Jim sat there while Opie pretended he didn't watch it (the detail,human garbage) and didn't question him once. This is why he is/has lost fans.

50  2015-04-09 by Lilcumia

Why would he have any credibility when he allows his co-host to lie and not even ask how/why he sent him the human garbage tweet. And why not play any audio? I can't listen to Norton now. Wish he would have had the balls to confront or at least ask Opie on his lies. Guess a morning zoo show audience doesn't care.


Jimmy is loyal; Opie and Anthony have been great to him - and this feud between them is real and personal.

For Jimmy to get involved and go after Opie on Ant's behalf would be the behavior of a turnip.

On the show he cleared things up when Opie got something wrong about what Ant said, I think that's all we should expect from him.


Opie may take his own life

We aren't that lucky

Relisten to the show. Whenever Jim had a chance to speak, he did challenge the Sloth.

He could have spoke alot more if he wanted to, but he did challenge Opie on some key points. and I don't blame him for staying quiet. That was some awkward shit with the sobbing and whatnot.

Yea, he let Opie talk and contradict himself over and over. If Jimmy talked more it would've deflected from the bullshit Opie was spewing. Jimmy purposely stayed back to give Opie any help on this one.

What does the "sloth" name refer to? I've been a little out of the loop with Opie and Jim, I've only been listening to Anthony lately.

It came from Anthony's show, Gavin MacInnes called Opie a Torpid Sloth


That's right. I remember him saying that now that you mention it, but couldn't figure out where the hell that came from. I guess the big blow up was only a matter of time. ("well... no shit.")

I think you or someone else said it but Jim's silence was deafening and spoke volumes and when he spoke it was walking on gregshells but it was real enough.

True he did, but in a very paycheck securing way

He knew Opie watched it like the rest of us. He never questioned the tweet responses right after or all the detail he went into. Opies the boss and Jim is co-host of a shit show.

Jim is lost fans?

Until Jimmy dies I'll be a fan. But after that, good riddance ya fawking pecka head

Jim was the only one in a position to maybe disagree with Opie (sam & Erock won't do that). My issue with Jim is why didn't he bring up what set off Anthony in the first place. There was no mention of why Opie kept lying about "anthony wanted to go & do his own thing". Opie kept making it sound like a mutual break up so the fans don't take it out on him. That's not what happened. Anthony was taken away from the show by the suits for tweets that went against PC sensibilities. That's the reality of the situation. Be real

I actually thought E-Rock was challenging Opie harder than any one in the room.

Mars was completely opiewhipped, and Sam was biting his tongue, but E-Rock stood his ground

I can't blame Jim for not wanting to start a fight about this (at least not right now) but it's the fact that on the Greggshells show there is no other point of view, no one speaks up for the truth anymore, on a show that used to be all about it, it's just that much more of a reminder about how the show is now dead, and no one will speak up against Opie's bullshit. It is tempting to take that out on Jim.

The Howard Stern Show ain't any better. Of course, why hate Opie back then? He and the crew called Howard for pulling the same shit (not having anyone with balls call Gunkard out; that's his new nickname that's been christened on Dawg Saloon, BTW).

Dawg's rules!

no one speaks up for the truth anymore

Your phrasing makes you sound heavily biased. Let me guess, Anthony's version of what niggers are is "the truth", and 'speaking up' = pointing your saber directly ahead and letting out your rebel yell.

If I'm in the wrong let me know, and I'll retract my apology and go fuck myself.

If by "niggers" you mean "signing the contract at 5:59 a.m." then yes.

Yes, you are wrong.

Opie acts like the contract was up and the amiably parted ways because they wanted to Do Their Own Thing. If you listen to all his drama, you might not even know that Ant was summarily fired via email, told he had zero chance of working for the company again and then the company hung up Wanted posters of him.

Jimmy was right-on with the O&J show should've given him a tidal wave of undeniable support. People on the Internet will still talk shit. But it's not like they have better things to talk about. They r the ones with the jobs they should've been over-the-top with support & plugs

But why would Opie do something like that for a guy he doesn't like?

To avoid the wrath of the rabid asshole fan base giving him th shit online that he claims he does not deserve

Little Jimmy is a good boy in a tough spot. He did correct Opie a couple times by saying, "I watched Anthony's show and he didn't say that." But other than that, what's he supposed to say? "Hey, Anthony's my friend, fuck you buddy!"

He has a professional relationship with two guys who hate each others' guts. You can't expect him to stomp all over the guy he has to sit next to every day for the next 18 months. The periodic Norton backlashes on here make no sense to me.


After all was said and done, it turned out that Jim Norton was the even tempered one.

Jim will continue with Greggshells because it's a dream job. The best thing for him to do is to keep quiet and not anger either side. With what's going on, anything he says could be taken the wrong way by anyone and hurt his relationship with either side, he just wants to do radio and laugh and not be a part of the shit being flung back and forth.

Jim is not lost. Jim should not lose any fans. He stepped up by confronting Opie about not calling Ant the night before he signed. Opie had to admit that he was wrong for that. Jim was smart and calculating. He also pointed out that Opie should have gone on Ant's show. Jimmy is a genius and should be respected for keeping both friends through all this bickering.

Jimmy is very clearly teamAnthony during the whole rant. Even when Opie is begging for some support - "Why did you re-sign" - Jimmy just says something about performing, doing radio, etc. Nothing about Opie.

I just thought it was funny that Jim was using his 'advice show' voice during the whole thing. Somebody needed to play that drop they play on R&F when Fez breaks down and cries.

Every time Opie paused I heard "The Advice Show" theme in my head.

He is lost fans.

Tsss well maybe he should try to find them or sumptin tsss tsssss

I think Jimmy's right in the middle of a crossfire between two people he has worked with for well over a decade now. He did subtly call out opie on his bullshit several times while walking on greggshells.

Jim Norton has no horse in this race, no matter how he plays this Jim is lost fans. (JILF for short)

Opie and Jim aren't attached at the hip so how could he know if Opie watched it or not, especially when Opie is sitting right there saying he didn't watch it...also Greggshells.

The OP is a retard who uses the benefit of hindsight to smash someone he doesn't like for unrelated reasons.


that's all Ant, Jim and the staff have mostly been for Opie for years.

He said, when they were talking about the going clear documentary, that there is no way John Travolta hadn't seen it.

Yet he hadn't seen that Anthony Cumia Show? even though hes so emotionally invested in it? He is a pathological liar, hes not funny, he certainly isnt intelligent, hes not likable - yet he has unilateral control of what could and should be an excellent show lol. Its a tragedy.

Comics to me, speak truth to power, jimmy would suck a Jew dick on stage if he could get into spiderman 9

Jim could have done more, but he was definitely leaning to Ant's side.

It's a real hoot the way everyone in this sub holds the hosts of shows they listen to a unrealistic and sociopathic standard of dealing with co-workers and friends.

Confrontation and picking sides in a dispute between two friends is never easy.


The only thing I noticed Jimmy said to Opie, "Ant was the one that was fired", so there is a fact with alot of extra details, like you opie were not fired so maybe we expect more from you opie.

Jimmy needs this paycheck and Jimmy wants this paycheck and he will deal with Opie's crazy to get it.

Ant moving the show to the City could be very interesting in 2 years when Norton is free, but I believe Ant can't match Sirius paycheck, so I think its the o&j show for a long time.

Do this: Go to work, assuming you have a job, and tell your boss how and why he sucks and to change those things because they are unfair to you. ** THATS WHY LIL YIMMY IS QUIET. WHY SHOULD HE LOSE FANS?** Of course I was waiting for Jim to verbally deconstruct Opies' entire illusion of ego, but that's not how being employed works. At all. Ever.


*is losing/has lost, but I understood that's what you meant and I'm not going to get all gay about it and suck a bunch of peckas a couple years ago.

At one point he (Jim) said that he watched the video and told Opie something like "if you actually did not see it, it was not that bad" unless I didn't hear right or was hallucinating. But what a douche pretending he didn't watch it. Same with the Fezzie hypnosis, the cunt posts up the video.....but only the less bashing part.

i find it odd opie says he didnt watch or listen... yet within 15 minutes he had tweeted the burning bridge thing. i believe he heard/saw it.

jimmy is in an odd spot, he really is like the child of opie and anthony. He's got ant's humor, timing and wit but Opies primadonna narcisitic "fish story" telling out of ass talking anger issues. There's quite a few clips of Jimmy acting like opie when something doesn't work or an internet isn't catering to his whim at the drop of the hat or going off on tangents when he clearly doesn't know what he's talking about.

'member "primadonna jimmy"? I don't blame him AT ALL he was totally new to radio and when this self obessed greggshell keeps reminding you "I've been doing this since I was 18" like he's some sort of zen master at it, ofc yimmy is going to pick up bad habbits.

He's in a VERY uncomfortible position, as Heir Cumia has said angry opie is not a good opie to have around, if Yimmy pokes the bees nest and no Anthony there to share the brunt with, it would make his time there hell. He's also out numbered with Sam sucking the greggshell man tits.

We need a crowdfund or change.org or hashtag to let anthony get custody of Jimmy. #SaveLilYimmy

Lilcumia is one of those circle-jerk ass lick fans that makes it impossible for the rest of us to enjoy TACS. Did you not listen to the show? Norton didn't sit there all quiet at all, he addressed Opie on a number of issues. Exactly the opposite of what you said, happened.

I don't think Opie saw it. He has been doing the exact shit Ant pointed on his show. Throwing around how long he's been doing radio, how he's a multimillionaire. I think someone gave him a few of the topics that Ant touched on and that's it. Jimmy even told Opie he should watch it cause Opie was defending himself against something Ant did not say.

Great point. He absolutely should have played the audio from Ant's "Greggshells" show. Ridiculous that he didn't.

why he is lost fans?



I think some of the dislike for Jimmy might come from the fact that he wants to hold debates/conversations with really intelligent people but I'm listening to a British citizen explain the stamp act to him right now. A British citizen is explaining the history of the country Jimmy was born, lives and works in.. yeah.

he dropped out of highschool 30yrs ago. i graduated highschool 14yrs ago...i couldnt tell you what the stamp act is about.

Bragging about not knowing things.. awesome.

EDIT: It's like i'm living the prequel to Idiocracy.

The Stamp Act is at best a minor blip on the way to the taxes that really got the American Revolution going. If Jim didn't know what the Boston Tea Party was about, I would say he was uneducated. But you are mixing intelligence with education, which is unfair anyway.

In other words, the Stamp Act is a detail reserved for scholars and American Revolutionary War enthusiasts, not something that anyone who isn't in AP History would remember from school 30 years later.

Lighten up!

You're replying to an argument that ended an hour ago by my own concession.

Sorry, but you really didn't concede anything. You apparently just agree that Opie or Jimmy are "not exactly geniuses", which I disagree with.

But I don't don't mind not arguing, that's fair.

Good one! Especially given how you started your argument.

sigh He's still replying..

where do i come across as bragging? I'm not. Its just i dont know what entails.

i could understand if i came here saying "if you know what thats about you're a nerd fag"

I'm sure 80% of the people in this sub dont know what its about.

You could guess what the stamp act is if you know the major catalyst for the American Revolution was taxes and then infer what it means. It's not like trying to dissect the treaty of Versailles.

EDIT: But you know, the stamp act had nothing to do with mentally ill men and their craving to possess female genitalia and gobble strange cock for money so why did I even expect Jim to know anything about it?

i havent listened to the show so i havent heard any of the audio, so I dont know the context. you're talking about Opie & Jim radio, not American History on XM 223.

EDIT: true. also have you heard some of the questions these 2 ask their guests? like i said not exactly geniuses.

have you heard some of the questions these 2 ask their guests

Fuck, that's where I have to concede my argument. You're right.

Everything you wrote us true, on opposite day.

Did you take this poll by shoving your finger up your ass or....

Seriously, get help ya fucking weirdo.

I'm not one of the ones who downvoted you but wtf are you talking about polls?

He could have spoke alot more if he wanted to, but he did challenge Opie on some key points. and I don't blame him for staying quiet. That was some awkward shit with the sobbing and whatnot.

What does the "sloth" name refer to? I've been a little out of the loop with Opie and Jim, I've only been listening to Anthony lately.

I think you or someone else said it but Jim's silence was deafening and spoke volumes and when he spoke it was walking on gregshells but it was real enough.

True he did, but in a very paycheck securing way

He knew Opie watched it like the rest of us. He never questioned the tweet responses right after or all the detail he went into. Opies the boss and Jim is co-host of a shit show.