_to_fh_rileys_lately_hows_the_food/

if he didnt see it( and i think he did) then i would put my money on he got his info from twitter. Oqie has always gone with information he got from the callers/instant feedback/twitter on air, you can hear him in nearly every interview blurt out some false fact about the guest and say its what "a lot of people are saying" when its just one caller or message that he believes.

Bullet points my fucking ass. He called Ant "still human garbage" as TACS was still broadcasting. He saw it.

He without a a doubt watched the entire thing. I've never been more certain of anything in my life.

I still don't know what lies people are making up about his family. Is it basically the Bam/Lindsey stuff?

I was thinking that too, it must be.

I don't know why he let that become such a big story in the first place.

So she fucked another C list celebrity before she met him, who gives a fuck?

I'm convinced that the bitch way Opie handled the Bam issue is the only reason it's become what it is. "Leave it alone!", seriously.

Exactly! Opie basically said "I know for a fact that my wife didn't make a sex tape with Bam! I know because she told me she didnt! And No woman has Ever lied to their husband about something like that! So I'll offer $10,000 to anyone who can hand me the tape. And then I'll sue you for Hundreds of thousands of dollars! See...there is no tape."


That dude at the Post wrote the article and Ben fed the info all because Opie is so unlikable.

You gotta remember that there's usually slat least some truth to every lie.

May it wasn't before she met him - that could be why it's such a touchy subject?

God Damn, Someone missed the entire point. Nobody actually gives a shit if Lynsi fucked Bam. The only reason it's brought up is because it's a well known fact that if you want to hit Opie with the most devastating blow, you bring up his wife fucking Bam! It's simple psychology.

Yes, and evidently it was you who missed the entire point.

Of course that's why everyone brings it up now.

But if Opie had handled it differently when the story first broke however many years ago, it wouldn't be such a sore spot for him now.

Yes! But even when he's trying to gave a real Moment, he still can't address it.


The stuff about Bam and the wife is pretty pointless. There's a good case to be made for Opie being a jackoff, but that doesn't mean every negative thing that's said about him has to be true, especially from a disgruntled cokehead ex-employee. Dredging this shit up is just retarded.

Words hurt....

Awesome video with a fantastic song choice

What is the delightful song used in this?



How the fuck did you find this song? Who's the artist that made it?

He really does have the most punchable face...

What someone needs to do is compile allllll of Opie's terrible moments(like the Bill burr dark chocolate thing, Jim's cosby NPR joke, him awkwardly bombing from past and present shows, there are many incidents a day) or at least as many as we can find and make a long montage of that. I've been listening on and off since July, but I can't even bear Opie's small talk-esque comments and voice anymore. A good highlight reel of his terribleness would be the last final payoff.

this is amazing, for a second version make sure to include him making fun of maxwell for not going to the phones and then put the clip of him saying we'll take calls and coming back from break to pretend he never said anything

don't forget the cement bags he would use for lunch

He's a lunatic, Op just makes things up as he goes along to apease whoever is in studio or listening to him at the moment.


You're ruining all of the incredible heavy breathing with your song!




Wow, that is actually him on the fuckin radio? He sounds close to going on a murderous rampage.

Compare his voice and inflections, to Ant, making jokes about Eve Online and generally being pretty chipper (tss). Opie is fucked.

They call me greggshells or something

Great acting.

Well there's no way he would really know what they call him.

He doesn't care, after all.

He just doesn't even care.

He doesn't care.

Also when someone says they don't care, they do totally care. Except Opie. Even though Opie said that, and then afterwards said that he doesn't care, a bunch of times over and over repeatedly as if trying too hard to convince everyone about how much he doesn't care.

Everyone thanked me for staying here


Mel Karmazan wouldn't let me quit!


This clip is the most angering thing I've heard since MH17 was shot down

Whos MH17?

It was a plane once. Not any more.


His 'poor-hard-done-by-me' martyr tone is fucking irritating.

i randomly clicked through and the second click brought me to a "period" statement.... i can't even....

This video is completely perfect.



Completely. Perffffffect.

Is there any way I could send this back in time to the early XM days? Old Opie would have a field day and actually give his AAF self a break.

So far, no one's on his side!


You are obsessed, aren't you? You have way too much time on your hands.

