The people in the TACS subreddit are more sympathetic towards Opie than r/opieandanthony

0  2015-04-08 by JogMogBogo

Compare the comments on opie-related posts in each subreddit, it's pretty obvious.

Either TACS users aren't as biased towards the bandwagon non-independent thinking that most of you do or they haven't been enlightened by the genius of the insightful opie analysis that goes on here.

Opie is obviously a dumb narcissistic unfunny lying cunt etc etc... but this really is a "hater site" by any objective definition. That is the purpose of it and reason most of you go here. And it's easily the biggest opie and anthony place of discussion anywhere.

Anthony doesn't manipulate the hate (people on the TACS subreddit would hate opie more or at least just as much) nor did everyone individually think about opie and come to the same conclusion. You all perpetually add to the exaggerated hateful attitude towards opie.

Why does no one acknowledge the biased mob mentality that goes on here?


People do all the fucking time, this is a terrible terrible place, what the fuck are you talking about?


Yes because we thrive on being able to say something goofy and make another person somewhere laugh while making something else somebody said seem stupid, we love having a place where we can be ruthless for no reason, OnA transformed alot of people to have this mentality and now we dont have a show brutalizing people to feed our need for hearing someone be destroyed,so we do it to each other here and have a fun time doing it, as florentine would say, "its fuckin beautiful", also kind of depressing, but shit isnt that what life is all about?


Ya could say that I guess, I see it as more of a bunch of guys who dont have a group of people to sit at the bar with and talk about OnA and our embarrassing love for it, so we come here to all meet up, endlessly shit on each other and the characters we've grown to love, and be ruthless dickheads, and ya know what? One day its gonna pay off!!!!!........oh right, nevermind that last part

Heil Anthony.

I did chuckle at the presumption by the OP that we'd need Wikipedia's explanation of "Groupthink" as if it were an obscure concept.


The TACS subreddit is more 'professional' since Ant and Keith post semiregularly.

All the vitriol is pointless. TACS can't complete with the O&J show when it comes to guests, financing or even the number of listeners. That doesn't mean fans of Anthony are going to stop subscribing to TACS. If O&J fans want to keep the old fires burning and make everyday Jocktober when it comes to TACS, what can anyone, including Anthony himself, do about that?

So instead you'd rather us follow your groupthink?

