Anyone else gone back to the beginning?

6  2015-04-08 by [deleted]

Since both shows are pretty mediocre (O&J and TACS) I decided to go back to their first show at WNEW in 1998 and listen to every O&A show in order, it's definitely a lot better even in those early days. Anyone else doing the same?


Uh, no.

I tried doing that a couple years ago. The show is mediocre and dated until you get around late 2000 though when they've switched to a full time talk show and had some time to work out the kinks. Save yourself time and just skip to that.

I'm doing that right now starting in the 2000s. Knowing what I know now, there's definitely some "hilarious in hindsight" moments. Such as hearing Anthony talk about his wife and Opie's girlfriend's friendship.

I wish there were more WAAF shows online. the Nick Carter WBCN radio war was amazingly brutal.


The XM and E-Lo days are the best. Jimmy doing Ramone is the funniest thing he's ever done.



I did that after Ant got fired, but I started when they announced their return to Free FM as I'd only heard clips from then. Their best era IMHO

I listened to the show today too. I enjoyed it. I just like those guys, and enjoy hearing them talk about anything.

Your opinion on everything is shit. Fuck off and die already.

Maximum butthurt achieved.

Every show?

I thought I was a no life faggot. Oh my god.

Please don't criticize opie anymore. Or anything that breathes. You are underneath all forms of life.



Would rather watch a funny, relevant show like TACS than go back to hearing about the empties brotherman.