I guess I'm one of the few who thinks the whole Bam thing crosses a line.

132  2015-04-08 by Scoop216

I mean some people even bring the guy's kids into it. I look at his wife and kids as civilians in this whole thing. Even if she had a relationship with Bam and made a private video, I don't see why that's even a big deal. That's her personal life, she's not on the radio. Just comes off as classless in my opinion. Have at me'


Opie helped fester a rabid, brutal fanbase and he's somehow shocked when it turned on him and things got ugly.

He contributed in creating this monster.

I don't remember ant sicking the dogs on people really. It was always opie using his army of idiot savants to deface peoples existence.

Ant had definitely said "pests attack" before and has said horrific things about people's families too.

Ant is also the guy who sometimes attacks people on Twitter by finding pictures of their wives and shitting all over them.

I know he is worshipped in here but he's no saint either.

The only person this sub worships is Fez

What about Piss Lord Dennis Falcone

...and that "What do you do, character?" ambulance-chasing lawyer from a few years ago.

Oh, and Colin Kane.

Fez, Col, and Patrice. And sometimes Larry King.

I wouldn't say we worship Fez as much as OBEY FEZ


5'6" tall, 344 lbs. Fez Whatley has a pussy.

Fatty pneumonia

Fatty pneumonia

I worship the patron saint of Coke Floats, thanks

You're right. It was always Opie screaming like some retard exited after hearing the ice cream truck siren calling pests to launch attacks, while Ant was always just laughing over what's going on. Ant rarely commanded anyone to do shit.

Anthony =Saruman ; Opie =Wormtongue.

Anybody know what this guy is talking about?

"Don't blame me mom and dad! You made me like this!"

Ironically 90% of these guys are new fans who got on board due to youtube, a lot of them weren't even around when there were "pests".

you really think @OpieRadio on youtube can really get people on board with O and J?

Microwaving marshmallow peeps in 2015?

No I mean people who got into the show by listening on youtube. Jason A Yeiter, Steven Knight's accounts etc. I think some people listen to shows from 2006 and like to retroactively pretend they're involved in the community as it was back then somehow.

I started listening around 2009, past the Pest heyday, but the Jocktobers 2011-2013 were sort of a Renaissance of Obnoxiousness.

Yeah I did miss out on some stuff but the Jocktober days have been well spent.

Fuck you maaaan, you weren't there maaaaaan, you don't know what it's like. Being a pest used to mean something, it really meant something.


He always said that the fans would turn on him like Willard's rats. He knew it was only a matter of time.

  1. Its Opie and Anthony fans 2. Its the even smaller circle of fans who use Reddit 3. Class has gone out the window along fuckin time ago my friend

fore. It's the same kind of thrill a teenage boy gets from throwing bricks through windows with none of the risk or exercise real antisocial behavior entails. Perfect for an edgy Pest Sergeant with literally nothing to risk or lose.

But didn't he also say things about peoples families so wouldn't it be fair? I heard that type of humour on OnA all the time

I know he's been brutal, so if there are examples of him going after people's families, then that is indeed a very fair point.

The one that always pops in my head when this comes up is when they went after Howies daughter.

What about when he told a dumb caller's kid that Santa wasn't real?

that was great.

To be fair, Howie's daughter put herself out there, so IMO she's free game.

One instance where they did back down was with Don and Mike when Don's wife died. They put effort into it and made it clear that pests should absolutely leave the man alone on that, and more or less ended the feud with D&M because of it.

But I'm sure there are just as many instances where they've been brutal with people or family members...but they were probably public or offered that info up.

I'm in the middle on this one. I personally think it's in bad taste and I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't condone doing it, but you reap what you sow.

There wasn't 5,000 of them doing it for months straight to the person.

She was an adult. And they went after her performance when she was acting in public. It was Fair game.

What does her being an adult have to do with it, weren't Greggshells wife and Bam both adults when they "allegedly" made the private video? The point is that Opie didn't seem to have a "line" about peoples family so he should expect the same treatment. As far as her performance being performed for a public audience, I can see that point but then again Bam isn't quite known as a private fellow.


even if Opie did go after other peoples families his kids and wife had nothing to do with it. So it's one of those issues I think we gotta take the high road on it for the most part. And I just never cared if Bam fucked his wife, every girl I have been with has fucked someone else so whatevs.

I'm glad we, as a subreddit, can look to /u/I_Hug__Niggers_ as a moral compass

Surprised that "I_H_N" got downvoted so much; I'm in agreement.

yeah it would be fair but I hold myself to a higher standard than Opie. that said, I don't mind other people doing it.

Yeah, Opie did. Not his wife or his kids. And if O&A went after people's families, what does that have to do with us? It makes Opie's family fair game for the people he attacked if they wanted to stoop to that level. We're not a part of that.

Its the same thing Bob Kelly complains about how just because the fans hear Jimmy make fun of him on the air, they think its fine for them to go on twitter and call him a "fat piece of shit" out of nowhere. And then they get angry when he blocks them.

No one's going after his family really. We just all assume it's the express route to #annoyedOpie. If it didn't get him so riled up none of us would bring it up.

But I heard him say " I guess they call me Greggshells or something, like that bothers me" and yet everyone still calls him that, even though it clearly doesn't bother him.

Wait it really does bother him...

Hence the popularity of "Greggshells" and Margera jokes.

The Bam shit comes from an article that Opie was super pissed about on-air. It's from a rumor started by Ben Sparks I think. They had Bam on the air to prove it was false. I always took it as false. I think most people think it's not true. But Opie got really pissed off about it and I think that's why its a joke. Just cuz he got super pissed off

Plus, that fuck-up Opie brought it up on the air, when it should have remained a personal, OFF-AIR matter. Once he brought Stern's kids into a little on-air bit a few years ago (on top of the personal matters from so many other people), anything with him is fair game.

Yea. "My vah-Gina!" When Stern's daughter was nude in a play (how's her acting career going? It had to be around 10 years ago).

Many years after the Bam radio I always thought of it more of an embarrassment of the former producers who believed that rumor to actually be true. It wasn't til this subreddit ran with it that I think people really used it against Opie. Just because it's a sore spot

I don't think Lynsi actually has a sex tape with Bam Margera. I think they just went off of "she's a groupie from philly, who is a trashy Philly celebrity we can say she has a sex tape with"

I agree, and I honestly still believe Opie's story on the whole Bam sex-tape controversy. But Opie's hypocrisy is incredible, and the shitheads who make these types of threads on here don't seem to be very familiar with what the show was, or the kind of fan base it had created.

When Opie was crying on the air "I don't deserve the shit I get online", did anyone believe that? He absolutely did

The show he did for decades was a show about being an asshole, being mean to other people & talking shit. They were horrible to many many people who probably didn't "deserve" it but no one had a problem with that. All the radio shows Facebook pages, freaks off the street, jocktobers, essentially any comedian or comedy actor who wasn't a NY cellar comic & many more example were shit on unnecessarily. And now, the same fans that ate that shit up, should just back down & let Opie do a terrible hacky radio show? Not only does Opie deserve this, he deserves it more than anyone possibly could. Because if he didn't allow mean assholey humor on his show he'd have no show

Not only was that the show that made him millions, he was the biggest one pushing that. He was the one who was proud of being "The Destroyer" he was the one who thought it made him edgy that he took low blows. However, Stern says something about his dad, or someone makes a joke about his wife, and it's unacceptable.

Opie was proud of being a dick, stomping cakes, and trying to say the most inappropriate thing (because he couldn't be witty), so I don't feel sorry for him now. Also, if his wife did make a sex tape with Bam it isn't a big deal, but it's the fact that Opie made it a big deal.

He fucking killed Richard Jeni and Steve C

It was in a New York gossip column so it was already out there.

because he's a sensitive boy he had to address it. and remember when he turned on ant and started a fight with him that day when ant was trying to make the show funny again and all opie wanted to do was whine for the THIRD hour about it.

jesus fucking christ.

Two wrongs don't make a right. What Opie did was classless and going after opies wife and children is equally as classless. It doesn't all the sudden change the fact it's a douchebag move on your part just because Opie was the first to do it.

Your parents raised a shit head just as bad as Opie.

My response to "two wrongs don't make a right", is fair is fair. Turnabout is fair place, I always say, and you're pretty goddamn stupid.

Nah going after people's families who aren't involved just makes you a major douche. You're no better than Opie. Congratulations.

Not to mention opies kids are still children and when Opie attacked sterns daughter she was an adult being criticized for something she did publicly. I don't see how it's the same.

Fuck you

Oh how edgy. You must of listened to O&A.

Streisand Effect

No. The Streisand effect is when you try to bury it. Opie brought it to the show.

but he brought it to the show to try and squash it early on.

Which is not the Streisand effect

it's similar enough that your correction wasn't warranted. trying to hide a rumor and having it backfire vs. trying to debunk a rumor and having it backfire. you're just playing semantics dude. you're panicking. litigious.

No. The Streisand effect is trying to erase all discussion.

which opie was trying to do by denying it immediately.

No. That's not the Streisand effect. The Streisand effect is trying to delete something like it never happened.

No. In the Streisand effect you don't say anything. You try to act like nothing was ever said. You try to get articles erased.

opie only brought it up on the show to try to nip it in the bud and get no one to believe it so it doesn't spread. bringing it up on the air was just a ham handed attempt to erase the whole thing but instead the publicity just made it spread when it wouldn't have in the first place. it's slightly different than what Streisand herself actually did but the guy referring to what happened as the Streisand effect is close enough.

That's not the Streisand effect


from wikipedia: The Streisand effect is the phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet.

I completely agree. They're funny, I think it takes it too far because it's about people who've never been on-air, but it would be hypocritical of me to complain about it unless a thread like this pops up basically asking how we feel.

Speaking of hypocrites, I think the biggest disappointments on here are the people who say "come on guys, let's take this comment out of context and rile up the Gawker gang to get Opie fired." Seriously, you cunts? You want to strengthen that group of shitheels for short term gain and longterm misery? Fuck any of you who've ever polluted this subreddit with that kind of horseshit, weak principled, intellectually fraudulent pieces of shit.

If nine eleven (9/11) taught us anything, it's the whole "enemy of my enemy is my friend" strategy only leads to grief and tribulation.

Then nine eleven didn't teach us anything

Exactly on the 2nd part. You may think the show stinks now, but to try and get the guy fired is in no way anything that they would have ever condoned.

Well said. There really has been some hardcore cognitive dissonance going on with some members of this sub.

I'm not up voting what you said. But ever since Luis J. Gomez said Nerd Convention. I can't stop calling everything a nerd convention.

Fuck you, nerd convention

Fair enough.

It would of led to a led pencil being broken.

It would of led

you stupid fuck


Why it's open season on the whole show:

Opie & Anthony: Dead Daughter Caller


I laughed the hardest I have EVER done. PERIOD.

Shut the fuck up with this horseshit.

edit: Oh shit, I just listened to this and laughed as hard all over again.

The very first clip I ever heard of O&A was back when they were behind the paywall on XM and would occasionally play clips on the comedy channel.

It was of some girl who was sleeping with her dad's best friend and they were playing the daughter cold calling her dad live on the air to tell him about it.

In short, I don't think "Opie the Destroyer" ever really had any boundaries.

I remember that. I think it was fake though. The "daughter" sounded older than the "mother".

If it was fake he deserves even more hate

Ehh, I don't know. They used to shit on Howard pretty hard for using fake phone calls. I know, I know - they're hypocrites and all, but I'd think they'd shy away from shitting on other people for doing shit that they also do.

The people who keep pushing the Bam thing are the reason Opie thinks this whole sub is just "haters." They marginalize the legitimate Opie hate that the rest of us have

in opie's mind, it's impossible to hate him for legitimate reasons.

Do they "bamarginalize" it.

Margeranilized would have been better. But nice fawkin' try cocksucka

Who gives a fuck what he thinks? He used to talk shit about Wack Bag all the time, because god forbid every topic isn't quite riding his cock the way he likes.

pie tits thinks this whole sub is just "haters."

He thinks that because he's a disturbed cunt.



Sometimes I think this way. On the one hand it's shitty that his wife and kids who have no involvement are being dragged into this. They don't deserve that shit - I mean they live with Opie, they've suffered enough.

On the other hand, Opie is a guy I've heard brutally trash people on the show in a way that attacks some of their most personal shit imaginable. To be clear, I know O&A was/could be a very "mean" show. I didn't have a problem with that. Some of their meanest/darkest stuff is their funniest. Jim and Anthony making Laci Peterson jokes for over a year was terrible and hilarious. But you got the vibe that they knew that, and only did it because they could make it hilarious.

When Opie is "mean" on the show, it is completely different. He almost never was trying to make jokes, it was almost always just something he brought up because he had some petty vendetta against someone. It seems like a lot of it is people in the business that he just doesn't like. Not people who fucked him over, just people he has some minor beef with. But of course Opie can't handle that at all, so at the first opportunity he will go after them in the most brutal way he can think of. There are no jokes, it's not done to try to be funny or intentionally over-the-top. It's just a mean person taking low blows on air because someone hurt his pathetically delicate ego.

As an example, I just posted this elsewhere:

In early 2005, someone Opie used to work alongside in radio backed over their dog and killed him in their driveway. Opie forced the show to focus on that for fucking days. They had song parodies that they played on air, they all joked about it constantly, they had callbacks weeks and months later. I can upload clips if necessary. They made fun of the guy for being sad, they made fun of the guy's wife for publicly explaining her sorrow. I still don't even know what that person did to piss Opie off. He never explained it. The only thing I can assume is that it was someone who had an issue with O&a going onto satellite. But again, I don't know, because he never told us.

And that's far from the worst of it, shit like that was almost routine for him throughout the years, it just happens to be something I heard recently. But I always thought that was a shitty trait of his. It just made him seem like a genuinely mean and bad person. I don't make jokes about his wife/kids, but it's kind of hard for me to feel sympathy for him when other people do. And sometimes I do find them funny. The only shit I really have a problem with is when they aren't at least trying to be funny. I like my hate with at least a little bit of humor, which is how it mostly seems to be around here.

On principle, yeah they really shouldn't. But stepping outside the box for a second, this a guy who made his career by doing EXPLICITLY classless and over-the-line shit.

Deliberately fucking with Lady Di about her husband's suicide didn't "cross a line?" Stomping on a homeless guy's cake, then throwing a bill on the ground at him (which he used to explain "see, we're cool with the guy!" when the media actually caught on) didn't either? The mashup of Stern's daughter's "my VAGIIIIINNNAAA" performance with clips of him asking women if they did anal? Bobo and Intern David? Did any of Opie's white knights feel a twinge of conscience over Terry Clifford or any of the other Jocktober DJs who got completed obliterated online?

Don't get me wrong, I laughed at most of the above. But I can't fathom why anyone would feel genuine human sympathy for such an unsympathetic guy. I'm not a big believer in karma, but he's reaping what he's sewn. I'm sad a show I love is gone forever (and for Jimmy, to an extent), but O&A as individual people? Fuck 'em.

There is no such thing as too far

Yup. I expect someone from here to eventually just murder Opie in his home. Only then will I be satisfied.

I know that when /u/OpieSucks finally does this, I will help him with his Alibi.

I remember a simpler time. A time when /u/OpieSucks was a novelty whom everyone disagreed with. Oh, how wrong we were.

Truly he was the savior we needed, but we crucified him. Nows the second coming, and he comes with a message of forgiveness. Forgiveness and Opie sucking.

This. Fuck Opie, fuck his dead-eyed wife and fuck his kids, too.

And jesus christ, are you people stupid? You do know the reason this is even a thing is because of how much it bothered Opie, right? If he had just blown it off we wouldn't care. But we know it gets under his skin. Of course it's not clever. Who gives a fuck? It agitates Opie. That's enough.

Nah. Fuck you, asshole

Some of us have chosen to refrain, though I can't hold myself up a paragon of virtue in this case since I've posted some shitty jokes about Troy's dead girlfriend. It's the worst though when someone here complains about Opie not taking the legit criticism he gets here. Even if there was a lot of unbiased, well thought out criticism (there isn't), would anyone here seek out that type of criticism about themselves if they knew that to find it, they'd have to wade through a much larger amount of jokes and personal insults about your preschool-aged kids being entitled and your wife fucking an ex-boyfriend she likely hasn't seen or spoken to in a decade?

It doesnt cross a line, it comes from the humor of the show, to take a concept which is normally taboo and make the most disgusting exageration of it the normal.

Obviously Opie isnt doing radio while a guy from Jackass movies impregnates his wife in the same way Bonnie wasnt fucking black guys/John Stamos/Dane Cook/the neighbour behind Vos' back but in the context of the show it is funny.

I was all in with the Opie hate until they started bringing his family into it and that soured me on the whole thing. Pretty tasteless shit. Makes me wonder if some of you ever liked O&A.

I do too. Also think when it came up monday, Ant should've said "leave his wife and kids out of this" and made a joke instead of saying "I'm not going to comment, you guys can go nuts on reddit."

Manipulating the haters

I'm right there with you, but there are a lot of real cunts here.

shut up stupid

While I agree with you, since when do pests have class

Oh who gives a turkey.


Lan-lanwidge.... Langueage.... burp


I agree.

I agree with you. It's unfunny, tasteless, and none of the zeroes on here would tolerate that kind of shit if it were said about their significant others left hands.


That's the thing - I don't think there was ever even an allegation that he was with Opie's wife at any time after Opie knew/was dating her. It's a bunch of sad virgins who assume that, if a girl dated someone prior to her husband, the husband is a "cuckold."

No. It's just a silly thing to say about a guy we like to rag on. Most people don't mean anything by bringing it up other than "i want to get under your skin". He did sue a guy for 10 Million over it.

I would finger opies daughter if it would give you testicular cancer.

Opie is a faggot who never cared what was said about any of the Jocktober targets, or in fact any of the targets the fans have attacked without mercy over the years, but once the Tits is on the receiving end of it, he simply lactates some tears and the sympathy starts pouring in.

I hope Fez starts bullying him for crying and being crazy.

That's fair. I always assumed it was a completely bullshit rumor anyway, so I sometimes laughed at the absurdity of it. I would say much more of the Bam jokes have to do with the way Opie handled it on air than it does anything about his wife.

I don't like it that much because it might not be true, and there is so much to hate about Opie, so why lose credibility by hating something that might not be true

Just comes off as classless in my opinion.

Better adjust your fedora, don't want to look classless.

It certainly does, mocking people who are sick or have had people close to them die is fine tho. He cried on the radio now we have all these tits apologists? Fuck off

Which part? Mentioning his wife banging him? Calling Opie a step dad? Referring to his kids as potential professional skateboarders?

I think some of it isn't funny and some of it is. If you get creative with it, I don't see how it's different than any other joke. But it's fine if you don't care for it too.

I agree 100% with the OP - I've certainly piled on with the Opie hate these past few months, but comments about his kids or even who his wife may have fucked seemed to go too far.

he did bring this shit up on the show himself, then made a 2 days bit out of it

I agree completely. I never really liked it. He never ever brought his kids into his dumb videos so he must really want them to be left alone.

Regardless of the fact that his fat titted brain would immediately stoop to that level for someone else, I don't like saying shit about his wife fucking Bam Margera.

Yea don't say anything about Lyndsi Hughes fucking bam margera it could come up in google searches if we keep saying Lyndsi hughes fucked bam margera, and that would be wrong.


Couldn't agree more. Especially the kids. There's plenty of reasons to shit on opie, plenty of things to hate about him. The wife and kids are over the line. It's shitty.

The kids are shitty too. They are at best the product of a gold digger whore and a narcissistic cunt. At worst, the same whore and a half assed skateboarder celebrity.

When people justify bringing Opie's wife and kids into this shit by using Opie's "attack" on Howard's daughter they forget that Howard's daughter was willingly in a play(purposely putting yourself out in public) and an adult.

Opie's kids are 5 and 2. His wife has never sought any publicity or fame.

If you hate Opie for not being entertaining, that's fine. Try to ruin his life, whatever. But leave it at him.

The fact that it bothers him is why its funny

The Bam thing isn't really about his kids. It's about 'we know this will hurt his feelings'. We all figured out it was bullshit when it happened.


Too far... maybe. It makes me unconformable, it seems like people are trying to hard when they say the Bam shit. I don't really find it funny. Like maybe the first time it was. But now you have these people coming up with these stupid ass elaborate cuck stories. It's weird.

But what can you expect from the sociopaths that listen to the show?

The bam stories are a good way to keep rehashing something funny that jimmy used to say, again and again and again until it just becomes sad and pathetic, because some people are pretty simple like that. thats about all there is to them.

I'm cool with a passing "step kids" or "skateboarding" joke on here. I'd never tweet the shit though, just seems like a shitty thing to do. While I think all this bully culture stuff is bullshit, I don't think you have to go so far the other direction and just be cunty to people.

I'm only cunty on here. I'm a gentleman and a scholar elsewhere.

Luis J Gomez slipped in a Bam reference last night on LOS, Sammy didn't look too happy about it.

Good work /u/realassdude

i use the code of omar from The Wire and dont go after civilians or on sunday.

y'all fucked

Shut up Lady Trucker

Calm down, shit bird.

We're all shitheads, dummy

I chuckled at the jokes at first but really it's gotten old and just plain fucked how rabid some of you guys are to be honest.

It's not that it crosses a line, it's just irrelevant.

Civilian? Bam's sloppy seconds. http://i.imgur.com/NcNnmI8.jpg

I get why people make the Bam jokes: it's clearly what infuriates Opie the most. Still, there are so many legitimate things to shit on him for, it never really seemed necessary to me.


Anthony hasn't ever even mentioned it, as far as I know. I think one caller tried to fuck with him about it and he just laughed and hung up.


It's just not a funny "bit".

I just think 99% of those posts aren't even remotely funny or even clever. I could care less about people shit talking Lynsi.


Jim was spot on the other week about the haters: "Never underestimate what some people with no future and A LOT of time on their hands will do on the internet." Very true. It made me take stock on my life a bit.

apparently you have never listened to Jocktober, nor have you listened to Opie bash Howard.

As a person who abandoned the show, I agree with snoop wholeheartedly.


Just what we need, politically correct O&A fans. I hope Opie has his children squished in front of him because a drunken maniac in a stolen steamroller is having flashbacks of an old radio war.

douche chills


I remember listening to a patrice episode with Bill Burr on, and Opie and Anthony spent like 30min-an hour making fun of Howard Stern's kid doing a naked play. So fuck them, they deserve to have to see people make fun of their kids.

Well, ant won't have that problem, but whatever. I don't like stern, but I thought that crossed the line. If anything it's nice to see it coming back to haunt opie.

It doesn't cross the line so much as it was never, ever funny. It was like ari shaffir's attack on ol one arm.

Both are pretty funny to me

Ari Shaffir is an angry boy

I don't give a shit about his dumb wife and dumb kids, I just laugh at the Bam comments

he fucked with Ant's girlfriend, before he married Bam's leftovers when he was with the puerto rican chick

do you really expect anyone to respect this individual, he's lucky i havent written up anything on FH Rileys like other people have

Where might I find negative shit written about F.H. Riley's? I'm in the mood for a good laugh!

bam and her 69ed

haters gonna hate hate hate just cry on your radio show i guess

What a bunch of whining pussies on this thread. Opies wife and kids are never going to hear our little jokes. And opie deserves to hear them after the way he's conducted himself his entire career.


ah, ya tickled my funnybone

Anthony is the only one who crossed the line.

yup. A good tits line makes me laugh. Just saying bamfucker isn't clever or funny

Neither is just saying "tits"


That's the thing - I don't think there was ever even an allegation that he was with Opie's wife at any time after Opie knew/was dating her. It's a bunch of sad virgins who assume that, if a girl dated someone prior to her husband, the husband is a "cuckold."

I don't remember ant sicking the dogs on people really. It was always opie using his army of idiot savants to deface peoples existence.

The only person this sub worships is Fez

I would finger opies daughter if it would give you testicular cancer.

Shut up Lady Trucker

...and that "What do you do, character?" ambulance-chasing lawyer from a few years ago.

Oh, and Colin Kane.

Hence the popularity of "Greggshells" and Margera jokes.

5'6" tall, 344 lbs. Fez Whatley has a pussy.

Fatty pneumonia

Fatty pneumonia

Nah going after people's families who aren't involved just makes you a major douche. You're no better than Opie. Congratulations.

Not to mention opies kids are still children and when Opie attacked sterns daughter she was an adult being criticized for something she did publicly. I don't see how it's the same.

which opie was trying to do by denying it immediately.