Anthony may not have met Opie's kids, but did Boo Hoo ever reach out to meet Beavis?

70  2015-04-08 by billsinthefridge


To be fair though, Anthony doesn't have any grapefruit beer at his house, so its not very welcoming

I'll bet there's an old dusty case of grapefruit beer in Ant's fridge. It was Opie's wedding gift. He forgot to bring it because he was in such a hurry and was too embarrassed to tell anyone.

How does beer collect dust in the fridge? Was it put in dusty?

It must have been, but that just creates more questions.

It proves how early Ant picked up the wedding gift and therefore how much the wedding meant to him.

I hope by the end of the movie, after the big fight, Ant shows up holding the dusty box and tearfully says "I forgot... because I was so excited to see you!"

That's the moment where all of the ladies lose it and we comfort them, ensuring at least some titty action later on.


ME: The opester used to drink a little beer. A little bit. I'm a parent now so good try.

Im sure the opester used to be a pretty wild guy, I can just picture it now, a young fresh face ope-meister, first year in college, chuggin down brews, crushin emptys, and then playing "Finger the Freshmans Shitpussies" with Jim Chandler and all the cool frat dudes up at Geneseo, good times, good times

On a serious note did Boo hoo ever invite Bobo or Big A to his place?

Ant is a saint he invites poor rejects to his house.


He was included and on the outside Opie seems like a less horrible freak...

edt: side note I never really fully comprehended the ... before but it makes sense in this case to me.



Why the fuck would anyone introduce Ant to their children?

Yeah, Vinnie!

ME: I asked Beavis if we could go talk this out over a nice warm saucer of melk. No response.

Little Beavis is suffering the most in this goddamn divorce.

It stinks and I don't like it.

Opie should really apologize to Beavis.

I wondered if Anthony was ever invited to meet his daughter (baptism, holiday party, etc). I have a feeling that Anthony may have been excluded from such events therefore never invited somewhere that he'd have the opportunity to meet Opie's kids.

So if Opie was complaining about Ant not seeing his house, did he ever go to the compound? I don't remember it. I know Jimmy's visited it quite a bit, even recently, but not Opie.

It is kind of telling that it didn't even come to Ant's mind to bring that up but Opie was all like, "My ex-boyfriend didn't even see the mansion his talent bought me! Boo hoo hoo!"

Yes he did. It was mentioned quite a few times on the show.

Mentioned in this video at 3:35 -

Not linking it to the exact time as it's all worth listening to.

Good goddamn point.



Beavis should have starred in that fraternity video clip.