Is it just me or...

0  2015-04-08 by UrielCho

Does it feel like O&A ripped on Scott and Todd so much they kinda turned Into them? I mean no disrespect to yimmy cause that'll make him the hole but... Yeah


Id say its closer to opie being The Todd Show and then you have PFG Live From The Compound

One difference, neither Scott or Todd started shitting on each other after they went their separate ways. They're both classier than Opie and Anthony.

Opie has always been Todd Pettingill

Cause Opie is the one who does impressions and made a career doing comedy songs?

I was going to say a talentless hack, who loves doing bits.

Nah opie is the drama queen who is obsessed with being " hip" and " youthful " who is trying to push his " unfunny old man " out the door but when reality stuck opie is the shitty one by himself and any becomes even more of a genius

Not like that but in the sense that Anthony was an older gentleman who the younger Opie wanted gone because he wanted his vision of the show to come true. Then once it did everyone prefered 'Scott's show' despite it being 'Todd's' big plan to appeal to a younger hotter demo.

That's actually the best way I could of put it but I wanted to throw In the terminology they'd use to shit on s&t
