0  2015-04-09 by CivilianConsumer

Hi gang, Opie here, still excited that OPIEnoanthonyRADIO shows up as a channel on my car radio. Hey instead let's call it Opie101! Huh? 101 is taken? Howard103 available.? He's not having it eh? Fuck it then call it OPIE RADIO, because the name Opie is synonymous with excellent RADIO broadcasting. So Howard has 2 measly channels but I own the whole fucking RADIO BITCHES. YOLO BTW send me your funny viral videos so the moist envelopes from YouTube keep showing up. Send to OPIE RADIO VIDEO DEPARTMENT, my handlers will handle the rest. Upload the uploads in your face buy my slobbo shirts Erock loves it when you do that


can you repeat that?

Sorry I didn't read your reply, and I'm not gonna read your replies, but my handlers sayin' that you replied you want to stick your dick in my ear while shouting I'm not funny?

ok, terrific