A rape allegation against Ant would go viral instantly, because of his Conservatism and his trademark Creepface

0  2015-04-09 by Ant_Sucks

Come on Sam, do your duty


You're a weirdo.

sounds like someone is fantasizing about ant's dick a wee bit too much.

Of all the things to hate Ant for, why would you want to see him framed for rape? The dumb cunts who fuck him are disturbingly young, but not too young to not know what they're doing. They get in touch with him on the internet and star fuck him. Then act irritating as shit when they're a live-in. Ant's really more guilty of being stupid than being a creep if you think about it.

I thought about it and I think its about 50/50

BTW who said anything about a false accusation.

Way before you posted, I had this all typed out in case of disagreement.

When the words "more" followed by "than" are used, it means 51% or higher vs 49% or lower. It does not mean 100% vs 0%. But people keep reading it that way. I'll never understand why. It absolutely blows my fucking mind.

Just from my dumb fantasy of where the conversation might have gone. Exploring, and all. Never expected to do anything but delete it.

Now I'm creeped out.

BTW who said anything about a false accusation.

I don't know. But why Sam?

Why Sam? Who wouldn't want to rape him?

Look at how serious this guy is about a radio show

Sir, please stop slinging facts as if they were insults. we know this.