You ever notice how often Anthony steals Jimmy's characters to fill dead air?

0  2015-04-08 by Ant_Sucks

We all quote Jim because we're fans, but we're not charging people to listen to us. He'll probably do it on the show again today. Have you ever known a comic to use another comic's material that often?

The glory days are over. You put the nail in the coffin yourself. Move on, faggot.


Because like most of us he finds all the characters funny too, and they're fun to do.




Anthony does it as an homage. It'd be stealing if he tried to pass it off as his own, which he clearly never does.

Anthony did it regularly on O&A right next to Jimmy. And it's not like he does bits with them. You're not going to hear Ant do a sick fukkin puppies song as Chip. He just does the one liners as a tribute more or less and almost always immediately says how much he misses Jimmy. You're a douche.

that's not true. Anthony has never done anything wrong ever and he's NOT racist.

Your on food stamps so shuduP

Yeah, I think Jim's probably cool with it.

But for such a good impressionist, Anthony's Chip is surprisingly mediocre.

Yeah, I think Jim's probably cool with it.

That's not the point. He shouldn't be keeping himself afloat comedically by ripping off other comics to begin with; whether he has their consent or not.

That's what hacks do.

Keeping himself afloat comedically?

Haters gonna hate.

I think its a bit of a crutch. Anthony needs a co-host but doesn't have the money/prospects to recruit someone. I really think the TACS numbers are grossly overrated by people here; the TACS subreddit is talked about quite a bit in the show, and they only have about 3000 people there, who I'm sure don't all pay (I don't for example).

The fact is, Ant set up his show with all that momentum from the firing, got sign ups, and then reached out to Jim to be a cohost (as he said in his AMA), and Jim looked at it, then re-signed with XM.

Recently he reached out to Ron after Fez left, had a lot of talks, Ron looked real close at the amount of viewers, amount of cash, amount of viewers he could bring on (which would be huge IMO), and Ron re-signed with XM.

I think these latest stunts are Ant trying to get as much publicity as possible, but he's really not a smart businessman. Why get the O&A replays off of XM where your previous fan base is most likely to hear you and see what you're up to? Why would you get rid of free advertising?

And does he honestly expect people to listen to a free two hour show one time and sign up for a few months? His absolute best bet would be to go free for a while and try to gain some steam. And do Fridays! People want as much extra content as they can. He needs to make his show a decent part of peoples lives, and one free show here and there that most don't even hear about wont attract people.

He's still selling himself like his content is in demand, but it's not. People enjoy hearing him, but he's not a part of their routine or someone they really want to hear. He needs to go free, get more viewers, try to build a network, then make it slightly paid (as in, last week of shows are free, archive requires subscription, or something similar).

I don't think he necessarily wanted to get the old replays off of the air, but he was tweeting, (which didn't always go well for him) about how Sirius didn't mind using his voice even though they had fired him. It was hypocritical, he is right, and Opie or Sirius management took it to seriously and took them off the air.

It probably is a slight crutch, everyone has them, but most of us don't have to (don't get to) make a living talking to a camera for two hours straight. Even on the old show they all had crutches and they had each other to bounce off of. It doesn't detract from the show for me at all.

As for the business part, I highly doubt he makes all those decisions himself. I would guess trying to hire Ron was real, he was just out bid by Sirius. Anthony is about as directly in competition with Sirius as any podcast could be. A lot of his subscribers jumped ship loudly and proudly directly from Sirius to his show, and actively attack Sirius on social media. The last thing that dying format needs is Anthony with a strong co-host. Say what you will about Opie's skill as a broadcaster, but he and Ant were extremely successful for a really long time (by radio standards). Hence the raises for Opie and Jimmy.

A bad business man would have over paid for Ron.

He's also getting advertising while on a channel people are already paying for, so someone must be listening.

I don't totally agree with you, but sorry you were downvoted. I hate when a long thought out post gets downvoted, but this subreddit is toxic.'re wrong.

And you're a faggot sycophant

Sez the George the Puppet bit-stealer.

Huh is this phase two?

Anthony never copies or imitates anything! Some of his best bits were from his own brain. I mean goo goo goo, hoo hoo, Alison, ohhh; all great one liners. Him and Opie got together because of that song that was all original and had no imitations. He would never use someone else's character for his own purpose. And they call Opie the Todd yet Anthony is the only one who does impressions, you'd swear they were the real people. Over grown child millionaire who surrounds himself with ball lickers and girls who know no better.

It's sad to listen to his show cuz all he does is all his old show references. He's also constantly bringing up the staff and the inside jokes they had like "ooohhh e rock!"

He's such a loser seriously he's even doing an offensive song contest!!! Wow I never heard that before!!! I bet the song about stupid black people will win!!! Lol but he's not racist lol. Old douche

Was this post deleted? I got your response but can't find it in /r/AntBallWashers.... Sorry, meant /r/OpieandAnthony

What the actual fuck are you talking about, I keep hearing about posts being deleted but they are all still up!

It's sad to listen to his show cuz all he does is all his old show references. He's also constantly bringing up the staff and the inside jokes they had like "ooohhh e rock!" He's such a loser seriously he's even doing an offensive song contest!!! Wow I never heard that before!!! I bet the song about stupid black people will win!!! Lol but he's not racist lol. Old douche

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