Another victim of Ari Shaffir's bullying

13  2015-04-08 by realassdude


This is the perfect response to that fat, deformed cunt.

Why is she a cunt?

Listing off all of your tragedies and crying about bullying as a grown adult in the comedy world? That is crazy, narcissistic behavior. Using sjw tactics to stop comedians from being able to joke about certain things is disgusting. I don't give a fuck about the fact that she is a woman, if a man did this, I'd call that cunt a cunt too.

Listing off all of your tragedies

and your sister's tragedy. That's pretty low.

I don't remember her saying she wanted comics to stop being able to do anything. What is an sjw?



And why would that be?

Ari's bit wasn't funny enough to warrent any of this. That fucking annoying loud mouth kike.

  • Joe Derosa


Now PETA's going to be posting a response